I had a great Memorial weekend. I have enjoyed my husband’s company and great food that we made together.
The longer we are living this vegan lifestyle, the more both of us realize the importance of eating raw wholesome foods. A portion of our foods (about 20-30%/day at times) still is cooked, but it is mostly whole grains, such as brown rice, buckwheat, beans, etc. The rest—raw. We continually have an opportunity to compare how we feel on raw and cooked foods and find that if we eat a meal that is mostly cooked, we don’t have the same amount of energy. Not at all times, of course, as even the cooked foods that we eat are always are of the highest quality and are always supplemented by huge helpings of greens or other vegetables.
My husband is now training for a 788 mile marathon, from Longview, WA to Sacramento, CA. Nutrition and rest is everything for his recovery time. I found it absolutely amazing that he started to train only about 3 ago (last minute decision) and is already able to do 40 miles at a time with no pain or aches. I am actually not the only one feeling that way—the leader of the group is taken back by Demetrye’s physical resilience. I contribute it to proper nutrition. He takes in great foods before and after the training to ensure quick recovery times.
Demetrye and the entire group will be leaving for California next Thursday, June 4th and will be riding for 3 straight days. They will be riding in shifts, but he is scheduled to ride 4 hours at a time every single day. I am so excited and proud of him, and yet I am a bit nervous—he is going to get through different kinds of terrain: mountains, flat land, riding by cliffs, etc. And I am only a human, and… his wife, so I naturally tend to worry about his well-being, especially since I won’t be right next to him to make sure of that… So, keep him and me : ) in your prayers.
The marathon will take place to raise awareness of our need for a building for our church. The building that we were leasing up until last year was taken from us, and we are currently renting from another church. We attend the Kelso Church of Truth, whose primary outreach is to the most underprivileged in the community. We work closely with the Mountain Ministries—a rehabilitation program for addicts of all kinds, and the Victory Center—a ministry that provided hot meals to homeless on daily basis. Ever since we lost our building, downtown Kelso, last year, the Victory Center was unable to operate, which is very unfortunate, as many of our fellow humans were relying on at least one hot meal a day from there.
The marathon will serve as a tool to raise funds for us to purchase a building suitable to fulfill the needs of all three ministries. We will receive coverage from The Daily News, and the local news station and papers in California (I am not sure which ones yet).
Everyone in the group that will be departing next week, is responsible for raising at least $300 to cover the expenses of this trip, on top of expenses for the equipment. They all are training hard to be ready for the trip physically, and I would like for them, especially my husband : ) not have to worry about raising the funds.
If you are reading this blog, I would like to ask you for your assistance—a contribution to this worthy cause. Please consider sponsoring at least 15-20 miles, or more, if you can. Every dollar is appreciated. If you sponsor $1 per mile, I am certain that Demetrye and others will be able to cover their expenses easily. If you can, please shoot me an e-mail at elena(dot)wilkins@gmail(dot)com [please replace (dot) with a period). I will then provide you with my PayPal account and you can transfer the funds you are willing to contribute. Again, every dollar is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and for caring for life-changing organizations! I will keep you posted on the progress of this marathon.
The longer we are living this vegan lifestyle, the more both of us realize the importance of eating raw wholesome foods. A portion of our foods (about 20-30%/day at times) still is cooked, but it is mostly whole grains, such as brown rice, buckwheat, beans, etc. The rest—raw. We continually have an opportunity to compare how we feel on raw and cooked foods and find that if we eat a meal that is mostly cooked, we don’t have the same amount of energy. Not at all times, of course, as even the cooked foods that we eat are always are of the highest quality and are always supplemented by huge helpings of greens or other vegetables.

Demetrye and the entire group will be leaving for California next Thursday, June 4th and will be riding for 3 straight days. They will be riding in shifts, but he is scheduled to ride 4 hours at a time every single day. I am so excited and proud of him, and yet I am a bit nervous—he is going to get through different kinds of terrain: mountains, flat land, riding by cliffs, etc. And I am only a human, and… his wife, so I naturally tend to worry about his well-being, especially since I won’t be right next to him to make sure of that… So, keep him and me : ) in your prayers.
The marathon will take place to raise awareness of our need for a building for our church. The building that we were leasing up until last year was taken from us, and we are currently renting from another church. We attend the Kelso Church of Truth, whose primary outreach is to the most underprivileged in the community. We work closely with the Mountain Ministries—a rehabilitation program for addicts of all kinds, and the Victory Center—a ministry that provided hot meals to homeless on daily basis. Ever since we lost our building, downtown Kelso, last year, the Victory Center was unable to operate, which is very unfortunate, as many of our fellow humans were relying on at least one hot meal a day from there.
The marathon will serve as a tool to raise funds for us to purchase a building suitable to fulfill the needs of all three ministries. We will receive coverage from The Daily News, and the local news station and papers in California (I am not sure which ones yet).
Everyone in the group that will be departing next week, is responsible for raising at least $300 to cover the expenses of this trip, on top of expenses for the equipment. They all are training hard to be ready for the trip physically, and I would like for them, especially my husband : ) not have to worry about raising the funds.
If you are reading this blog, I would like to ask you for your assistance—a contribution to this worthy cause. Please consider sponsoring at least 15-20 miles, or more, if you can. Every dollar is appreciated. If you sponsor $1 per mile, I am certain that Demetrye and others will be able to cover their expenses easily. If you can, please shoot me an e-mail at elena(dot)wilkins@gmail(dot)com [please replace (dot) with a period). I will then provide you with my PayPal account and you can transfer the funds you are willing to contribute. Again, every dollar is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and for caring for life-changing organizations! I will keep you posted on the progress of this marathon.
Here is a short video of most members of the group in training. Enjoy!