Beautiful folk at Tropical Traditions sent me a jar of their coconut oil to try. And try I did. I used this coconut oil in about anything and everything you can imagine: smoothies, raw cheesecakes, roasting potatoes, putting it on my skin—you name it, I tried it. But let me show it to you first, since pictures might be worth a thousand words [so I get a video instead ;)].
Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Review from Elena Wilkins on Vimeo.
[If you are receiving this as e-mail and not seeing the video, click on the link and you will be taken to the Vimeo site to enjoy it.]
So, I have become a convert. The lightness of Tropical Tradition’s coconut oil has me sold on it.
Want a chance to win your own 32 oz. jar of Tropical Traditions coconut oil? Here is how you can do it. As always, I am going to give you more than one opportunity to win this drawing:
Along with your comment, make sure to leave your name and e-mail address so you can be notified if you win this giveaway. If you win the giveaway I will contact you to obtain your mailing and contact information.
You have to be a resident of US or Canada to participate [yes, Canadian friends! I love you that much!]
You have to be a resident of US or Canada to participate [yes, Canadian friends! I love you that much!]
Drawing will take place on Sunday, March 14th.
1. Head on over to Tropical Traditions and subscribe to their newsletter, then come back and leave a comment under this post.
2. Visit Tropical Traditions Free Coconut Recipe web-site and come back to tell me which recipe you would like to make with the coconut oil you might win.
3. Follow me on Twitter, and Twit about this giveaway, then come back and leave a comment about it. You can Twit about this giveaway once a day and get an additional entry by coming back each time and leaving a comment about it. Make sure to mention your Twitter @ username.
Twit this Text:
Tropical Traditions Giveaway: Organic Coconut Oil to celebrate the launch of #vegan forum
4. Friend me up on FaceBook and post about this giveaway with a link to the post, then come back and leave a comment about it. As with Twitter, you can FB post about this giveaway once a day and get an additional entry by coming back each time and leaving a comment about it.
5. Sign up for my Newsletter [on the right side of the blog at the top], then come back and leave a comment about it. Make sure to confirm your subscription first, by going to your e-mail box and responding to the e-mail requiring a confirmation. If you do not confirm your subscription your entry will be disregarded.
6. Follow my blog [look on the right hand side panel and you will see a list of followers that you can add yourself to], then leave a comment about it.
7. Add my blog to your blog roll, then come and leave comment about it, along with the link.
8. Subscribe to my RSS Feed, and leave a comment about it.
9. If you have a blog, mention this giveaway in your post, directing to my post and leave an additional comment under this post.
10. If you are a member of Back to Eden forum, you get an extra entry. Add a separate comment and mention that you are, indeed, a member of our community [and I know if you are ;)]. And, yes, if you decided to join the community now, you would qualify for this extra entry.
And so that you all know, Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
And one more thing: you can also acquire a complimentary copy of their Virgin Coconut Oil book by taking part in their Referral Program: If you have any questions on how it works, please visit their Customer Services page.
Don't forget folks, that the doors to the fist wave of Back to Eden on-line vegan forum are open. Sign up to get support, to grow, to get encouraged, to get vegan and raw vegan recipes, green smoothie recipes, etc., and to learn ways to improve your health through a plant based diet.