While getting some work done today I got a bit hungry. I wanted something easy, filling and delicious. I just had the thing for me, sitting in the fridge. We had my Mom and my nephew Andrew for dinner last night, and I had salad left over. Today I just added a handful of blueberries that picked up at our local CSA, sprinkled the salad with Honey Mustard dressing and served it to myself with half a bagel. Amazingly delicious and simple!!! You have to try it!

● Dark-leaf lettuce
● Lambsquarters
● Red onion
● Radishes
● Carrots
● Pumpkin seeds
● Cherries
● Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
● Blueberries
● Served with Honey Mustard dressing that I got from Simple Raw Food Mamma (click on the link and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the recipe).