Green Smoothie: Beets and Oranges, and a Winner of Coconut Bliss Giveaway Announced

Today is a day to kick back and do as little as possible.  After an intense workout, remodeling for several hours [thankfully we are getting SO close to the finish line], and then doing a shoot for charity I had little energy left.  I thought that as tired as I was I would be asleep in no time.  Alas!  I was so tired that I could not fall asleep until 2 am!  I ended up working on the project that I am going to unveil soon [stay tuned!  I am so excited already!].  Needless to say that when I woke up I had little energy left.  

A green smoothie helped to kick off the day.

Oranges and Beet Greens
Makes 4 servings
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 cup George's Aloe Vera 
  • 2-3 oranges
  • 1 large ripe mango
  • 2 huge handful of beet greens [I had more stems this time, that is why the smoothie turned out red instead of green]
  • 5 tbs hemp seeds
  • 4 tbs dulse
  • 3 tbs maca powder
Light and delicious, and of course, super nutritious.

Now, before I get to the second part of this blog, I have a question to ask.  

In the next few days I will issue a challenge that will change your health if you respond. Easy, and I will walk you through it. Interested? If you are, drop a note below. 

Now on to the second part of this post. I am sure that everyone that has entered the drawing for Coconut Bliss giveaway is excited to find out if they won.  This time around I thought that surely you would love to find out the good news from me personally.  So, here it is: 

Coconut Bliss Winner from Elena Wilkins on Vimeo.
[if you are getting this as RSS feed and the video is not coming through, click on the link and you will be taken to Vimeo to see it]

Audrey, you are the winner!  Shoot me an e-mail with your mailing address and I will get your gift out to you, so you can enjoy a pint of your favorite CB ice cream.  Let me know what you end up trying. 

I love giveaways so much, that I will be hosting a few more product reviews AND giveaways in the days to come.  And they get only better :)

Also, since I love my readers so much, I have to let you know that A Bitt of Raw is hosting a Chia giveaway you can enter,  AND Earth Mother In The Raw is giving away a Candida Cleanse Kit. So, don't miss out. 

BUT, before you head off, DON'T forget to let me know your answer to the question I posed above:
In the next few days I will issue a challenge that will change your health if you respond. Easy, and I will walk you through it. Interested?   
This post is linked to at [ref: mango]:
Mango on Foodista

Spinach Green Smoothies and Abs of Steel 2

Another wonderful day to be alive! Another wonderful God given day to heal my body and strengthen it too.

My breakfast today was a Mango/Spinach Green Smoothie. [As you can see I am enjoying my smoothie through an amazing new favorite of mine GlassDharma glass straw.]

Makes 4 servings
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 cup George's Aloe Vera
  • 1 ripe mango [pitted]
  • 2 oranges
  • 4 oz spinach
  • 5T hemp seed
  • 1/4 cup dulse flakes
I added 1T maca powder to my portion.

Within 30 mins I was working out, targeting legs and abs. My niece came out to work out with me [I hope she does not hurt too bad tomorrow ;)]. After the workout she helped me to record a video of one of my favorite ab exercises I wanted to share with you. I am not sure if anyone else is doing it this exercise this way, but it was my little invention for me, so I would not get bored.

I hope you try it and enjoy it as much as I did.
[If you get this as e-mail RSS feed the video might not come through, so make sure to click on the link to the video to see it. Is slightly than a minute long.]

Abs of Steel 2 from Elena Wilkins on Vimeo.

Have an amazing day! I am off to photograph an amazing charity fund raiser, and might even blog about it on my photography blog later on [Elena Photographers, Longview WA Photographer].

Don't forget that today is the last day to enter the Coconut Bliss Ice Cream giveaway. It is a delicious vegan goodness.

Vegan Private Chef Needed

No, people, it is not for me. I wish I could hire someone to make my meals but I am not that well off yet ;).

I recently received an e-mail letting me know that there is a search for a vegan chef for a family residing in Baltimore, MD. The adventurous part of me wanted to say, let’s pack our bags and move TODAY! However, Demetrye and I have a couple of things that we must take care of here, which means we won’t be able to move for at least a couple of months. So, although I cannot apply for the position myself, as much as I would like to, I would love to spread the work to other Vegan Chefs out there looking for adventure and a good pay.

Here is the ad:

“Immediate need for excellent vegan live-out private chef to cook full-time for small family in Baltimore, Maryland. Must have prior experience cooking a variety of vegan meals. Must also be vegan/vegetarian! Must also help administrate the household - including running errands, paying bills, coordinating subcontractors for house maintenance. Competitive salary!”

If you, or someone else you know, is interested in this position, please e-mail me and I will forward you contact information. You can hit me up at elena[dot]wilkins[at] [replace [dot] and [at] respectively].

Hope we can find a good vegan chef for this family!

Happy Friday to all my vegan, and not so vegan readers and friends!

And, of course, don’t forget to enter the drawing for Coconut Bliss Ice Cream! I tried the Cherry Amaretto flavor last night [yes, I did have to pay for it], and it was good. However, Dark Chocolate is STILL my favorite!

Green Smoothies vs. Girl Scout Cookies

Folks, I hope your day is going well and you benefited from yesterday’s post on the Benefits of Green Smoothies.

I have my smoothies daily, and the one I made yesterday happened to match my jacket AND my eyes! Isn’t that cool? [My lovely hubby snapped this picture while we enjoyed our morning chit-chat.]

Last night, while we were having dinner, my sister came and brought a “treat” for Mom—girl scout cookies. Mom, as generous as she is, although knowing that we do not eat such non-food items still offered it to us.

