What an amazing long day it was. Coming home from the business conference, I dove into making new raw recipes.
This morning we started with a very green smoothie, although it did turn out quite sweet.
Spinach Smoothie
- 2-3 cups water
- 2 ripe bananas
- 4-5 oz spinach
- 2T barley grass powder
- 2T maca powder
For lunch I whipped up an amazing kale salad. My hubby really liked it too. I even recorded his reaction on a video, which I will try to post tomorrow.
I also made amazing raw oatmeal cookies with a middle filled with banana/raspberry jam. I think I might even include both of today's recipes in the upcoming e-cookbook.
Dinner was quite interesting. Hubby and I arrived home to find out that we are hosting my brother-in-law's b-day dinner... for over 30 people. Well, with my family some [a lot] of cooking has to be involved. However, we did so well with getting everything ready and still staying raw. We had a huge salad [a meal really] and our raw dessert, along with a cup of hot tea. Yum! I feel fantastic, although totally exhausted.
Here is what you need to know folks: Raw Food Diet is totally doable and exciting. But, don't let me be the only one tooting Raw Food's horn.
A while ago, over a year really, an amazing woman stopped by my blog every now and then and made a few comments about green smoothies, etc. I found her web-site and her blog and added to my Google Reader. I have been following her blog since.
The amazing young lady is no other than Kristen of Kristen's Raw.
Kristen Suzanne is a Raw vegan chef, author and teacher with a passion for helping people succeed with the Raw vegan diet. She has been studying nutrition, fitness, and food preparation for 15 years. Her passions for animals, food, health, and the environment are the driving factors behind her business' mission. She lives in Arizona with her husband and rescued dog, where they love and enjoy the constant sunshine, mountains, and palm trees. For more information about Kristen Suzanne’s books and services, please visit http://KristensRaw.com and http://KristensRaw.blogspot.com

I invited Kristen to share her path to Raw foods and her reasons for staying Raw. She was lovely to have taken the time to share it with me and my readers. Please enjoy her story and leave a comment to let her and I know what you think about her journey and my experiment.
The Raw Vegan Diet – Nutrients, Enzymes, and Energy… Oh My!
By Kristen Suzanne of KristensRaw.com
My reason for going Raw is this: Because it works.
My goal was to find the truth. I wanted to find what works, what is reasonable, and definitely what is fun. I've been on every supplement there is and tried most of the diets out there. My history includes competing as a bodybuilder in my early 20's, which is where I started getting serious about fitness, as well as embarking on the infamous diet rollercoaster lifestyle. During this time in my life, I ate meat roughly six times a day. I worked out like crazy, preparing for bodybuilding competitions, and I looked great. But something was wrong. I wasn't healthy.
On top of that, for most of my life, I had intense migraine and tension headaches, acne, cellulite, allergies, and back pain. I was constantly tired and so you'd always find me drinking 2-3 Starbucks' triple venti soy cappuccinos each day. I took plenty of prescription medications, for both my headaches and my exhaustion. Eventually, I was so tired of not feeling well, of not feeling like I was at my peak unless I medicated myself with something like caffeine or pain pills. I was living a life of stimulated energy instead of Raw energy. I had no idea there was such a thing as Raw Energy. And, wow, what a difference that has made in my life!
I first came to learn about Raw food (about 5 years ago) after finding veganism (about 7-8 years ago). I pretty much went vegan overnight, after reading the book, Diet for a New America (followed by The Food Revolution) – both by John Robbins. (My husband switched to vegan after reading The China Study). My health improved significantly after going vegan, but it soared to heights I never imagined when I went Raw.
When people first learn that I'm a Raw vegan, they usually ask Why? My initial response is always the same... "Try it and you'll see for yourself. You'll be amazed." Sometimes I follow it up with examples that I can't help but brag about...
• I have energy through the roof without caffeine.
• I have clear, soft skin that is going to age slowly and beautifully.
• I effortlessly maintain my weight.
• My previously debilitating headaches cease to exist.
• I'm helping my body prevent the common diseases afflicting our culture today.
• I'm setting myself up to win and to reach my goal of being a centenarian.
• I deserve this! My family deserves this!
• Need I go on? Because I can... ;)
What I realize from my own experience is that the problem people encounter is battling through so many inconsistent viewpoints and diets. People don't know what to do. A lot of diets out there can help you lose weight, but it's usually at the cost of your health. Additionally, those diets aren't usually instrumental in helping you if you have heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. Switching to Raw is an amazing experience because you enjoy food that is so delicious, without the guilt or fear of eating unhealthily. Regardless of the state of your health when you start, going Raw makes you healthier. You can actually feel it.
There are so many benefits of eating Raw. The Raw food diet has helped many people find health when nothing else did. It can help anyone who wants healthy levels of blood cholesterol, healthy blood sugar levels, pain-free joints, clear glowing skin and shiny hair, reduced or eliminated cellulite, rapid elimination of excess weight, a boost to the immune system, amazingly restful sleep, unbelievable energy, unbelievable sex, increasing mental focus, being in a happy and feel-good mood all the time, improving relationships, and more. Now, I ask you, what other diet out there can do all of these things for you? None!
Important elements of Raw food - Nutrients and Enzymes
My focus with Raw is mostly to do with phytonutrients ("phyto" means "plant"), which includes antioxidants, give fruits and vegetables their radiant colors and are important in the prevention of chronic diseases, most notably cancer. These are literally nature's compounds that keep us well. Doctors Hyman and Galland say that phytonutrients help "turn-on" your body's metabolism at the cellular level and regulate hormones that help control appetite. These foods have high levels of antioxidants with health promoting and disease preventing compounds.
Most phytonutrients are destroyed or damaged when cooked or processed above 130 degrees F so they're less available for assimilation. In short, when you cook your food, you're destroying many of the nutrients. It's like eating empty foods, or empty calories, that just fill you up temporarily. What's the point? On the other hand, eating fresh, organic Raw fruits and vegetables will increase the vitamins and micronutrients in your diet and you could feel the difference immediately.
Enzymes are another common reason that people turn to Raw foods. Enzymes are heat sensitive and destroyed at temperatures above 118 degrees F. When you cook your food, you're destroying the enzymes. As a result, you're causing your body to do more work than necessary to digest the cooked food you just ate. It's not only a waste, but it can also accelerates aging. One of the reasons your energy can skyrocket when you eat Raw foods is that your body doesn't spend as much time digesting and assimilating the food. Digestion is the #1 energy drainer for people, so if you can help that by decreasing the time your body needs to digest food, you can experience more pure, real energy.
Bottom line: If you’re looking for increased health, the answer could be in the organic produce section of your health food store. Starting adding some more fresh raw foods into your diet and see how it works for you. I bet you keep coming back for more.
There you have it, folks. Raw food works and it is not just a fad that will soon go away. No, I don't mean that the whole world will go raw vegan overnight either, but if you are truly looking to improve your health incorporating as many Raw Foods in your diet is the best way to ensure a lasting success.
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