I am away from home for a few days on business. My lovely hubby drove out to join me to spend some alone time. [On the way here he got rear ended, but, thank God Almighty, no one got hurt! The car is still drivable and my hubby is fine.]
I spent most of my day in a meeting. As you can imagine, the food we were served was far from vegan. I brought a couple of snacks with me and then disassembled their "veggie" sandwich to get some greens and a small piece of bread. The greens made me crave more greens, the piece of bread... well, let's say that I was not all to excited about it. I gave away the rest of my catered lunch.
After the meeting I joined my lovely hubby at the Great Wolf Lodge. We headed out to dinner. It is more than a challenge to find anything vegetarian friendly in this town let alone vegan or raw. Fortunately I had been in this town [Centralia, WA] once before and knew of a little place called Bocatta. The chef there was so great to us that he whipped me up my own meal: roasted eggplant with tomatoes and roasted potatoes, along with a green salad. Unfortunately, as great as our meals were, our salads proved to be too small and our cooked part of the meal too big. Let me explain why.
Most people, who ingest processed, omnivorous or mostly cooked vegan meals don't realize that they not functioning at the height of their physical energy potential. They are so used to feeling tired that they take it as a norm. For those of us who had lived a high raw vegan diet and then digress from it even for a short time, the difference is noticeable IMMEDIATELY! By the time we got to the car both of us knew that we were not feeling as good as we should-a little tired and sleepy.
See, living [raw] foods are full of enzymes that help our bodies to digest and burn foods more efficiently. The body does not have to borrow it's own enzymes from other physiological processes to digest foods, thus being able to still function as it was intended. When we eat cooked/processed foods, which has been heated to over 118-120 F, enzymes die, and ingested foods overburden our bodies by pulling enzymes from the body, thus disturbing other important processes, such as detoxing, immunity support, healing and repairing, etc., which stresses our bodies and makes us age faster on top of feeling tired, sluggish, and slower.
On the way back to the lodge it was my love who looked over at me and said: I don't like the way I feel. I want to go green for a week.
I almost jumped out of my seat and squealed at the top of my lungs: YES! See, we ate a very high raw diet until winter months when we got so busy with our lives and slacked off by eating more cooked foods than we should. We noticed how our energy level changed over the last few months. Today was the day when we both said: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
So, although I am still a little tired, I am crawling out of my skin. Demetrye and I are going 100% raw for the entire week! YES! YES! YES!
We are still going to be away from home for a couple of days, but we are starting first thing tomorrow. What makes it possible is being prepared. We packed some fresh raw fruits and greens with us and my favorite gadget of all times: VitaMix 5200.
We will be eating green smoothies and salads while here. When we get home I will make some raw crackers, and we will enjoy some nuts. However, our diet for the next 7 days is going to be not only 100% raw, but also mostly green [like eating lots of greens green]. We expect to feel rejuvenated and cleansed [and a few pounds lighter to boot] by the end of the week.
This is not the challenge that I have been talking about so far [not yet]. That challenge is coming in less than 2 weeks. This is a challenge for Demetrye and I. If you would love to join us, let me know and I will blog our food intake, so you can join us and prepare for the Main, BIG challenge that will change you forever.
What say you?