After cleaning the dishes, I decided to pick up the box of “cookies” and see what’s in them [I know, total party spoiler, but that is one of my weaknesses ;)]. Now, I am well versed in chemicals and food additives, but some of the ones listed on the box surprised even me. What in the world is TBHQ? [I know that I could Google it, but I just don’t wanna.] You can enlarge the image by clicking on it to see the item list.

No wonder that my poor mother developed an upset stomach by the nightfall. [Oh, and I forgot to mention that my camera refused to even focus on the box, while I was trying to take a picture of the ingredients. It was throwing a little hissy fit :) I think. I don't blame it! It focused just fine on me :).]

I on the other hand will choose a green smoothie over such “treats” any time of the day.
Here is my Green Jacket Smoothie recipe from yesterday.
Makes 4 servings
• 2.5-3 C water
• .5-1C George’s Aloe Vera
• 3 C raspberries [I used frozen]
• 3 bananas
• 5-6 large beet green leaves [including red stems]
• 5 tbs flax seed
• 1/4 C dulse

In my cup, for my daily intake I added 1 tbs maca powder.

YUM! No preservatives, no additives, no ingredients you cannot pronounce—all organic and totally digestible.

To your health! [Yes, I am sporting my new glass straw by GlassDharma. This one is my favorite--it is wide enough for the smoothie sludge to get through, even when it is almost pudding like.]

Question of the Day: Do you ever get tempted by any of the non-food items such as girl scout cookies? Or would you pick a green smoothie over a cookie?

Don't forget to enter amazing Coconut Bliss Ice Cream giveaway here.

Do Green Smoothies Really Work? {Another Satisfied “Customer”}

You might have heard about the craze with green smoothies and wondered: “What’s the big deal? Does eating greens really work? Can’t you just have a salad?”

Today is not the day when I am going to take too much time telling you about all the wonders of eating your greens [the more the better]. I would rather you have you pick up a copy of Green for Life, by V. Boutenko and read all about it.

In short, however, here is what you should know.

Diseases thrive in acidic environments, and cannot survive in alkaline environments. They die in the presence of oxygen [in the blood that is]. Greens are the only known food group that carry a lot of chlorophyll [that’s what makes them green]. Chlorophyll is like liquid sunshine=oxygen. When it goes into your body it brings oxygen=healing with it. Greens make your body alkaline. Alkalinity=death to illnesses. [I hope you are liking my quick equations ;)]. So, the more greens you intake, the more oxygen you bring in, the more alkaline your body becomes, the healthier you get. The rest of the diet, of course, has a large part to play in your health. It would be little benefit to eat a pound of stake accompanied by a small green salad. However, if you start cleaning up your diet, eating less or no animal products, and add in more greens, your body will be aided in the self-healing process.

Are you with me still? Hang on, the payoff is coming soon.

Quickly… The reason we blend greens into a drink is to help our bodies preserve the energy it would use in breaking those leafy greens in the stomach for healing. The less energy our bodies use on digestion the more effective they are concentrating on other aspects of healing themselves. By blending greens and combining them with fruit we also make them more enjoyable [palatable], which helps to ingest more greens. It’s a Win-Win!

Now, enough of the scientific talk. As simplified as I made it I am sure you still want to know HOW it would work. [The simplified scientific talk comes from years and thousands of hours of research, by the way. ;)] Exciting new! I just got the thing you’re looking for. I want to show you how raw/uncooked greens can help your overall health.

A few days ago I received a message on FaceBook from a friend of mine, Dwayne, who resides on the beautiful island of Bermuda [all that sunshine… *sigh*]. He was inspired to start a raw/vegan diet this year to improve his health. Here is what he told me:

“I stopped eating raw and drinking Green Smoothies because I got a sore throat the second week of January. [NOTE: he is not saying that he got a sore throat because of the change :).] So far I have not been able to shake this cold. The flu part is gone, but now, after antibiotics have worn off, I have a cold, a mild headache, and I cannot breathe.

Shall I restart the raw diet/Green Smoothies again and give it another go? What do you think? I wanted to wait until I got better but it's taking too long! And deep in the back of my mind I feel like if I start on Raw again that I might get better faster.”

What do you think my advice to him was? I am sure you had guessed it, but I shall not make you think too hard :). Here is what I told him:

“Dwayne, the easiest way to get over this stuff IS by consuming lots of greens! Remember: Oxygen=Healing! Greens have chlorophyll=oxygen=healing.

Yes, you have to start over!

One more thing, if you no longer have a sore throat, what will help you get over the cold is Wild Oregano Oil. It's a must for everyone, for every season. I don't get sick because I attack any signs of illness with this potent essential oil. I double up on the intake of what is recommended and take it 3 times a day [10 drops x3/day]. [I really do that! The moment I sense any sign of something trying to come on me, I go mostly, if not all, raw, load up on extra greens, fluids, and take Oregano oil… but I should do a post on it, shouldn’t I? :).]

Also, since you used antibiotics, we have to get you back on track. Get good probiotics and take it for a month. Antibiotics destroy your gut flora and good bacteria, probiotics will help you replenish it. You can also start adding fermented veggies to your meals [learn here how to make them] and, if you can, start drinking Kombucha tea.”

That was only a couple of days ago. This morning, bright and early, I found this message in my box [used with Dwayne’s permission]:

Testimony time! So I have had this stinking flu/cold since the 2nd week in January. I went on antibiotics, as I said in my earlier pos. Things were looking great. The minute I came off the antibiotics, I resumed my precious flu like I had never had any medicine at all. WOW! Modern Medicine!!!!! (SARCASM)!

