We are now into the THIRD week of the 30-day Green Smoothie Challenge. I am excited about all of the results I am hearing about so far.
This morning I received an e-mail from a friend of mine who lives in Georgia. She started to follow the Challenge on her own. Then she started to tell her friends and family about it. Now her Mom and sister, all the way in Liberia [shout out to all of you in Liberia] are trying Green Smoothies AND Fermented Foods! How cool is that?!
In the spirit of all the green love we are spreading around, here is a ton of Green Smoothie Recipes for you to enjoy in the next couple of weeks. Anything marked with (*) is optional, but extremely beneficial.
Warning: Wheat Grass and Barley Grass may reduce lactation in nursing mothers.
SUGGESTION: Use organic ingredients as much as possible for better results.
[While you are getting ready to make green smoothies, I am raising a glass of water kefir to your health and to mine! I will blog about Water Kefir soon ;).]
Pineapple Radish Green Smoothie
Serves 4 [about 64 oz]
3 cups water
1/2 ripe pineapple
1 ripe mango
2 bananas
6-7 oz radish greens [yes, you can eat those too!]
1/2 cup goji berries*
1/4 cup dulse flakes*
3T hemp seeds
for my 16 oz. I added
1T maca powder*
2T wheat powder*
Smoothie turned out very sweet and delicious [actually too sweet for me]. No sweeteners [i.e. honey, agave, dates, etc.] were needed.
Orange Radish Smoothie
Makes 64 oz
• 3 cups water
• 3 oranges
• 2 bananas
• 1/3 pineapple
• 6 oz radish greens
• 4 tbs hemp seeds*
• ½ cup goji berries*
• 3 tbs cacao nibs*
For my personal serving I added
• 1 tbs barley grass powder*
• 1 tbs maca powder*
Goji Delight
Makes 20 oz
• 1 cup water
• 1 orange, peeled
• 2 dates, pitted
• 3 tbs goji berries
• 1 tbs wheat grass powder
• 3 cups mixed dark greens
Slightly tart, not to sweet, just what I like!
Simple Greens
makes 14 oz
• 1 orange
• 1 cup water
• 3tbs goji berries
• 1 tbs barley grass powder*
• 2 cups mixed greens
Lambquarters Delight
Makes 32 oz.
• 2 cups water
• 1 banana
• 4-5 plums
• 2 handfuls [about 5-6 oz] lambsquarters
• 1 tbs wheat grass powder*
Very light to taste. Refreshing.
Bock Choy Plums
Makes 64 oz.
• 3 cups water
• 2 oranges
• 1 banana
• 4 plums
• 6-8 oz bock choy
• 3 tbs hemp seeds
• 3 tbs goji barries*
• 1/4 cup dulse flakes* +
• 4 dates for sweetness, if needed
To my individual drink Added
• 1 tbs wheat grass powder
• 1 tbs maca powder
Raspberry Lambsquarters
Makes 36 oz
• 2 cups water
• 2 oranges
• 2 cups raspberries, fresh or frozen
• 4-6 oz lambsquarters
• 8 pitted dates for sweetness, or honey to taste
Feel free to substitute the ingredients, as you have them available, and to share it with others. Please come back and let me know if Green Smoothies are making a difference in the way you feel on a daily basis.
I cannot begin to tell you how much fun it has been to hear back reports from those who are participating in the challenge. This week there were some detox symptoms among some of the participants, which is good. I also heard some weight loss stories [yeah for living plant/vegan foods!]. One participant lost 5 lbs in about a week time. She thinks, and I agree with her, that it was junk coming out of her intestine. She felt a bit toxic this week, so it makes a whole lot of sense to us.
Another participant noticed that her body shed about 3-4 lbs in the last two week—something that she has not been able to achieve since the birth of her last child. 3-4 lbs might not seem like much to some, but it is a good way to lose weight. When you do it slowly and steadily your body is able to readjust and your skin contracts easier too.
More reports of mental clarity came in from people who are doing green smoothies. Higher ability to concentrate and accomplish more through the day. [I would like to remind you that most of the people participating in the challenge are not even vegan and are reaping these huge benefits!]
Fun and Games?
On a different note, my hubby and I went roller skating last Saturday. It was great and fun [I am still learning and it was only my second time getting on the skates], until I fell and landed on my tailbone. After falling I got a small bruise and a headache, but all was well… until the day after. My neck and shoulders were stiffer than a board and I was in pain :( My body was dealing with it the best it could, so it shut off my appetite and I did not eat much. To get my greens intake for the day still I whipped up a monster of a green smoothie—almost straight greens. However it still tasted good. Give it a shot and let me know if you like it.
Got Green Milk? Smoothie
Makes 24 oz
2 cups water
2-3 tbs wheatgrass powder, or equivalent to 1 tray
2 cups bok choy greens
2 heaping tbs maca powder
6 dates
3 tbs hemp seeds
Blend for 1 minute to dissolve all particles.
This week I am truly prepared for the challenge. I loaded up on greens at my farmer’s. This is $20 worth of fresh organic greens [I probably would have paid x3 times as much for the same thing at a local store].
Want to HEAR from YOU
Are you following us on this challenge? How is everything going for you? Leave a comment and let me know.
I am also currently running a giveaway contest for V.Boutenko's new book "Green Smoothie Revolution" for Back to Eden members. If you are a member on B2E make sure to enter. If you are not yet, then... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? :) Become a member and be eligible to enter also.
Contest ends tomorrow night!
