I even snuck in a little time to come up with a new treat. For the first time every I tried making Spaghetti Squash. I was placing my AzureStandard.com order a couple of weeks ago when I saw it on their produce list and decided that it is time I checked it out. I read up on how to cook it and followed the instructions. But, being unfamiliar with this new [to me] food item doubted that it was done, when the instructions said it was done, and cooked it for almost an extra hour, only to find out that no matter how long I cook it, it won’t be more “done” than it was an hour before that. So, please learn from my mistakes, and do follow instructions ;).
Spaghetti Squash with Raw Marinara Sauce

• 2 medium size spaghetti squash
• 4 medium size Roma [or any other kind] tomatoes
• 2 cloves medium/large garlic
• 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil or hemp seed oil [optional]
• Himalayan or sea salt to taste
• White pepper to taste
• ¼ cup of chopped cilantro or parsley
• You can either cut squash in half and then spread a little bit of coconut oil on the cut portion, so it does not dry when baking, or
• Take a fork and poke holes in the skin of the squash, so it does not explode when in the oven

• Bake for 45-60 mins at 375 F [I cut mine open half way through, only because I had no clue what I was doing :)]
• Meanwhile, place remaining ingredients, except for cilantro and tomatoes in a high speed blender and give it a whirl.
• Once the blender is going, I alternated between speeds 2-6, I dropped in quartered tomatoes, while alternating speeds, so the tomatoes would get chopped rather than being turned into mush
• Let Sauce sit in a fridge until squash is fully baked, if needed.
• When the squash is done, fork it out on a place [or use the shell of the squash for a might pretty look] and pour marinara sauce over it, garnish with cilantro and enjoy [I blended in a portion of the sauce with the squash, and poured the rest on top to make a pretty picture ;)].
It is super delicious and super simple.
Let me know if you try the recipe how you like it. I am still learning the “ways of Spaghetti Squash” :).
This recipe is linked to at
GlassDharma Giveaway Winner
So, now the drum roll for the winner of the GlassDharma $25 Gift Certificate giveaway… I used the Random Number Picker [www.random.org] to determine the winner [so much easier than pulling a name out of hat]. And the winner is… Zucchini Breath [Judith]! Congratulations, Judith! You can go ahead and do a little jiggy dance now! I will forward your name and e-mail address to GlassDharma and they will e-mail you a gift certificate for their lovely store. Knock yourself out shopping anddo let us know what you end up buying from them.
For all those who entered and did not win… do not despair! I have another awesome giveaway coming this week. Stay tuned!
Tell me, what is your dream Giveaway Prize that you would like to win?