So last night I was really tired of coughing like a lunatic so much so that it was giving me a headache. So around 9:15 pm I made a green smoothie—first one since about January 20th. I made it with Spinach, Grapes, Honey and Water. I drank it, and then I figured since it was a dry cough I better moisten it up. So I took a table spoon of Olive Oil. [Note: I would actually avoid taking oils while sick, since they slow the blood flow, which is much needed to carry nutrients and oxygen to your suffering organs.]

I sat on my bed for about 5 minutes taking DEEP breaths, while imagining this trash coming out of me. I went to sleep. At around 1:45 AM I woke up in a cold sweat. How nasty is that! Anyway, I got up… all the cough symptoms were gone! Even right now I am DEEP breathing to see if I can feel anything and there is still a very tiny feeling there. But the difference from yesterday to today is remarkable! Just remarkable!

Oh one more thing, I had a green smoothie this morning for breakfast: Spinach, Banana, Honey and water.

I feel like a new man again. WOW!"

I told you this will be worth your time. You got to hear from someone who benefited from God-given power of nutrition. We have a natural medicine cabinet and we should use it.

Almost two years ago I actually held a 30-day Green Smoothie experiment. You can read about it here. I have been sold on Green Smoothies ever since!

Here is to you, Dwayne, and to the healing power of food!

[Visit the Drinks and Green Smoothies sections for a load of Green Smoothie recipes]

Question of the Day: Have you used green smoothies/juices/green to improve your health? Share your store with us by leaving a comment.

PS: And don’t forget to enter the Coconut Bliss Ice Cream giveaway! YUM!

Vegan Ice Cream: Coconut Bliss {Product Review AND Giveaway!} [drawing closed]

Wow, who would have thought that Product Reviews could be this fun! But… don’t let me get ahead of myself.

In the last couple of weeks you have heard be rave about my new obsession: Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate ice cream. I am not a sweets person. Never was and don’t plan to be either. But DC [Dark Chocolate] is an exception.

How did I ever let it happen to me?!

About a year ago Demetrye and I were vacationing in Bend, OR and I had a craving. Wonderful as my hubby is, he ran out to the store to get me chocolate ice cream that I favored at that time [I won’t mention it here, but it was vegan also]. He came back, beaming from ear to ear with the spoil in his hands… only it turned out to be the WRONG ice cream! It was Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate.

Oh, no! What was I gonna do?

Good thing I decided to give it a try. After the first two spoonfuls I was hooked. Yes, like dangling up in the air, feet off the ground HOOKED. The ice cream was creamy, rich, chocolaty… [did I mention it was DARK chocolate?!], it was ORGANIC and the whole pint was MINE! I’ve become very possessive of my ice cream since. [How could something so WRONG (Demetrye's mistake) be SO RIGHT?!]

That was one of the best mistakes Demetrye has ever made. And ever since, Demetrye and I have been battling over whose ice cream is better [mind you, I never dip into his, but he always ends up getting some of mine].

So, a couple of weeks ago wonderful folks from Luna and Larry’s Coconut Bliss sent me a couple of coupons to try their different flavors [since I am stuck on only one], and one [1] coupon to give away to a lucky reader of my blog. YEAH!!! That’s a double win in my book.

But, since I am a very generous person [and I am not just tooting my horn, you will see that in a moment], I decided to spread Blissful Love with others. I held on [as hard as it might have been for me] to those coupons until last week’s Cooking Class. I sent out a quick survey to the participants and we decided to try Dark Chocolate [yeah for me], and Pineapple Coconut. I actually wanted to try Cherry Amaretto, but their votes outweighed mine. [sigh]

Watch this video to see what they thought about it.

Coconut Bliss Ice Cream Review from Elena Wilkins on Vimeo.

Now that you have seen it, I am sure you want to try it [and so you should!].

One lucky winner will receive a coupon good for one pint of their favorite ice cream in the mail [I mail the coupon, you take it to your grocery store and find your favorite flavor there].

You have to live in the continental US to get the prize [sorry, folks, international postage gets a little spendy ;)].

Here are is how you can enter [you can enter as many times as you see listed below—it is totally up to you!]:
1. Leave a comment and tell me your favorite CB flavor [click on the link to see all of them].

2. Make sure to leave your name and an e-mail address so I can contact you if you win.

3. Follow me on Twitter, and Twit about this giveaway, then come back and leave a comment about it.

4. Friend me up on FaceBook and post about this giveaway with a link to the post, then come back and leave a comment about it.

5. Sign up for my Newsletter [on the right side of the blog at the top], then come back and leave a comment about it. Make sure to confirm your subscription first, by going to your e-mail box and responding to the e-mail requiring a confirmation. If you do not confirm your subscription your entry will be disregarded.

6. Follow my blog [look on the right hand side panel and you will see a list of followers that you can add yourself to], then leave a comment about it.

7. Add my blog to your blog roll, then come and leave a comment about it.

8. Subscribe to my RSS Feed, and leave a comment about it.

9. If you have a blog, mention this giveaway in your post, directing to my post and leave an additional comment under this post.

The winner will be drawn on Sunday, 2/28/10, and announced on Monday, 3/1 [what a sweet ;) way to start a new month].

Now, don’t let me stop you. Go for it!

PS: What did you think about the video?

This post is linked to on Coconut on Foodista

GlassDharma Giveaway Winner and Spaghetti Squash Vegan Recipe

What a long productive weekend it has been. Remodeling, trying out a new work out video [I am still sore in places I did not know could hurt :)], a Cooking Class. [I will tell you all about our Cooking Class fun tomorrow (there is a surprise in store with that too)].