Until next time friends: Eat Healthy! Be Happy! Eat plant foods and let your bodies heal :)
Jock itch is caused by fungi called dermatophytes .The cause of jock itch is a common fungal or yeast infection. Although the term "jock itch" implies some sort of relationship with athletics, this is not necessarily true. Jock itch is particularly related infections from microorganisms and environmental factors such as humidity and friction, which can irritate the skin. Jock itch generally suffered when the body's defenses are slightly down. Jock itch is more common in men than in women simply because the presence of male genitalia leads to increased friction and humidity. Women are actually predisposed to develop a similar condition underneath their breast. Jock itch is most often caused simply by noninfected skin affected by friction, humidity, and heat. However, it is not uncommon for microorganisms like fungi and bacteria to simultaneously infect the skin.
Some people are particularly sensitive to jock itch and need to take care with their diet, and avoid eating yeasts and refined carbohydrates. This is why Yeast sensitivity can be classed as Food Intolerance. However it can also be confused with other conditions.Jock itch can spread from person to person by shared use of contaminated towels or clothing or through direct contact during sexual intercourse with someone who has the infection.
Fungal molds like Epidermophyton floccosum and Trichophytin species are occasionally responsible for the epidemic infections in dormitories, barracks, and similar situations in which people live close together and in which towels, sheets, blankets, and other items may harbor a fungus for years. Bacterial jock itch can be easily diagnosed because the affected skin glows a coral red color when illuminated by a black light.
Jock itch can be prevented by applying large amounts of lubricant, like petroleum jelly, to areas likely to be affected. Wearing tight clothes or athletic supporters can predispose one to infection or aggravate the problem further.The fungus is spread by contact with the spores, which may survive on dead skin cells or objects for a long time.
Jock Itch Treatment
Treatment of fungal-related jock itch may include one or a combination of antifungal shampoos to wash the groin, antifungal creams, and rarely antifungal pills. Treatment of jock itch that is not caused by fungus involves proper groin hygiene, keeping the area clean and dry, and washing frequently with gentle soap and water. Jock itch is best treated with topical creams or ointments since the fungus only affects the top layer of skin. The creams and ointments can be purchased at a pharmacy or prescribed by your doctor. If what you have is jock itch, it usually improves within two weeks from the start of treatment. Treatment consists of:
* Be careful not to over treat the area, as this can lead to further irritation.
* Clean the area using mild soap and warm water. Hydrogen peroxide is not recommended because it can irritate and worsen the infection. Use drying powders if excessive perspiration is an issue. Avoiding chafing by wearing loose fitting cloths.
* Applying over-the-counter anti-fungal creams or powders recommended for jock itch, following the regimen outlined in the accompanying instructions.
* Washing and thoroughly drying the affected area, especially after workouts.
Hello, loves! Most of you have really thought about the questions to ask, and they are good! I am very thrilled to share my vegan super-power knowledge with you.
Q: Beth asked: In eating a raw diet, do you ever get sick of eating cold food? Or IS raw diet food all cold/room temperature? I like raw food, but I also like some nice hot roasted veggies. Thoughts?
A: Glad you asked! I really am. I am not 100% raw with my diet. I am at about 80% raw/20% cooked ratio, although I never really sit down and measure it. My ultimate goal is HEALTH. If it is going to take even more raw food intake, I will get creative.
At this point, I do enjoy some cooked foods, and I don’t beat myself over the head for eating them. I do, however, always make sure my cooked portion of the meal is smaller than the raw portions, which lead me to the next point: all of my cooked meals have a large helping of raw veggies or greens, or a combination of both.
I also agree with you—I like hot foods: warms soups, teas, etc., so I do eat those. Being that I make all of my meals at home and supplement all of my cooked meals with raw greens, I don’t worry about chemicals or preservative.
Most raw foodists that I have come across are not 100% raw, but rather “high raw” in their food intake, although there are some that do 100% raw also.
With that said: enjoy your hot veggies once in a while, but to get most benefit from foods, do eat majority high raw diet, if possible. And remember, every step in a direction of vegan, high raw, unprocessed, whole-foods diet is progress :)
Q: Jenna asked: Just HOW scrupulous are you? I'm vegetarian and try to avoid marshmallows (including those tiny ones on cocoa mix that are so darn tasty!)/jell-o/candy colored with carmine/cheese with casein. But there are only so many ingredient lists I can read during a shopping trip before I go bonkers! Sometimes I just give up and hope for the best because I just don't have time to read each and every single ingredient. Do you read labels a LOT or do you have go-to products that you always buy as to avoid the constant double-checking?
A: Great question! I felt like that in the beginning of our switch to a vegan diet. But I had to discipline myself, Jenna, not to give up. So, I did read EVERY label, EVERY time I went shopping. To me it really does matter what goes into my body.
I abandoned all vegan food substitutes with time, because they are highly processed.
My rule: if the ingredient list is…
1. longer than a few ingredients I don’t get it;
2. has ingredients I cannot pronounce or make no sense—I don’t buy it;
3. has any chemicals in it—I don’t buy it
I am a stickler for whole foods—this approach helped me heal from many illnesses, so I still with the basics.
There are certain items that I had used for a long time [my go to items] that I know have a good ingredients list, so I know I can safely buy them over and over again [such as Whole Foods organic pasta sauce], and even with such items I do quickly glance over labels, at times, to make sure the contents have not changed.
Q: Audrey asked: Do you do any vegan baking? I am having a hard time mastering the traditional taste and texture of cakes without using a lot of refined ingredients or processed margarine. Do you have any tips for this?
A: Audrey, thankfully I never had a big sweet tooth. I do bake occasionally for my husband, friends and family, and have learned a few healthful substitutes that work wonders:
1. Eggs can be substituted with apple sauce and bananas;
2. Butter and margarine can be substituted with coconut and olive oil
My favorite chocolate chip cookies are wonderful when I make them with coconut oil, apple sauce and bananas. They rarely last until the next day.
