You might have heard about the craze with green smoothies and wondered: “What’s the big deal? Does eating greens really work? Can’t you just have a salad?”
Today is not the day when I am going to take too much time telling you about all the wonders of eating your greens [the more the better]. I would rather you have you pick up a copy of Green for Life, by V. Boutenko and read all about it.
In short, however, here is what you should know.
Diseases thrive in acidic environments, and cannot survive in alkaline environments. They die in the presence of oxygen [in the blood that is]. Greens are the only known food group that carry a lot of chlorophyll [that’s what makes them green]. Chlorophyll is like liquid sunshine=oxygen. When it goes into your body it brings oxygen=healing with it. Greens make your body alkaline. Alkalinity=death to illnesses. [I hope you are liking my quick equations ;)]. So, the more greens you intake, the more oxygen you bring in, the more alkaline your body becomes, the healthier you get. The rest of the diet, of course, has a large part to play in your health. It would be little benefit to eat a pound of stake accompanied by a small green salad. However, if you start cleaning up your diet, eating less or no animal products, and add in more greens, your body will be aided in the self-healing process.
Are you with me still? Hang on, the payoff is coming soon.
Quickly… The reason we blend greens into a drink is to help our bodies preserve the energy it would use in breaking those leafy greens in the stomach for healing. The less energy our bodies use on digestion the more effective they are concentrating on other aspects of healing themselves. By blending greens and combining them with fruit we also make them more enjoyable [palatable], which helps to ingest more greens. It’s a Win-Win!
Now, enough of the scientific talk. As simplified as I made it I am sure you still want to know HOW it would work. [The simplified scientific talk comes from years and thousands of hours of research, by the way. ;)] Exciting new! I just got the thing you’re looking for. I want to show you how raw/uncooked greens can help your overall health.
A few days ago I received a message on FaceBook from a friend of mine, Dwayne, who resides on the beautiful island of Bermuda [all that sunshine… *sigh*]. He was inspired to start a raw/vegan diet this year to improve his health. Here is what he told me:
“I stopped eating raw and drinking Green Smoothies because I got a sore throat the second week of January. [NOTE: he is not saying that he got a sore throat because of the change :).] So far I have not been able to shake this cold. The flu part is gone, but now, after antibiotics have worn off, I have a cold, a mild headache, and I cannot breathe.
Shall I restart the raw diet/Green Smoothies again and give it another go? What do you think? I wanted to wait until I got better but it's taking too long! And deep in the back of my mind I feel like if I start on Raw again that I might get better faster.”
What do you think my advice to him was? I am sure you had guessed it, but I shall not make you think too hard :). Here is what I told him:
“Dwayne, the easiest way to get over this stuff IS by consuming lots of greens! Remember: Oxygen=Healing! Greens have chlorophyll=oxygen=healing.
Yes, you have to start over!
One more thing, if you no longer have a sore throat, what will help you get over the cold is Wild Oregano Oil. It's a must for everyone, for every season. I don't get sick because I attack any signs of illness with this potent essential oil. I double up on the intake of what is recommended and take it 3 times a day [10 drops x3/day]. [I really do that! The moment I sense any sign of something trying to come on me, I go mostly, if not all, raw, load up on extra greens, fluids, and take Oregano oil… but I should do a post on it, shouldn’t I? :).]
Also, since you used antibiotics, we have to get you back on track. Get good probiotics and take it for a month. Antibiotics destroy your gut flora and good bacteria, probiotics will help you replenish it. You can also start adding fermented veggies to your meals [learn here how to make them] and, if you can, start drinking Kombucha tea.”
That was only a couple of days ago. This morning, bright and early, I found this message in my box [used with Dwayne’s permission]:
“Testimony time! So I have had this stinking flu/cold since the 2nd week in January. I went on antibiotics, as I said in my earlier pos. Things were looking great. The minute I came off the antibiotics, I resumed my precious flu like I had never had any medicine at all. WOW! Modern Medicine!!!!! (SARCASM)!
So last night I was really tired of coughing like a lunatic so much so that it was giving me a headache. So around 9:15 pm I made a green smoothie—first one since about January 20th. I made it with Spinach, Grapes, Honey and Water. I drank it, and then I figured since it was a dry cough I better moisten it up. So I took a table spoon of Olive Oil. [Note: I would actually avoid taking oils while sick, since they slow the blood flow, which is much needed to carry nutrients and oxygen to your suffering organs.]
I sat on my bed for about 5 minutes taking DEEP breaths, while imagining this trash coming out of me. I went to sleep. At around 1:45 AM I woke up in a cold sweat. How nasty is that! Anyway, I got up… all the cough symptoms were gone! Even right now I am DEEP breathing to see if I can feel anything and there is still a very tiny feeling there. But the difference from yesterday to today is remarkable! Just remarkable!
Oh one more thing, I had a green smoothie this morning for breakfast: Spinach, Banana, Honey and water.
I feel like a new man again. WOW!"
I told you this will be worth your time. You got to hear from someone who benefited from God-given power of nutrition. We have a natural medicine cabinet and we should use it.
Almost two years ago I actually held a 30-day Green Smoothie experiment. You can read about it here. I have been sold on Green Smoothies ever since!
Here is to you, Dwayne, and to the healing power of food!

[Visit the Drinks and Green Smoothies sections for a load of Green Smoothie recipes]
Question of the Day: Have you used green smoothies/juices/green to improve your health? Share your store with us by leaving a comment.
PS: And don’t forget to enter the Coconut Bliss Ice Cream giveaway! YUM!