I even snuck in a little time to come up with a new treat. For the first time every I tried making Spaghetti Squash. I was placing my order a couple of weeks ago when I saw it on their produce list and decided that it is time I checked it out. I read up on how to cook it and followed the instructions. But, being unfamiliar with this new [to me] food item doubted that it was done, when the instructions said it was done, and cooked it for almost an extra hour, only to find out that no matter how long I cook it, it won’t be more “done” than it was an hour before that. So, please learn from my mistakes, and do follow instructions ;).

Spaghetti Squash with Raw Marinara Sauce
• 2 medium size spaghetti squash
• 4 medium size Roma [or any other kind] tomatoes
• 2 cloves medium/large garlic
• 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil or hemp seed oil [optional]
• Himalayan or sea salt to taste
• White pepper to taste
• ¼ cup of chopped cilantro or parsley

• You can either cut squash in half and then spread a little bit of coconut oil on the cut portion, so it does not dry when baking, or
• Take a fork and poke holes in the skin of the squash, so it does not explode when in the oven

• Bake for 45-60 mins at 375 F [I cut mine open half way through, only because I had no clue what I was doing :)]
• Meanwhile, place remaining ingredients, except for cilantro and tomatoes in a high speed blender and give it a whirl.
• Once the blender is going, I alternated between speeds 2-6, I dropped in quartered tomatoes, while alternating speeds, so the tomatoes would get chopped rather than being turned into mush
• Let Sauce sit in a fridge until squash is fully baked, if needed.
• When the squash is done, fork it out on a place [or use the shell of the squash for a might pretty look] and pour marinara sauce over it, garnish with cilantro and enjoy [I blended in a portion of the sauce with the squash, and poured the rest on top to make a pretty picture ;)].

It is super delicious and super simple.

Let me know if you try the recipe how you like it. I am still learning the “ways of Spaghetti Squash” :).

This recipe is linked to atSpaghetti Squash on Foodista

GlassDharma Giveaway Winner
So, now the drum roll for the winner of the GlassDharma $25 Gift Certificate giveaway… I used the Random Number Picker [] to determine the winner [so much easier than pulling a name out of hat]. And the winner is… Zucchini Breath [Judith]! Congratulations, Judith! You can go ahead and do a little jiggy dance now! I will forward your name and e-mail address to GlassDharma and they will e-mail you a gift certificate for their lovely store. Knock yourself out shopping anddo let us know what you end up buying from them.

For all those who entered and did not win… do not despair! I have another awesome giveaway coming this week. Stay tuned!

Tell me, what is your dream Giveaway Prize that you would like to win?

Vegan Cooking Class, Longview and Kelso WA

When: Tomorrow, February 19th, 2010

Location: Kelso, WA [address will be provided only to those who have confirmed reservation by paying]

Time: 6:30-8:30 pm

COST: $40/person

DETAILS: If you enjoy eating and making meals that satisfy your taste buds AND improve your health, this is one Cooking Class you would not want to miss!

I have successfully reversed several of my and my husband’s health conditions: high cholesterol, chest pains, hypothyroidism, joint pain, etc., and lost unwanted weight by simply making changes to our diet. My husband was able to get off medication in a few short weeks and was given a bill of great health by his doctor [read more about it here].

Ever since then I developed a passion to tell people about my healing secret and will be talking about it during this information packed Cooking Class, while making scrumptious, plant-based meals for the participants.

On the menu*:
1. Breakfast Smoothies: How to make rejuvenating, energy boosting Smoothies for the whole family—the kind that will give you a jump start and heal your body at the same time;
2. Apple Celery Boats filled with raw, energy giving goodness—the kind that will get your taste buds dancing; OR a Big Green Mojo—salad with a combination of greens out of this world served with home-made Strawberry Dressing;
3. Lasagna—all plant based! You won't believe it is not made with dairy; AND
4. Elena's Secret Chocolate Chip Cookies. They are SO SECRET you might even be required to take an oath not to share the secret.

I will also talk about:
1. How to Creatively transform your/your family's diet;
2. Learning Practical, Easy ways to satisfy your hunger and improve your health, while Losing Unwanted weight;
3. Where to shop for a plant-based diet;
4. Essential Kitchen gadgets/appliances for a successful plant-based diet;
5. And much more

There are only TWO spots left!

To sign up, call me at 360-355-7370, or e-mail me.

*menu items are subject to change

Want to know More About ME, Your Next Door Crazy Vegan?

I JUST discovered that Blogger added the ability to add PAGES to blogs. I don't know where I have been, but I am SOOOO excited now!

Not a moment's awaisting! I am finally able to create an ABOUT ME page and tell you all about... well, ME, of course-Your Next Door Crazy Vegan! If you ever did want to know more about me, then hop on over to the ABOUT page and read on!


Abs of Steel--Effective At Home Ab Exercise

If you would love to develop strong, defined abs try this exercise.

When you are first starting out don't overdo it or you will ache for a couple of days! The exercise works the ENTIRE body--you will especially feel it in the beginning stages.

Make sure to tighten your abs and pull the belly button in as close to your spine as possible for back support, and to work your abs even more, AND to help them form properly [flat, that is!].

Abs of Steel from Elena Wilkins on Vimeo.

Don't forget to enter a Glass Straw giveaway by GlassDharma in the post below--one of my new favorite must haves!

Until next time: Live an Unprocessed Life!

Product Review and Giveaway: GlassDharma Glass Straws {now CLOSED}

I am a huge smoothie drinker. One of the things that I had always wished for, simple as it may be, was to have glass straws to enjoy my smoothies even more. I know it sounds weird, but I am one of those people that occasionally ended up with a green mustache... and forgot to look in the mirror before heading out of the door.