If you are looking for SUPER fantastic baking recipes, check out BitterSweet blog. Hannah is quite amazing with her vegan baking craft. She occasionally uses ingredients I avoid, but overall she can work magic with vegan baking.
Q: Audrey asked: I was wondering how you handle gatherings with omnivores, and if you have any tips. I will be having a graduation party this summer and I am unsure what to serve. I want everyone to be happy with the food, but I'm not sure that they would like an all vegan spread. Any ideas?
A: Absolutely! I am full of ideas! If you are the one responsible for all foods, then make everything vegan, and, if you really are looking to please EVERYONE, serve animal products [i.e. meat] on a side.
In my 3.5 years of being vegan I might have done it only a couple of times, since I pretty strict with not serving animal products AT ALL. When I did do it, it was for a good reason. This last Christmas a friend of my husband’s was all by himself. He is as carnivorous as they come. So, I made an all vegan dinner and then prepared a chicken for him on a side. It did sicken me to no end to do it, so don’t take me to the vegan court or start throwing rotten tomatoes at me, but our relationship with him meant more to me than our dietary believes. It was worth the sacrifice!
There is another approach, my favorite actually, is do parties potluck style. Even if you, as a hostess, are making most of the dishes, you can request your guests to bring THEIR favorite dish with them to the party! You can be honest with them and let them know that they might want to bring their favorite meat dish. It works in my family amazingly! I never had anyone get upset over it. Even better, my family has been so loving to us, that now they make most of their dished vegan style, and serve meat as a side dish. Everyone seems to be enjoying it too.
Q: Mary asked: I understand that healthy eating a lot of times means fixing meals at home, but I am on the go quite a bit with 4 kids in tow. Do you have any easy meal ideas to help us continue eating healthy even when we are out?
A: Mary, since I do not have 4 kids in tow it is slightly different for me. However, I do regularly cook for 4 or more adults. I find that dedicating 1 or 2 days to cooking and prepping over the weekend is the easiest way to accomplish mid-week cooking exhaustion.
On the weekend, and some weeks are better than others, I try to pre-cook grains, pastas, etc.; prep greens and salad ingredients, so that during the week all I would have to do is pull the out, warm up, if the dish needs warming, or toss things together to serve a quick meal.
If in a hurry, try to stick with simple meals. I find that green smoothies, smoothies, hom-made cereals are the quickest way to get best nutrition into your kids.
Now I am going to give a link to a blog of a mother of 5 children! She is homeschooling and abides by high raw vegan diet too. She has a whole system set up to succeed. You will be amazed. Vegan Family Inc.
Q: Kristin asked: HONEY? Vegan friendly? I head many debates about this one. If you eat Vegan, and eat honey you are not a true vegan. Thoughts ?
A: If you want to be very scrupulous, Kristin, honey is an animal byproduct. In the beginning of my vegan journey I refused altogether to eat ANYTHING of the animal kingdom, including honey. However, I do use raw honey now on a regular basis. Here is why and how.
I buy my honey from a local farmer, so I know he takes care of his bees; I do my best to use RAW honey only, since I eat honey not for sweetness but for its nutritional benefits—it rich with enzymes, vitamins, minerals and nutrients; and I buy organic honey, the fact that honey provides me with sweetness also is a huge benefit, since I do not eat ANY processed sugars [99% of the time].
Now, super strict vegans can take me to the vegan police, if they want to on this, but with most of them eating more vegan junk than I would care to know about, my choice is superior to theirs. In addition to that, you will find that a lot of vegans and raw vegans end up eating some sort of animal product one way or another [example : vitamin D3]. Unfortunately not everyone is being honest and open about it.
Q: Lynn asked: Could you give a rundown on what nuts are truly raw, and which ones-even thought they say raw on the lable-aren't. Where are good places/sites to purchase raw nuts from?
A: Lynn, reading the label is key, as well as knowing your provider. Most raw nuts are supposed to be raw, however with current laws in the US, I know that most almonds get zapped [irradiated]. Cashews by nature are poisonous [kind of like poison ivy], so when they are harvested they are treated with heat. So, even though I have seen cashews being sold with TRULY RAW label on them, I highly doubt that someone can eat TRULY RAW cashews and get away with eat.
When shopping at local stores, even such as Whole Foods, it would behoove to talk to the manager of the department where you buy your nuts and find out if the nuts are TRULY what they are labeled. There are times when it happens that even the manager does not know more than what the label says. At that point you have a choice on whether you want to buy the product or not.
I get 99% of my nuts from www.azurestandard.com It is a co-op, so I get wholesale prices on them. There are other on-line companies that offer superior products, but I find them a bit out of my budget. You can check out the NaturalNews store for deals and option. http://store.naturalnews.com/
Q: Zatalie asked: I would like to know ... what is your favorite raw chocolate recipe? :)
A: A raw cheesecake for sure! I have recently created a recipe that was delectable. I will be publishing it in my e-cookbook in the near future.
I also like to add raw cacao to “energy bites” I make for myself for when I am out an about working long days, like shooting a wedding, and needs a constant, even source of energy. I do add cacao to my smoothies as well.
Q: Shannon asked: Have you found a good recipe for a raw mayonnaise? One of my favorite salad dressings involves vegan mayo and Parma! but I would like to mayo part to be raw.
A: Honestly I found only one recipe that could be considered raw so far. I came across it on another blogger’s post [Notes from Vegan Kitchen]. I tried making it, but mine did not come out, although I think it was due to one of my ingredients. My niece made it and said it turned out fantastic, so I am planning to get fresh ingredients and try it again. My niece, when she made her first batch, instead of boiling the ingredients, simply ran them in her Vita-Mix until they warmed up and thickened. If you try it and it works for you, let me know.
Thanks everyone for participating and asking these questions. Healthy living can seem a bit intimidating, but it is doable when you have support, which I am happy to provide for you.
