The cookies stood no chance of surviving OR cooling off with Demetrye [see his hand sneaking in while I was taking a shot?].
For me it was eating a pint [don't worry, I was unable to finish the whole pint all at once] of my favorite ice cream: Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate. The interesting part is that I am not huge on sweets--never have been, never will be. Once, however, when Demetrye and I were on vacation in Bend, OR, I craved something sweet. He went out to get me a pint of Purely Decandent Peanut Butter Zig Zag, but confused it with Coconut Bliss... well, the rest is history--once I went CB I never wanted to go back! The ice cream is so rich and smooth, and has so few ingredients that I never have any sense of guilt treating myself to even a full pint in one setting... but don't let me get ahead of myself.
Demetrye, I love him so, still sticks to his first love: PD Peanut Butter Zig Zag. And so the war, the struggle between whose ice cream is better, continues. One good thing about it is that we don't have to share.
So, this weekend we went to the grocery store: he got his treat...

Isn't he the best?!
Question of the day: Do you have a favorite VEGAN, Chemical FREE dessert that you feel strongly about? Do share, because I might want to try!