In the beginning I thought it was only wishful thinking, but with time I noticed that there in fact are glass straws out there. You can imagine how ecstatic I was when David, from GlassDharma, set me a set of their straws for a review. Like I have told you before--it does not take much to get me excited. But this is a perfect solution to the plastic pollution we are experiencing. And the straws are not only pretty, but also reusable.

Here is what David, the creator of these handmade beauties, has to say about this amazing product:
* Glass straws don’t leach toxins into your food as you drink.
* Each time you use your glass straw equals one less plastic straw ending up in your landfill.
* One glass straw replaces thousands of plastic straws. (How many times will you use a straw the rest of your life?)
* Using your glass drinking straw adds a feeling of beauty to your day.

You might not get his last statement until you actually get to use the straws yourself. But if a picture is worth a thousand words, let me try to say what I mean with one picture:
Aren't they gorgeous? [You can click on the image to see it larger.]

Since this is a product review I had to make sure that I really liked these straws. In the last few days I made a variety of different drinks and smoothies. My 80-year old Mom and I fell in love with the straws. Her favorite two are the bigger ones, as are mine. The small decorative straw is perfect for more liquid drinks and shallower glasses, but is totally fun too.

My green mustache days are over! Thank you, David! Thank you, GlassDharma!

David, being the nice guy that he is, agreed to provide a $25 gift certificate to one of my readers toward a purchase of any of GlassDharma products. The gift certificate will be e-mailed to the winner.

Now, that is EXCITING! The winner will get to pick what s/he likes!

If you win, you will need to respond to the announcement within 48 hours or I will redo the drawing and the prize will go to someone else.

Now I will tell you what you can do to enter the drawing to get the $25 certificate. And, since I am so nice, I will give you more than one chance to do it. You can do as many things as you wish listed below to increase your chances of winning.

1. Leave a comment and tell me why you should win GlassDharma $25 gift certificate. Make sure to leave your name and an e-mail address so I can contact you if you win.
2. Follow me on Twitter, and Twit about this giveaway, then come back and leave a comment about it.
3. Friend me up on FaceBook and post about this giveaway with a link to the post, then come back and leave a comment about it.
4. Sign up for my Newsletter [on the right side of the blog at the top], then come back and leave a comment about it. Make sure to confirm your subscription first, by going to your e-mail box and responding to the e-mail requiring a confirmation. If you do not confirm your subscription your entry will be disregarded.
5. Follow my blog [look on the right hand side panel and you will see a list of followers that you can add yourself to], then leave a comment about it.
6. Add my blog to your blog roll, then come and leave a comment about it.
7. Subscribe to my RSS Feed, and leave a comment about it.
8. If you have a blog, mention this giveaway in your post, directing to my post and leave an additional comment under this post.

Phew... I think I have given anyone more than enough enough chances to win this giveaway. It is completely up to you how many entries you will submit based on the list above.

The drawing will be held after 9 pm this coming Sunday, February 21, and the winner will be announced on February 22nd.

Good luck!

How to Make Raw Fermented Vegetables at Home

Recently I blogged about the Benefits of Fermented Foods. I got a few inquiries about how I make my fermented veggies. So, I got brave, and for the first time in my life made a HOW-TO video. [I do have to thank my wonderful hubby for his assistance ;)].

I have to admit I was a bit nervous, but I also enjoyed it very much. So, without further ado, here is how you can make your own RAW, totally VEGAN, Fermented vegetables at home. Enjoy!

How to make RAW Fermented Vegetables from Elena Wilkins on Vimeo.

I hope you enjoy making your own RAW fermented veggies as much as I enjoyed making this video.

Stop by again tomorrow, because I will be hosting my first ever GIVEAWAY [yes a giveaway!] and a product review. You would not want to miss it!

Longview Washington Vegan Needs Your Help to Meet Her New Goal

Goals?! I love goals. I am goal-setting all the time, but I am also always reevaluating my goals and adjusting them as my life ebbs and flows.

Some of the goals are very personal and profound, while others are very short term, such as: 1. Pay my bills; 2. Make a meal, etc. There are some that I set out just for personal pleasure: 1. Go for a walk, 2. Take a long, hot bath, 3. Take a vacation, 4. Read a Book, etc.

A few days ago an amazing idea dawned on me… No! it was more like it hit me on my head: I want to Travel Around the World for FREE!

How would someone accomplish that? I have heard of many giveaways, prizes, etc., and I am not sure yet how things are going to turn, but I have a new EXCITING goal and I am going to look for ways to accomplish it.

What do I mean by free? Travel, transportation, accommodations, and hopefully food will be included on my wish list.

How am I going to do that? I have no clue! Not yet!

Do you know of someone who did something similar to this? Do you have any GOOD, VALID ideas you want to share? [No rude funnies, please!] My ears are open. So, go ahead, and help your favorite Longview Washington Vegan reach her goal. She will love you for it. [I know it sounds weird that I am talking about myself in the third person, but I just wanted to do that.]


PS: I am also blogging about this on my Photography Site in hopes to get responses from different kinds of people. Who is going to give me better advice: Artsy or Health Minded folks? What do you think?

No Compromises

I am blissfully giddy--just got home and found an envelope from my one my favorite companies: Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss [love their Dark Chocolate ice cream] with their little giveaway inside.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Love the logo, especially the last sentence: No Compromises! [If you want to see the logo closer, click on the image.] [Although they were right, only I did not know until too late, their sizes were running a bit smaller than usual ;)]

Thank you, guys @LunaandLarrys!