Good morning lovely readers! The sun is out and shining in Longview WA, and I, with my vegan self, am enjoying as much of it as I can sneak through the window. The sun does put me in a very good mood, which is beneficial for everyone! I am going to tell you why.
Premier Organics, the makers of Artisana butters recently sent me some samples of their goodness to try.
[click on the image to see it larger]
I enjoyed every single one of their samples, but I have to admit that Coconut Butter and Cacao Bliss butter were by far my favorite, followed closely by the Cashew and Macadamia butters. I simply could not get enough of them… until I ran out! It was great to much on butters and spreads that were actually GOOD for me!
I used to eye Artisana butters every time I went to Whole Foods, thinking that one day I will splurge and try some. Everything from their packaging [glass jars], to their colorful labels, the fact that they the butters are RAW and ORGANIC was appealing to me. Well, now I had tried them and I am HOOKED!
Premier Organics, the makers of Artisana is a small organic food company trying to make a big difference. They make and create living and organic butters and spreads. They are devoted to sustainable living and support the organic and living foods movement. They try to buy their foods as close to the farmer as possible. In many cases they are able to buy straight from the organic farmers. That’s how they operate. It is how they live their lives.
Handmade with care, their organic live foods are crafted using a special low heat process that always preserves the life-essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and enzymes.
Their mottos is: Artisana: Raw life-energy from Sun to Plant to Body.
So, today, lucky you, you have a chance to enter to win a drawing for a jar of your very own Artisana Cacao Bliss RAW Coconut Chocolate Butter [it is YUMMY!].
NOTE: The contest is open to US Residents ONLY! Sorry, folks, international shipping is too expensive and I am shipping this item myself.
Here is how you can enter:
1. Leave a comment under this post asking a question about vegan/raw diet. It has to be something that is REALLY of interest to you and has been on your mind. Please DO NOT ask just any ol’ question to make an entry.
I will later do a post answering some of the questions.
For EXTRA entries do as many of the following as you want. However, you will need to come back and leave an entry telling me that you did it:
2. Twitt about this giveaway using the following line:
Enter to Win #Raw #Organic Coconut Artisana Butter @elenawilkins #Vegan Recipes blog http://bit.ly/9uPdeD
Come back and tell me that you did it with your Twitter username.
For extra entries, Twitt about it once a day [max], and leave a comment every time you do it.
That’s it! I am sure I could think of many other ways to help you with more entries, but 8 are way more than enough.
Make sure to leave your name and e-mail. [When you are entering e-mail address in the comment form, not the comment section itself, it is NOT visible to anyone but me!]
Jock itch is a pretty common fungal infection of the groin and upper thighs. It’s part of a group of fungal skin infections called tineatinea and also known informally as crotch itch. It affects men and women. Men are affected more often than women. In men, the penis and scrotum are seldom affected. Jock commonly involves the inner thighs and adjacent skin, including the scrotum in males. Jock itch, also known as tinea cruris, is a fungal infection of the skin in the groin. The warm, moist environment is the perfect place for the fungus to grow. Anything that enhances that environment puts the person at risk of getting jock itch. The rash may affect not only the groin, but it can involve any areas of skin that overlap, including around the anus and in the various skin folds of obese individuals. Jock itch affects men and occasionally women throughout the world.
* The Jock Itch risk factor are as fellows:- * Humidity * Damp skin folds as may occur with obesity or excessive sweating * Heat * Tight clothing
The infected area is somewhere below and on the sides of the scrotum and the middle portion of the penis. Is it recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to clean the infected area prior to using anti-fungal creams. The body normally hosts a variety of bacteria and fungi. Some of these are useful to the body. Others can multiply rapidly and form infections. Jock itch occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies in the groin area. It can be passed from one person to the next by direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with unwashed clothing. Jock itch may be contagious. It is often less severe than other tinea infections, but may last a long time. Jock itch may spread to the anus, causing anal itching and discomfort. Jock itch usually stays around the creases in the upper thigh and does not involve the scrotum or penis.This is particularly true of combat athletes due to the heavy skin-to-skin contact associated with the sport. In most cases friction is the cause of Jock itch, however several microorganisms have been identified as causing the rash as well. Common microorganisms like fungi and bacteria can infect the skin.
Symptoms of Jock Itch
Common Jock Itch symptom are itching, chafing and burning. Lesions usually appear as a rash with defined, elevated edges. Affected areas may appear red, tan, or brown, with flaking, rippling, peeling, or cracking skin. The rash appears as raised red plaques and scaly patches with sharply defined borders. The itching can get worse and become unbearable in some cases. The rash is usually on both sides of the groin and affects the folds.
Jock Itch is Curable and Contagious
People are more prone to developing jock itch because of their overall health, activity, anatomy, possible altered immune status, exposure history, and other predisposing skin conditions like eczema. In many cases jock itch are not contagious the infection may be transmitted through skin or sexual contact towel sharing of swimwear. People with athlete's foot are more prone to developing jock itch. It is possible to transmit fungal jock itch to someone else through close skin contact. To prevent jock itch, you must always dry your skin thoroughly after taking a bath. It is also advised to wear loose fitting clothes and underwear. Sharing of towels, hair brushes and combs are discouraged. Know more jock itch facts http://www.defensesoap.com/jock-itch-facts.html
After recently reading about one of my long lost herbs on Raw Epicurean blog, I reintroduced it into my diet. I drink it now at least once a day. I prepare it by pouring cold or lukewarm water over a couple of teaspoons of nettle and letting it sit anywhere between 30 minutes to overnight. Click on the link to read about all of Nettle’s benefits.
I drink it without any additives—the taste is very mild. However, if you are a beginner and want to cover up this new (to you) taste, then you can drop a spoonful of honey or brown rice syrup or a few drops of vanilla.
