Yesterday was the last day of our 21 day Daniel fast. We all felt amazing, although I have to admit I was missing my occasional slice of bread. So, today, for lunch I had tomato sandwiches [mmm...mmm... GOOD!], with wheat pasta mixed with fermented and fresh veggies and more fermented raw vegetables on a side. Let me tell you: IT WAS GOOD! I had treated myself to some bread and I think I am satisfied for another week or so to go without.
The main thing with any food item/group that is not wholly good for you is not to overdo it if you choose to occasionally indulge in it. Although the bread I had was freshly made at home, the fact that the flour was not freshly ground and it had yeast in it already added stress on my digestion. [I hope we all know that yeast is not good for us--leavened breads bring too much harmful bacteria in our gut, especially when eaten excessively, and especially by those on the SAD (Standard America Diet)]. [make sure to click on the links and look through--you will find a lot of valuable information that will help you make sense of the statements I just made]
Those who followed Daniel Fast that do not normally adhere to a Vegan Whole Foods diet need to be very careful in breaking the fast. During the time of the fast your bodies have detoxed and cleansed, although partially, from your old diet and have become more sensitive to what you ate: hopefully all plant foods. Now that you are done with the Fast, the biggest mistake would be to dive into consuming animal products head long. You will be asking for a lot of pain, drainage of physical energy [it takes a lot to digest flesh products], and poor digestion among many other things. Take care to SLOWLY reintroduce the foods you know you will be bringing back. Better yet, I hope this fast showed you how easily you can live without extra foods that you thought were a necessity and you will continue on with your newly formed habits.
After all think of it this way: MY BODY IS A TEMPLE! NO TRASH ALLOWED!
Really! If you have to make a sign and put it on your fridge and all around your house--do it ! You get only one body for your entire life and you will get out of it only what you put into it. Take care of it now and it will take care of you later.
Now, on a whole different, none-food related topic: I am SO excited! I finally received my birthday present: Canon 780IS HD camera!!! As a professional photographer I am SUPER excited: I finally got a camera that I can slide into my purse instead of bringing a whole camera bag with me. It is tiny--fits in the palm of my hand, AND has an HD video capability. I only tried it out for several minutes and cannot wait to do more. I might even start featuring HOW TO videos on the blog! I will be going to bed and dreaming of all the possibilities now. [I know it does not take much to get me excited ;)].
For now I wish you Good Night, and... LIVE AN UNPROCESSED LIFE!

Those who followed Daniel Fast that do not normally adhere to a Vegan Whole Foods diet need to be very careful in breaking the fast. During the time of the fast your bodies have detoxed and cleansed, although partially, from your old diet and have become more sensitive to what you ate: hopefully all plant foods. Now that you are done with the Fast, the biggest mistake would be to dive into consuming animal products head long. You will be asking for a lot of pain, drainage of physical energy [it takes a lot to digest flesh products], and poor digestion among many other things. Take care to SLOWLY reintroduce the foods you know you will be bringing back. Better yet, I hope this fast showed you how easily you can live without extra foods that you thought were a necessity and you will continue on with your newly formed habits.
After all think of it this way: MY BODY IS A TEMPLE! NO TRASH ALLOWED!
Really! If you have to make a sign and put it on your fridge and all around your house--do it ! You get only one body for your entire life and you will get out of it only what you put into it. Take care of it now and it will take care of you later.
Now, on a whole different, none-food related topic: I am SO excited! I finally received my birthday present: Canon 780IS HD camera!!! As a professional photographer I am SUPER excited: I finally got a camera that I can slide into my purse instead of bringing a whole camera bag with me. It is tiny--fits in the palm of my hand, AND has an HD video capability. I only tried it out for several minutes and cannot wait to do more. I might even start featuring HOW TO videos on the blog! I will be going to bed and dreaming of all the possibilities now. [I know it does not take much to get me excited ;)].
For now I wish you Good Night, and... LIVE AN UNPROCESSED LIFE!