Vegan Ice Cream Wars

The last weekend was spent on remodeling Mom's house [the saga continues ;)], and we all needed a treat. For my sister and my hubby it meant chocolate chip cookies [those of you who are coming to my Cooking Class next week will get once in a lifetime chance to sample these ;)--it is a super secret recipe and you might even have to sign in blood not to divulge it to anyone, not even under a threat of death :)]

The cookies stood no chance of surviving OR cooling off with Demetrye [see his hand sneaking in while I was taking a shot?].

For me it was eating a pint [don't worry, I was unable to finish the whole pint all at once] of my favorite ice cream: Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate. The interesting part is that I am not huge on sweets--never have been, never will be. Once, however, when Demetrye and I were on vacation in Bend, OR, I craved something sweet. He went out to get me a pint of Purely Decandent Peanut Butter Zig Zag, but confused it with Coconut Bliss... well, the rest is history--once I went CB I never wanted to go back! The ice cream is so rich and smooth, and has so few ingredients that I never have any sense of guilt treating myself to even a full pint in one setting... but don't let me get ahead of myself.

Demetrye, I love him so, still sticks to his first love: PD Peanut Butter Zig Zag. And so the war, the struggle between whose ice cream is better, continues. One good thing about it is that we don't have to share.

So, this weekend we went to the grocery store: he got his treat...

...and I got mine [the cookie did prove to be too much for me]....
Well, today I can tell you that my Ice Cream is a huge winner! Amazing folks at Coconut Bliss are sending me some samples to enjoy for a review AND something to give away to a lucky winner. But, I am not going to spill all of my beans yet and make you wait until next week.

Why next week? I want to reward the amazing ladies/guys that are coming out to my cooking class, of course! They will be sampling Coconut Bliss with me! My treat! ;) Then I will post THEIR review along with mine and will do a giveaway. Aren't you excited yet?

Stay tuned!

Now I have to give a quick shout out to my hubby. I was not feeling all too well today and had to come home. My lovely hubby came home after a work out with these in his hands...

Isn't he the best?!

Question of the day: Do you have a favorite VEGAN, Chemical FREE dessert that you feel strongly about? Do share, because I might want to try!

Glass Straws Giveaway

Hi folks! I know it is time for bed, but I quickly wanted to let you know about an amazing giveaway hosted by a fellow blogger. Just Audrey is giving away a certificate to be used toward the cutest little glass straws by Glass Dharma. Check it out and enter to win TONIGHT.

Good night!

Coconut Oil Solutions: Satisfied Customer

A few days ago my niece [she refers to herself as my customer ;)] sent me a text message [yes, those are family benefits—I am only a text away and am always at her fingertips…literally]. Here is what she told me:

“I developed some kind of rash on my face and neck two days ago. The only thing I changed about my facial care is I used acne soap with Shea butter, and L’oreal’s day moisturizer. I stopped right after the rash appeared, and now use only Mary Kay. The rash looks like little bumps, and is dry. It is really wigging me out! “ [What you also might want to know is that she is going to be in a wedding next week, so she was truly freaking out.]

My advice to her: get rid of every single thing that you have been using for facial care, including Mary Kay, and switch to either Almond or Coconut oil. I personally use cold pressed organic coconut oil as my facial and all over moisturizer. The benefits are immense.

First of all, our skin is the largest organ of our body. Whatever goes on it goes DIRECTLY into your blood stream. Blood flows EVERYWHERE! If you are using chemically laden facial products that are stored in plastic containers you are sending all of those chemicals to every single organ in your body, stressing and polluting it. I cannot even begin to tell you the side effects you are mounting with commercially sold products.

When I made the decision to change to a completely UNPROCESSED lifestyle, it, naturally, included personal care products. I changed my soaps, body wash, detergents, lotions, make up, etc. and became CHEMICAL FREE! My skin is doing better than ever!

I tried a few different oils for my face and settled on Organic Coconut oil for a couple of reasons: it is very light on my skin, it does not feel greasy at all, it is easily absorbed, and my body loves it! It is a food item [coconut], so when it gets into my blood steam it is easily absorbed and processed.

So, with my advice at her fingertips, my niece ventured to find some coconut oil at her friend’s house. It was organic, it was cold pressed and it came in a GLASS jar. Only two days later she e-mailed me with this:

“Thanks for telling me about the organic coconut butter. Man, my skins never looked purer. And it feels nice! It's just the right amount of oils for my face to keep it hydrated. And it DOESN'T take much! I'm really excited about this! I LOVE it when my face is not bumpy or funky.
Happy Costumer AM.”

I am SO excited for her—no one should feel “funky” about their skin, especially facial skin. And it cost her only pennies compared to what she would otherwise pay for her skincare [you can get a 12-16 oz. jar for $10-$13. Try finding that much product for that little with Mary Kay or L’oreal!]

I am sure that by now you want to know which Coconut Oil she used. She used Spectrum—one of more widely sold brands. I am currently using 365 brand [Whole Foods in-house brand]. However, in the next couple of weeks I am going to do a review and a giveaway of a couple of other coconut oil brands, so stay tuned. It just might be your ticket to free skin care for a few months ;).

By the way, the coolest part of using coconut oil for skin care is that you can eat it too ;)!

Have a great day, and remember to live an UNPROCESSED LIFE!

Question of the Day: what kind of skin care products do you use [chemical and animal free] that transformed your skin health?

Vegan Cooking Class and Information Session, Longview & Kelso WA and Surrounding Areas

Good morning, folks!

It is a beautiful morning and I am excited to let you know that the date for our next Cooking/Information class has been finalized. Here are the details.