(The color on the image is not the best, as it was taken with my cell. It looks much better in real life.)
I believe that what makes you look youthful is the quality of your skin. Our skin acts as a musketeer and guards us against the harsh environment we all are living in. But, we no longer have to suffer from extreme climate,dust and pollution that surrounds us. Here are some face packs straight from the kitchen to protect your skin from these elements especially in summer. For Normal Skin: Banana works wonders for oily skin. It nourishes and moisturizes your skin.Make a paste of banana with fresh cream. Apply it all over your face for half an hour and then rinse it with normal water. It brings a natural glow on your face and also protects your skin.
For Oily Skin: Apply egg white over your face, leave it for about 20 min and wash it off with normal water. As oily skin is prone to open pores, the egg white tightens the pores and protects the skin from dust and pollution.
For Dry Skin: Oatmeal is the best for dry skin. Prepare a mask by mixing raw oatmeal, egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Apply it on the face and leave it for 30 minutes. Then, wash it off with normal water. It makes the skin soft, shiny and healthy.
Apply the above mentioned packs as per your skin type and maintain your charming look.
Good mornings, loves! I hope you are following me and our Back to Eden bunch {vegan forum} on our 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge. Today is the end of our first week and I am glad to report that we have some pretty awesome testimonies coming in already: improved skin condition, weight loss, improvement with arrhythmia, mental clarity, etc. There was one person, so far, that experienced some detox symptoms, but that is expected and we are moving ahead strong and excited.
To help everyone along this wonderful Green Journey toward better health, through whole foods vegan diet, I am going to share a couple of easy vegan recipes you can make for yourself and your family.
Vegan Veggie Pasta
Serves 4
1/2 bag of 16 oz whole wheat organic pasta, cooked until desired tenderness
1/2 large onion, chopped
2 large carrots, cut into match-stick sizes, or shredded on a mandolin slicer
1 tbs olive oil
1/2 jar organic, preservative free spaghetti sauce
1 zucchini, cut in the same manner as carrots
1 cup chopped parsley or cilantro, for garnish
3 tbs Veganise [optional, and only if you are not allergic to soy]
Saute onion and carrots with olive oil on medium heat for 5 minutes
Add sauce, heat up and cover
When ready to serve, add zucchini to the sauce mixture
Place pasta in your favorite bowl, pour sauce over it
Add 2 tsp Veganaise and garnish with parsley
Mix and enjoy!
If you have been following my blog long enough you know that I don't eat any of my meals without greens--we have to have food that is alive and with enzymes to accompany any foods that have been cooked for easier digestion. There is no food that does it better than fresh organic greens. This meal is no exception. So, here is another delicious vegan recipe for you to add to your recipe book.
Green Salad with Raisins
Serves 4 with pasta, or 2 by itself
1 large head of dark leaf lettuce of your choice, chopped or torn into edible size pieces
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced, spread on top of lettuce
1-1 1/2 zucchini cut into match-stick size or on a mandolin slicer, spread over onions
Are you looking for more Vegan Recipes? Well, get ready to lick your bowls and forks. My absolute new favorite salad--I can't stop eating it!
I sprouted some seeds recently [read all about How to Sprout and Benefits of Sprouting here]. After getting my greens picked up at the farm I was ready to eat them [greens] any which way possible--I have been craving fresh greens for a long time. The salad was nothing more but my attempt at a quick, scrumptious lunch. It was a success!
Goji Delight Salad
5-6 leaves of Romaine or Dark Leaf lettuce, cut or torn in chunks
1/2 cup or more sprouts
2 tbs hemp seeds
1 tsp favorite seasoning [I use Kirkland Organic]
2 tbs hemp or extra virgin olive oil
Himalayan or Sea salt to taste
1/3 cup goji berries
Place greens in a bowl
Add sprouts, seeds, seasoning
Sprinkle with oil and salt
Top with goji berries
I guarantee you will be addicted. I eat mine with a slice of home-made bread.
If you don't have sprouts handy, don't worry, still make the salad and enjoy it.
I will add a couple more scrumptious vegan recipes tomorrow. You all stay Green!
Good morning, loves! Hope your week is going well and you are loading up on your greens.
I am VERY excited! I received an e-mail from my farmer yesterday letting me know that he has greens and radishes—ALREADY! I could not tell you how exciting it is. With the 30-Day green smoothie challenge my green intake has gone up tremendously—I inhaled 40 oz of green smoothies yesterday. It made me shutter thinking how much I have to spend on organic greens at the local grocery store [although it is still not as much as average American spends on meat and dairy products and processed foods per week]. Well, no more fears or tears for me! No, sir!
Yesterday I got 3 full grocery bags of greens:
• Spinach
• Mustard greens [very mild kind]
• Lambsquarters
• Radishes and radish green
• 2 different varieties of lettuce
Bok choy
All for $10!!! Can you believe this? Just look at all the goodness [I was washing, drying and bagging; some greens, because there was so much, went directly into the freezer, so they would not spoil or oxidize too much].
Here are a couple of Green Smoothie Recipes I made with these greens already:
Lambquarters Delight
Makes 32 oz.
• 2 cups water
• 1 banana
• 4-5 plums
• 2 handfuls [about 5-6 oz] lambsquarters
• 1 tbs wheat grass powder**
Very light to taste. Refreshing.
Bock Choy Plums
Makes 64 oz.
