Who cares about your health? It is certainly not the big pharmaceutical companies that stand to lose you as their CLIENT. It is at times not even your doctor, who should have your well-being in mind. My husband's case is a prime example. When he tried to come off his cholesterol medication his doctor was more than reluctant to let him (not that it would have held us back in our decision to do it anyhow). Instead of looking into my husband's diet the doctor tried to convince us that Demetrye's problem was hereditary and he is stuck with it until the day he dies.
So, who cares about your health? It is people who stand to gain little to nothing by helping you. It is nutritionists, naturopaths (although I might not agree with all of their methods), local organic farmers and, above all, it should be YOU!!! YOU, yes, YOU should be your primary advocate!!! Don't believe everything you hear from your doctors, on the news or even what you read in a medical journal. Do your homework!!! Research, research, research!!! Your first response to the bad news should not be heading to the local drug store or going under a knife. Your first response should be examining yourself to see if there is anything you are not doing that can be done to save or improve your health. Be PROACTIVE about your health, not REACTIVE!!!
Here is a prime example of medical and pharmaceutical associations/organization not giving a care about the truth that can help millions become well. I hope it will outrage you as much as it does me.
And here is a tribute to all of us who care about general public's well-being.