Date: Friday, February 19th, 2010

Time: 6:30 pm-8:30 pm

Location: Kelso, WA [the class will be hosted by a lovely friend of mine, the address to her house will be made available ONLY to those who SIGN UP(pay) for the class]

Investment: $40/person, $80/two people or $115 for three people.

Method of Payment: You can pay by PayPal [link on the left <---] to reserve your space. Cash payments are also accepted, if you would like to drop by and pay ahead of time. [Contact me for details on this option.]

Space is limited and is guaranteed on first pay first serve basis. Payment must be made in order to attend this class.

What to Expect:

I will teach how to make 4 different dishes: Breakfast, Salad, Main Dish, and Dessert [combination of raw and cooked foods]

Topics for Discussion:
*Benefits of a plant-based diet;
*How to make a successful transition;
*Food to eat to improve your health and shed unwanted pounds;
*Foods beneficial for healing and hormone balance
*And many other topics [and don't forget that you will get to meet and make friends with others who are working on improving their health through nutrition]

Half of the spaces have already been reserved, so hurry up to ensure a spot in the class.

If you are unable to attend this class yourself but know of someone who would greatly benefit from this class--give them a gift that will keep on giving--a gift of knowledge and health. Sign them up for the class!

Should you have any questions, shoot me an e-mail at elena[dot]wilkins[at] [make sure to replace [dot] and [at] with actual signs].

Hope to see you then.

Home Remedies To Make Your Blackheads Disappear For Ever.

There are many things that you can do to prevent blackheads from appearing on your face

l avoid using creamy and greasy cosmetics. These can increase your chances of getting blackheads.

l make use of a gentle cleanser for acne prone skin. Do not use soap as it can clog the pores in your skin. Also it can cause skin cells to flake off.

 Exfoliation is an important step to eliminate dead skin cells. This helps get rid of the built-up dead cells from inside the pores that cause them to become clogged.

If you have oily skin, try using a clay mask to reduce the oil. Use one that does not contain mint, peppermint or other irritating ingredients.

l usually make a solution of lime juice, almond oil and glycerin and apply on the face. This will not only help with blackheads but also get rid of spots on the face.

Moisturising your face with a damp, warm cloth every evening can help. Put the damp cloth over your face for a period of 15 minutes each night, to help loosen dead skin, dirt, and other pore clogging particles. After use, put the cloth in hot boiling water to kill germs and bacteria. 

 Warm a small amount of honey and apply on the affected area. Wash off after 10 minutes. It acts as a natural peel and loosens the blackheads.

I've Killed My Kombucha

My recent birthday adventures reawakened a desire in me to make my own kombucha. I pulled out the jar with my kombucha mushrooms out of the cupboards to only realize that the chance of their survival was probably next to nothing--the liquid their were in was nearly gone... and it has been a few months since I made my last batch. But I decided to give it a go and see if I had a chance of resurrecting them.

After a few days of waiting I decided to peek in and discovered something that you might see in a science class:
Not a good sign at all. If it looks like this you know you should not be eating/drinking it.

Poor kombucha... sad Elena. Now I have to get back out on the market and find another HEALTHY kombucha mushroom, and quickly.
Lesson learned: don't leave a kombucha with little liquid unattended for several months on end--it will die.

Look Younger Than Ever By Adding Proper Ingredients In Your Diet.

You don’t always need complicated diets or sheds pounds for botox , to stay young? Just include the following in your everyday diet.
Chocolate : The reason as to why I have mentioned chocolate above all, is that I just hmmmm….. I just love them. I just can’t resist them.
Now,back to its features.
Cocoa is unusually rich in flavanols that is required for the healthy functioning of one’s blood vessels. And if you have healthy blood vessels, chances are, that you will be better protected against high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, kidney disease and even dementia.
There haven’t been any studies till date that directly connect having yogurt with a longer life span and staying young. However, there’s no denying the fact that yogurt is a rich source of calcium, having enough of which significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis, especially among women. The beneficial bacteria that yogurt contains also helps to deal with potential intestinal diseases, something that becomes common as you age.
Olive oil
Various studies have proved that the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil result in low rates of heart disease and cancer. Not to forget, olive oil contains antioxidants like polyphenols that play a pivotal role in warding off some of the various age-related disorders. So henceforth, use olive oil in your everyday cooking to add up years to your youth.
Alcohol protects against heart disease, diabetes and age-related memory loss, but only if it is consumed in moderation. For example, red wine contains resveratrol, the compound responsible for the various above mentioned benefits.

A recent study that has been conducted has proved that those who have nuts on a regular basis actually manage to add up an extra two and a half years to their average lifespan. Rich in unsaturated fats, the consumption of nuts offers benefits similar to that of olive oil. Not to forget, they are a rich source of various vitamins and minerals and other antioxidants.
Fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. It helps keep your cholesterol levels in check. As a result, there are less chances of blockage in arteries and this leads to better cardiac health.

Turmeric Is The Best Home Remedy For Skin Blemishes.