• 3 cups water
• 2 oranges
• 1 banana
• 4 plums
• 6-8 oz bock choy
• 3 tbs hemp seeds
• 3 tbs goji barries*
• 1/4 cup dulse flakes*
• 4 dates for sweetness, if needed
To my individual drink Added
• 1 tbs wheat grass powder**
• 1 tbs maca powder*
*designates SUPERFOODS and is optional, although highly encouraged
**breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to avoid wheat grass as it might decrease lactation
As you can imagine with greens coming into my body, opening it up for healing, my whole body and my skin is just glowing: more energy, less skin dryness. However, being that it is still cold outside, the air is dry, and we simply don’t live in a perfect world, I still need a little help to keep my skin, especially my face, pampered and moisturized. Sprout Wellness to the rescue!
About 3 weeks back, wonderful folks at Sprout Wellness, makers of the most natural skin care products that I know so far, had mailed me a little sample pack to try out their goodies.
I tried them out and I am in L-O-V-E! Their all-Over Cream is my favorite—very moisturizing and nourishing, and… has only 3 ingredients in it!
• shea butter
• organic extra-virgin coconut oil
• organic extra-virgin olive oil
Yes, you read it right—ORGANIC and RAW!!! You can actually eat this stuff, that is how good AND safe it is. [Don’t forget that skin is the largest body organ—whatever goes ON it, ends up on the INSIDE of us, so BEWARE what you slather your skin with!]
The cream feels light and nourishing on the skin. The amazing part is—you need very LITTLE of it to cover your whole face—I use only about the size of a green pea for my entire face, so it lasts you a long time.
I am almost out of my cream, and as much as I enjoyed using coconut oil ONLY on my body, I am HOOKED! I am getting ready to place an order to get MORE of their good stuff! I have not heard of any other company offering RAW, VEGAN, ORGANIC skin care, not yet.
I also enjoyed the facial cleanser and toner—good stuff! I gave my lip balm away to my nephew to enjoy.
So, folks, ladies and gents alike, if you are looking for good, nourishing, safe, healing skincare, look no further. Go to Sprout Wellness and place your order—take my word for it—you will like it!
DISCLAIMER: Sprout Wellness did not pay me to do a review, neither did they ask for it when I requested a sample from them. If any of my readers purchase Sprout Wellness products I get NO kickbacks or rewards—just happy people :).
Questions of the day:
1. How is your GREEN intake coming along? Did you up it this week?
2. What skin care products did you find that are good, safe, nourishing AND edible?
If you are thinking GREEN today, you should definitely try this. I whipped this recipe up in seconds in my new Blendtec and my sister is crunching away on goodness now. This is a raw, vegan recipe, but will please everyone celebrating St. Patrick's day!
Avocado Cucumber Soup
Ingredients Part I
1/2 cup water
1 medium-large ripe avocado
1 large cucumber [regular or English]
3 tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 clove garlic
1 tsp cumin
Himalayan or sea salt to taste
2 springs of cilantro
Part II [for garnish] 1 medium size Roma tomato, diced 1-2 tbs red onions chopped 1/2 avocado, chopped in cubes, if desired
Blend Part I ingredients in a blender until creamy smooth
Pour in your favorite pretty bowl
Garnish with Part II ingredients
Enjoy! [Might be enjoyable with some Tortilla chips or a small slice of home made bread!]
Want more green? Try this.
Banana Strawberry Green Smoothie
Ingredients Makes 4 servings • 2 cups filtered water • 2-3 ripe bananas • 16 oz ripe strawberries, including the little greens • 2 large handfuls of spinach
Preparation • Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. • If you are lacking in sweetness, which you should not, add a couple of pitted dates to the mix.
Before I tell about the product I am reviewing today, let me tell you a little story [you can find an in-depth recount of it on my August 2008 blog entry].
After moving to Washington State a couple of years back I met a young lady at the local nutrition store. Well, it was more like I ambushed her.
Demetrye and I were already vegan when we moved, and in a small town of Longview, where obesity rates soar up to 70%+ vegans and health seekers are a rarity. I quickly found out that there is only ONE health food store for the whole county of 100,000 people, which closes at 6 pm promptly. Forget about a Whole Foods or a vegan group/association or anything like that. It felt a bit lonely!
One day, while at the aforementioned nutrition store, I was informed that there was a raw vegan in town. The owner of the store gave me her name, and I was looking forward to one day meeting her. As I was about to leave the store she was coming in, and someone pointed her out to me. Being me… I went straight to her, all excited, introduced myself and started chatting away. Oops! I think I scared her at first. But… now the rest is history, as our families have befriended and we spent a lot of quality time together.
Darlene, my dear friend, introduced me to a couple of books that really influenced my life/health. One of them was: Green for Life, by V. Boutenko.
Green for Life
The book covers the results of the Roseburg study conducted by Victoria and Dr Fieber. It reveals the unique healing potential of greens, in particular Green Smoothies. This book is illustrated with anecdotes, diagrams and pictures.
Victoria was originally looking for a way to improve her family’s raw food diet, which cured her family of numerous ailments—a diet based on fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and avocados. While this eating regiment helped her family's health tremendously, Boutenko couldn't help but notice something was missing. After extensive research, she came to the conclusion that without a sufficient amount of greens one cannot reach optimal health.
Greens make our body more alkaline, add fiber, and provide a wide spectrum of prime nutrients. Chlorophyll effectively aids in the healing of many human ailments.
Green for Life explains why eating more green leafy vegetables can help normalize the acidity level in the stomach. Greens can give us so much energy we will actually require less sleep.
In addition to Victoria’s recount of her research, Green for Life includes 23 delicious smoothie recipes with ingredients like romaine, strawberries, and bananas, to get you started on drinking your way to a healthier life. Plus, Boutenko shares the testimonies of her research subjects who drank 1 quart of her green smoothie every day with astonishing results.
My Green Smoothie Experiment
Having read the book, although interested, I was a bit skeptical. I knew greens are good for us, but the claims that I read in the book were a bit outlandish even for me. And, being me, I decided to conduct my OWN experiment. I decided to go on a strict regimen of Green Smoothie drinking for 30 Days.
