Absolutely unbelievable and painful indeed—a 10 year old Californian girl was diagnosed with breast cancer! And… had a double mastectomy… What has this world come to?
What I found most amazing, not in a good sense, is after having undergone the surgery, and still undergoing treatments, you can see her sipping on a pop in the video (watch it by clicking on the link): http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/state&id=6819571. Instead of getting her off her drug-of-choice—poor junky foods, and making her exercise and reverse the cancer, uneducated doctors sent this 10 yr old under a knife! It is truly, truly unbelievable.
She is clearly obese. She looks more like she is 16 yrs old, not ten. The responsibility clearly lies with parents! They are the ones to blame—they taught her poor eating habits, which eventually lead to cancer. Yes, court system is more willing to jail us if we don’t vaccinate our kids, than to punish for getting our kids truly sick.
For those of you who have not made the connection between food, obesity and cancers yet, make sure to read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell (link on the right sidebar).
Until next time, folks, live an UNPROCESSED life, exercise and be well!