Yes, turmeric is a beauty aid. It is an essential part of my daily routine, in my diet and for skin care as well. I would strictly suggest you, do not use turmeric powder which is for cooking, as it may contain other ingredients and coloring.
As we all know, turmeric being yellow in color, will leave some stains behind. So to effectively remove the yellow stain after applying turmeric on face you need a cup of milk and some first aid cotton to wipe off.  Dip a little of cotton in the milk and clean the skin the same as you do with a cleansing lotion. Take a fresh swab of cotton each time you dip in the milk and clean the face. Most of yellow stain will be removed.
 Mix 1 teaspoon each turmeric (haldi) powder and juice of fresh coriander (dhania) leaves and apply daily as a face pack before going to sleep. Daily application will make your skin free from blackheads.
Buy real turmeric and grind it and mix with gram flour and water or honey. After 10 mins or when it becomes dry, you can wash it off, It cleans your face for sure.
 If you want less hair on your face or body, mix a little turmeric with soy flour and half milk or heavy cream. Leave on until it dries and rinse off ... your skin will look awesome and after some time you'll have less hair growth.
Apply a paste of neem leaves and turmeric on skin infection it works wonders
Turmeric can also be used to reduce wrinkles. Mix turmeric powder with cream of milk and apply it to the wrinkle prone area.
Suffering from cracked feet………don’t worry! Turmeric will help you out. Apply a mixture of warm castor oil and turmeric powder onto the affected area. Massage for a while .It reduces cracks and roughness.

Excited About the Upcoming Product Review

Can I hear a huge: Hollah?!

I was contacted by folks at CSN Stores to do a review of an item I have been dreaming to get my hands on: Tribest FreshLife Automatic Sprouter!!!

Just imagine how excited I am right now! Absolutely! I love my sprouts! I was actually going to do my first ever vlog on sprouting, which I was going to start this weekend. The timing could not be more perfect.

I have already mentioned how wonderful sprouting is for our health. I was preparing a detailed post on all the Whys and the Hows when I was contacted. So, you will be forced to wait just a tad longer, but it will be worth it—I will do a side-by-side comparison of jar vs. specialty tool sprouting. I already know that you will be blown away by the results. So I can barely wait!

[Link to sponsor: CSN Stores, Cookware, Stool]

Learn The Right Way To Apply Sunscreen To Maximize Sun Protection.

A good sunscreen helps to keep your skin looking young.Excessive sun exposure is the leading cause of skin ageing.Many people apply sunscreen in the wrong way. To maximize your sun protection the sunscreen should be applied properly.
1) A sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes prior to going outdoors so that the sunscreen is properly absorbed by the skin.
2) A sunscreen should also be applied to areas such as ears,face,hands,neck and feet as these areas are commonly neglected.
3) A sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours.
4) A sunscreen should be used in all seasons as the skin is susceptible to the damaging rays of sun even in winter and cloudy days.
5) A good broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays should be used.
6) For best protection, use your sunscreen with clothing, broad-brimmed hats, sunglasses and shade.

Balinese Ritual Body Massage For Winter At Mystic Cures Salon And Spa In Delhi.

Balinese Ritual massage is ideal for winter conditions. It is provided at Mystic Cures Salon And Spa Mehrauli, Punjabi Bagh in the capital.
This massage is done only with olive oil as it heals the cracks and dry skin of your body, leaving it smooth and supple. It is an intense medium for a strong, deep tissue massage in which the therapist uses thumb and palm pressure with firm strokes all over the body.
The pressure points relieves stress, increases blood circulation and improves energy flow.
Go for a steam session after the massage and then a quick hot bath to rediscover a relaxed you.
The Mystic Cures Salon And Spa is spread over an area of 6,000 square feet, the spa has four big spacious rooms with a separate section for steam and bath facilities.
Each room has stones and pebbles spread on the floor and it is furnished with wooden furniture. A square shaped water pond in one corner with rose petals floating on it and soothing music make you at ease with the surrounding.

Home Remedies To Treat Cracked Cuticles.

The skin around the nails gradually becomes rough, coarse and dry and later the  skin begins to split, and dry cuticles appear.The cuticles are essential as they protect the nails from infections, providing a protective barrier from bacteria and act as a seal between the finger and the nail.
Here are some easy tips to treat cracked cuticles.
1)Moisturising is the best remedy for cracked cuticles. There are special cuticle moisturisers available in the market, or you could use a good cream or lotion.
2)Being a natural moisturiser, Vitamin E oil can also be used to take care of dried and cracked cuticles.Just pour some oil into a bowl and let them soak for up to 10 minutes, then wipe with a damp towel.
3)Also try shea nut butter. Shea butter or shea nut butter is naturally occurring fat, yellow or cream in colour, and it is a good moisturiser.
4)Mix honey, beeswax, plant butters and organic neem oil to make a sort of ‘nail balm’ for cracked cuticles.
5)Use a cuticle pusher to push your cuticles once a week. This prevents them from getting cracked further.
6)Choose liquid soaps as they are less drying and contain more moisturizing natural indgredients and have antibacterial properties.
7)Exfoliate your hands and nails once a week to get rid of rough, dry cuticles
8)Always remove all cuticle cream or oil before polishing your nails.

Skin And Body Care With Choco And Vanilla In A Delhi Spa Aura.

Aura is a Spa in Delhi, where you can enjoy the magic of choco-vanilla cream massage and experience complete relaxation, guided by gentle hands that help you ex plore your inner world as they restore and rejuvenate your mind and body. It starts with a dry massage, followed by full body massage with whipped Cream of cocoa powder, vanilla, coconut cream and coconut granules with mega moisturizing & calming effect. It Softens & nourishes skin, promotes blood circulation, has healing properties and repairs tissues. The massage therapist massages the body with equal pressure, focusing on the acupressure points and applying long soothing strokes in a rhythmic manner. At the same time, the aroma of vanilla and chocolate lingers in the air, arousing the temptation of chocolate brownie with vanilla ice-cream!
After the massage session ,a quick hot bath makes the skin soft and supple and you leave the place with a fresh mind and relaxed body.
The Spa has a dimly-lit massage room with soothing music in the background, sea-shells on the wall and fresh flowers floating in water, giving positive energy, welcomes one to a relaxing session.