I made a list of things I wanted to observe—one has to have expectations, and kept a journal of my daily food intake. Here is one of the entries:
22 days after doing green smoothies EVERY SINGLE day, at least 16 oz. a day, I checked my foot and the wart fell out right into the palm of my hand!!! No zapping, no freezing and burning... It was OUT!!!
Don’t be alerted at me talking about warts with such enthusiasm. It is not warts that I am really excited about, but the power of God-given nutrition, that we—the human race—are yet to discover with all of our technological and scientific advances.
[and here is a shot of my fridge during my experiment days—being prepared helps to ensure a successful experiment]
So, if you are looking for a good read or a great present for someone you love, grab a copy of Green for Life! [click on the link to be taken directly to it]
Another way you might get a copy of Green for Life is by becoming a member of our on-line vegan forum Back to Eden. I am giving away a copy of this amazing book to one "green" member of our community this week... and maybe more in the future. Simply click on the link to find out more about the community and get your membership.
Best of all to everyone! Happy Tuesday and Happy Green Smoothie Drinking.
Green Smoothie Challenge Continues!
Our Green Smoothie Challenge is going STRONG. We already have a couple of pretty amazing testimonies. One of our members, just a week after starting on Green Smoothies was healed of an exzema on her scalp. Talk about miracles!
The Winner of the 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge Kickoff is... Anna! Anna watched the video and was able to precisely list all of my suggestions to the participants of the challenge. Anna, your invitation to the forum is on the way! Welcome to Back to Eden. I am looking forward to having you in our Green Country!
Congratulations, Betsy [and the kids]! Betsy, please e-mail me your mailing address to claim your prize.
Congratulations to the both of you, ladies!
The rest of you, wonderful people, stay tuned for more recipes, health tips, product reviews, giveaways... and MORE OF ME, of course :)! Have an amazing Sunday!
Good morning loves! As a part of our Vegan on-line Forum celebration, we at Back to Eden are kicking off a 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge. I will lead Back to Eden [B2E] participants week by week with simple green smoothie recipes that will enhance our health and even aid some in weight loss... I would like to invite the readers of Eat Healthy! Be Happy! Vegan Recipes blog to participate as well.
Every week I will post a video that will outline our plan of action for that week. B2E members will also get a detailed list of recipes and ingredient list for that week.
Watch the video, get involved also!
B2E members will get a lot of one-on-one attention, so, if you wish, jump on over to the Forum page and join us. If not, you can still follow along. You can find green smoothie recipes on my blog under Green Smoothie and Drinks categories. And make sure to interact with us too by leaving comments under blog posts.
For now, watch this video, take notes, and then read instructions under the video.
You know me, I can hardly do anything without giving something away anymore.This time is no different. If you watched the video intently you would have seen certain suggestions I made to the Back to Eden members. The first person to list them in order [and it has to be the correct number] who wants to get into Back to Eden, will get 1 months access to the forum for FREE! Yes! All you have to do is, list the suggestions I made in order [and it has to be just right], leave your name and e-mail address and tomorrow, after 2 pm I will announce a winner. Deal? If you come to the post to make suggestions and see other responses, don't let it stop you, because it is all about having the RIGHT answer!
A few weeks ago, cool folks at http://www.cookware.com/ contacted me and asked to do a review of their Tribest Automatic Sprouter. I was excited! I had seen a Tribest Sprouter at a friend’s house once and the sprouts growing in it looked beautiful, so, naturally, I wanted to try the sprouter myself.
At the same time I have been thinking about doing a post on teaching folks how to sprout seeds at home, without having to spend too much time on it, or spend too much money at a local grocery store on buying sprouts.
It was only logical to combine the two things together, so I decided to do a Side by Side review of home [jar] sprouting and sprouting using Tribest Automatic Sprouter.
Watch the video [I literally took over 5 days to do the comparison and draw conclusions], and then read about the Benefits of Sprouting below it.
[Warning :) in the first few frames you will see a shot “How to Sprou”—it was not an intentional mistake—I actually did type SPROUT [I have a proof], but somehow, during the creation of the video, Windows Movie Maker squeezed the “t” out and I was too tired to go back and fix it. I am not illiterate… really ;)].
Now you have seen it for yourself that sprouting is easy and painless, and will take no more than 5 minutes of your time per day for up to 5 days. All you need is a jar, a breathable top [paper towel or a coffee filter will do] and a rubber band; or an Automatic Sprouter. That is it! If you rinse your seeds at least three times a day you won’t have to worry about bad bacteria or molding. It has worked for me and I am sure it will work for you.
If you are wondering about which method is my favorite, I will satisfy your curiosity: Jar Sprouting! I found it to be painless, takes little space and little time. It might be different for everyone, and once I in a while I might even pull out the sprouter that CSNstores.com sent me [yes, I got to keep it, but my opinion, as you can see is absolutely unbiased].
Now, let’s move on to the benefits of sprouting. Why should we eat sprouted seeds as opposed to waiting for a fully grown fruit/vegetable/legume, etc.?
Sprouted Seeds have been knows as the Ultimate Food
Sprouts are one of the most alkalizing, nutritious and easily digestible foods. Through the process of sprouting a seed releases all of its energy, vitamins and nutrients to transform into a strong plant.
Before sprouting the seed/nut is in a dormant state, covered with naturally protective shield knows as enzyme inhibitor to keep its core intact, preserving the life within, and making it hard for us to digest it [because of those enzyme inhibitors]. During the sprouting process new and higher quality proteins and other nutrients are produced, breaking and replacing the protective enzymes.
