Before I tell about the product I am reviewing today, let me tell you a little story [you can find an in-depth recount of it on my August 2008 blog entry].
After moving to Washington State a couple of years back I met a young lady at the local nutrition store. Well, it was more like I ambushed her.
Demetrye and I were already vegan when we moved, and in a small town of Longview, where obesity rates soar up to 70%+ vegans and health seekers are a rarity. I quickly found out that there is only ONE health food store for the whole county of 100,000 people, which closes at 6 pm promptly. Forget about a Whole Foods or a vegan group/association or anything like that. It felt a bit lonely!
One day, while at the aforementioned nutrition store, I was informed that there was a raw vegan in town. The owner of the store gave me her name, and I was looking forward to one day meeting her. As I was about to leave the store she was coming in, and someone pointed her out to me. Being me… I went straight to her, all excited, introduced myself and started chatting away. Oops! I think I scared her at first. But… now the rest is history, as our families have befriended and we spent a lot of quality time together.
Darlene, my dear friend, introduced me to a couple of books that really influenced my life/health. One of them was: Green for Life, by V. Boutenko.
Green for Life
The book covers the results of the Roseburg study conducted by Victoria and Dr Fieber. It reveals the unique healing potential of greens, in particular Green Smoothies. This book is illustrated with anecdotes, diagrams and pictures.
Victoria was originally looking for a way to improve her family’s raw food diet, which cured her family of numerous ailments—a diet based on fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and avocados. While this eating regiment helped her family's health tremendously, Boutenko couldn't help but notice something was missing. After extensive research, she came to the conclusion that without a sufficient amount of greens one cannot reach optimal health.
Greens make our body more alkaline, add fiber, and provide a wide spectrum of prime nutrients. Chlorophyll effectively aids in the healing of many human ailments.
Green for Life explains why eating more green leafy vegetables can help normalize the acidity level in the stomach. Greens can give us so much energy we will actually require less sleep.
In addition to Victoria’s recount of her research, Green for Life includes 23 delicious smoothie recipes with ingredients like romaine, strawberries, and bananas, to get you started on drinking your way to a healthier life. Plus, Boutenko shares the testimonies of her research subjects who drank 1 quart of her green smoothie every day with astonishing results.
My Green Smoothie Experiment
Having read the book, although interested, I was a bit skeptical. I knew greens are good for us, but the claims that I read in the book were a bit outlandish even for me. And, being me, I decided to conduct my OWN experiment. I decided to go on a strict regimen of Green Smoothie drinking for 30 Days.
I made a list of things I wanted to observe—one has to have expectations, and kept a journal of my daily food intake. Here is one of the entries:
22 days after doing green smoothies EVERY SINGLE day, at least 16 oz. a day, I checked my foot and the wart fell out right into the palm of my hand!!! No zapping, no freezing and burning... It was OUT!!!
Don’t be alerted at me talking about warts with such enthusiasm. It is not warts that I am really excited about, but the power of God-given nutrition, that we—the human race—are yet to discover with all of our technological and scientific advances.
[and here is a shot of my fridge during my experiment days—being prepared helps to ensure a successful experiment]
So, if you are looking for a good read or a great present for someone you love, grab a copy of Green for Life! [click on the link to be taken directly to it]
Back to Eden Giveaway
Another way you might get a copy of Green for Life is by becoming a member of our on-line vegan forum Back to Eden. I am giving away a copy of this amazing book to one "green" member of our community this week... and maybe more in the future. Simply click on the link to find out more about the community and get your membership.
Best of all to everyone! Happy Tuesday and Happy Green Smoothie Drinking.
Green Smoothie Challenge Continues!
Our Green Smoothie Challenge is going STRONG. We already have a couple of pretty amazing testimonies. One of our members, just a week after starting on Green Smoothies was healed of an exzema on her scalp. Talk about miracles!