It happened that at about the same time I started researching nutrition and its effects on our health, in effort to get Demetrye's cholesterol down. You can read a quick recount of that story here. I was already recognizing the correlation between food and health.
Demetrye and I were eager to help Juliana to recover and stay alive. We, as believers in Christ, immediately went to prayer on her behalf, asking God to take away the disease completely. We absolutely believe that miracles are possible. However, both, Demetrye and I, also believe that in any instance we also need to pray for wisdom, to see what WE can do to assist the healing that God is so willing to provide. And so, we did pray for her healing and wisdom for her and ourselves.

It was not long before I checked out a ton of books on nutrition from the local library. As I was devouring them at any free moment, I found more and more staggering evidence that diseases, such as breast cancer, are not only preventable, but can also be reversed. Yes, you read it right: REVERSED!!!
>>T. Colin Campbell, PhD, found in his controlled laboratory studies in experimental animals that "cancer growth can be turned on and off by nutrition, despite very strong genetic predisposition" (The China Study).
>>Kristine Nolfi, M.D., was able to successfully reverse her breast cancer on two occasions, with no medication (Raw Food Treatment of Cancer). When she initially reversed breast cancer, at the advise of her doctor she had returned to her previous (pre-cancer) diet, the cancer returned. At that point she reverted to pure, raw food diet to permanently become cancer free.
>>Verne Verona (although I don't fully agree with the entirety of his nutritional view) had lost most of his family members to cancer and set out on a quest to save himself from an early death (Nature's Cancer Fighting Foods). He beat the odds and lived healthy and beyond his family's life expectancy.
I can go on and on with examples that will confront the traditional views on cancer treatment and prevention, but I think I made my point by now--cancer CAN BE PREVENTED AND REVERSED!!!
Now, to get back to Juliana. Demetrye and I had spent quite a bit of time with her in the months that followed. We prayed for hear healing and rejoiced together when cancer had stopped spreading and she was taking off chemo therapy. We had fervently shared information that we were discovering ourselves. We pleaded with her to change her diet and go on fully vegan diet to defeat the monstrous disease once and for all. The trouble was that Juliana was a certified nurse and wholeheartedly believed that she understood nutrition, while her refrigerator was filled with eggs, milk, butter and other animal products. She assumed that she was safe because they were organic.
It was not long before the cancer came back full force. The doctors told her that there was nothing else they could do, and advised for her to prepare to die. It was at about that time that I remember kneeling in front of her and pleading to try a new approach to overcoming cancer. She had nothing else to lose and everything to gain. Unfortunately she was unwilling. Within a couple of short months thereafter, she passed on, leaving behind grieving family and friends.
The pictures that you see in this post were captured by me, at Juliana's request when the monstrous killer (cancer) stopped for but a breath of a moment. She wanted to capture her struggle and her faith, which is evident in these photos.
It is because of Juliana and millions of others, needlessly dying, I want to shout from the rooftop that NUTRITION IS THE ANSWER to preventing MOST premature, painful and unnecessary deaths. I would rather be mocked than see another human being eat him(her)self to death. Unfortunately I cannot convince everyone that what I know is true, but if I can help even one soul to live a healthier, longer and more productive life, I have succeeded.
I am not going to belabor this post with more scientific facts today, but would like to direct you to an article that you will find eye opening: Breast Cancer Deception. It won't take long to read, and will cost you nothing. So, please take a few minutes for YOU and educate yourself.