The endosperm of the seed is the storehouse of carbohydrates, protein, and oil. When the seed germinates, these become predigested amino acids and natural sugars on which the plant embryo feeds as it grows. At the stage of sprouting the seed’s nutritional value is at its height. Tests have shown that the nutrients in seeds and nuts are anywhere from 50% to 400% greater after sprouting or soaking. For example, lettuce sprouts contain up to 400% more protein than lettuce and over 3900% more beta-carotine. Another example, according to Rita Romano in her book Dining in the Raw, millet and wheat contain over 5 times the vitamin C when sprouted.
Sprouts contain a greater amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, nitrosmines, trace minerals, bioflavinoids and chemo-protectants (such as sulphoraphane and isoflavone) which work against toxins, build our immune system, resist cell mutation than at any other point in the plant’s life.
The abundant enzymes in sprouts make them easily digestible. Living enzymes makes sprouts easily assimilated and metabolized by the body.
Studies have also shown that sprouts in general, and specifically sprouts of cruciferous vegetables contain exceptionally high levels of a natural cancer fighting compound called sulforaphane, which helps support antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E.
Research has show that ingesting seeds and nuts with the enzyme inhibitors intact can actually be harmful to us, resulting in gastrointestinal problems, enlarged pancreas and a condition that leads to the excretion and therefore loss of needed enzymes. Sprouting helps us avoid such problems, and on the contrary, heals our bodies from within.
As you have seen in the video, sprouting is EASY and can be done by anyone, nearly anywhere. The benefits of sprouting are too great to list [although I will take a stab at it] and too important to ignore. When the seed releases its life to produce a sprout it generates new healthy cells, and through ingestion of sprouts our bodies can do the same.
Sprouts do not only help our bodies fight cancerous invaders, but also retard the aging process, by helping our bodies to balance male and female hormones alike.
Based on all of this information it should be concluded that sprouts should occupy a prominent place in our diet [in fact, at this very moment I am sprouting a jarful of mixed seeds, which will be ready for eating in a day or two :)]. Organic seeds do not cost much, can be easily stored, and, as you have seen it, easily grown.
Equipment Needed
As you have seen, you need very little: a jar, a paper towel and a rubber band, or an automatic sprouter.
[I use clean, filtered water for sprouting, just as I do for drinking.]
What to Sprout
SEEDS: alfalfa, celery, clover, oats, radish, fenugreek, and sunflower.
Soak the desired amount of seeds for 5-12 hours or overnight, covering the top with a breathable cover and securing with a rubber band. Place the jar in a dark area, at room temperature. After soaking, drain, rinse. Lay the jar on a side to give seeds more room to spread and grow. Rinse 3 times a day, draining water through a strainer. Rinse seeds with lukewarm water.
For the next 5 days repeat the process, keeping sprouts at room temperature in place away from direct sunlight. If desired, on the last day, place sprouts in the light to increase their chlorophyll content.
At the end of last day, separate seeds and place into containers [preferably glass] or bags, and refrigerate. Remember that seeds will keep expending, although very slowly.
GRAINS: rye, wheat, buckwheat, barley, millet, and rice. Same directions as for the seeds.
LEGUMES: lentils, mung beans, and soy beans. Due to the hardness the initial soaking time should be increased to 12-15 hours.
Note: Sunflower and lentil sprouts should not be larger than the seed itself in order to be palatable. Sunflower and lentil seeds take only 2-3 days to sprout.
Sprouts can be refrigerated for up to two weeks. However, it is better to sprouts small amounts frequently since seeds and sprouts tend to become rancid when held for too long.
Where to buy Organic Seeds
Your local health food store should be your first stop. If you have a Whole Foods near you, your will find a variety of seeds there, and even seeds blends, like the one I used in the video.
Nutritional Value
All LEGUMES are In both protein and starch and are acid-forming unless sprouted.
Maintain a diet diverse with greens, seeds, nuts, vegetables, to maintain a proper balance of acidity and alkalinity. Diets heavy in protein result in excessive acidity. Sprouting helps to reduce the acid-alkaline imbalance.
Mung beans are rich in vitamins A, C, and B complex.
Most SEEDS contain a lot of phosphorous—mineral that increases alertness and mental abilities. Phosphorous is also necessary for healthy bones and teeth, which makes sprouted seeds desirable food for babies and children.
Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamins B and D and all the essential amino acids.
Sesame seeds are a rich source of calcium, iron, phosphorous, niacin, and protein.
Alfalfa contains much chlorophyll, and vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, G. K, and U. It also has large amounts of iron, calcium, phosphorous, and sulphur.
GRAINS: Sprouted wheat contains vitamins C, E, B complex, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, protein, enzymes, chlorophyll, and possibly B-17. While in its cooked form, wheat is unacceptable to some individuals, causing mucus congestion, allergic reaction, and constipation, whe sprouted, a large portion of starch is converted to simple sugars, making it a wholesome food acceptable to many who would otherwise need to eliminate wheat as a food source.
Buckwheat is rich in lecithin and rutin.
Eating Sprouts
Having read the benefits of sprouting you must realize that sprouts are most beneficial when eaten raw. Cooking will kill the precious enzymes that make sprouts the most digestible source or protein and various minerals and vitamins.
You can include sprouts on sandwiches, add to salads, and soups [again, without being cooked].
Sprouts can be blended for baby food, sauces, and dressings.
Sprouts are a God given powerhouse and should take a prominent place in our diet.
So, don’t wait any longer, get out, get seeds, find a big jar and get to sprouting!
I hope you have found this tutorial and review to be of a great value.
Happy Sprouting!
Disclaimer: Although I got to keep the product I reviewed, my opinion is completely unbiased and depended on the outcome of my experiment. I did NOT get paid to do this review and get no further perks for having it on my blog.
You can find Tribest Automatic Sprouter at cookware.com [linked] or at Amazon [my affiliate link on the left--not visible in RSS].