Another awesome article from my ND. Enjoy!
Good afternoon to all my faithful readers. Today I want to touch on the importance of health and nutrition in the planning of families. Like so many areas of our lives, we tend to just take things as they come. If our health practices are good, this poses no real problem. If we don't consider the impact of our nutrition on our children, the result can be heartbreaking. The choices we make ultimately affect our children and our future. Deuteronomy 30:19 states it very well. "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."
Since I encourage people to eat food as close to it's natural form as possible, this would mean eating live foods. I know this isn't what was being put forth in the scripture passage, but it does apply nicely in the case of food choices.
Reproductive failures
When I see the increasing number of young couples wanting to have children, yet failing to conceive or carry children to term, I have to remember the works of Dr Francis Pottenger. Dr Pottenger did some awesome experiments with cats. He took three sets of genetically equal cats. He put them in groups. One group was fed a strictly raw diet. The second group was fed a diet of both raw and cooked foods. The third group was fed a diet of only cooked foods. By the third generation, the first and second groups were reproducing well. The third group had become sterile.
It’s presumptuous of us to think that what we eat, affects only us. As generations go on, degenerative changes are going on behind the scene. Diseases never known or seen before are coming into existence. With this in mind, it’s hard to swallow the idea of genetic shifts as explained in the theory of evolution, as being capable of improving on creation. From what I’ve witnessed, a gradual deterioration of the species sets in with the levels of pollution and chemical alteration found in our foods.
Dr Weston Price observed and documented these same degenerative changes attributed to the refining of grains in our diet. His book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,” was out of print for years until resurrected by the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health. This book is a must read for anyone truly serious about having a solid education in nutrition.
The most profound thing a young man and woman can do is to take a serious look at the foods they’re consuming and take charge over their diet long before getting married and planning a family.
A farmer prepares his soil long before he ever puts seed in the ground. It’s far too difficult to work the soil once the seed’s in the ground.
Prenatal nutrition should be initiated at least a year before pregnancy, (and not just for the woman). The seed is every bit as important as the soil it’s planted in.
Placental transfer to the fetus involves amplification of whatever nutrients are in the mother. Cord blood from the placenta contains 1.7 times higher mercury levels than maternal blood. What does this mean? If Mom is just below detection of mercury induced disease, the baby will be above that level.
Breast milk has been reported to be so high in PCB’s, the FDA would outlaw it if tested. The breast not only concentrates nutrition, but like the placenta, concentrates toxins also.
If it takes three generations to make cats sterile, it can take a while with sound nutrition to restore health to a family. The creation of a healthy family is a group effort. If you are contemplating beginning a family in the future, consider getting proactive now with detoxifying your system and employing the use of healthy nutrition for yourself and your spouse. Healthy babies are fun babies!
Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016
Good afternoon to all my faithful readers. Today I want to touch on the importance of health and nutrition in the planning of families. Like so many areas of our lives, we tend to just take things as they come. If our health practices are good, this poses no real problem. If we don't consider the impact of our nutrition on our children, the result can be heartbreaking. The choices we make ultimately affect our children and our future. Deuteronomy 30:19 states it very well. "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."
Since I encourage people to eat food as close to it's natural form as possible, this would mean eating live foods. I know this isn't what was being put forth in the scripture passage, but it does apply nicely in the case of food choices.
Reproductive failures
When I see the increasing number of young couples wanting to have children, yet failing to conceive or carry children to term, I have to remember the works of Dr Francis Pottenger. Dr Pottenger did some awesome experiments with cats. He took three sets of genetically equal cats. He put them in groups. One group was fed a strictly raw diet. The second group was fed a diet of both raw and cooked foods. The third group was fed a diet of only cooked foods. By the third generation, the first and second groups were reproducing well. The third group had become sterile.
It’s presumptuous of us to think that what we eat, affects only us. As generations go on, degenerative changes are going on behind the scene. Diseases never known or seen before are coming into existence. With this in mind, it’s hard to swallow the idea of genetic shifts as explained in the theory of evolution, as being capable of improving on creation. From what I’ve witnessed, a gradual deterioration of the species sets in with the levels of pollution and chemical alteration found in our foods.
Dr Weston Price observed and documented these same degenerative changes attributed to the refining of grains in our diet. His book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,” was out of print for years until resurrected by the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health. This book is a must read for anyone truly serious about having a solid education in nutrition.
The most profound thing a young man and woman can do is to take a serious look at the foods they’re consuming and take charge over their diet long before getting married and planning a family.
A farmer prepares his soil long before he ever puts seed in the ground. It’s far too difficult to work the soil once the seed’s in the ground.
Prenatal nutrition should be initiated at least a year before pregnancy, (and not just for the woman). The seed is every bit as important as the soil it’s planted in.
Placental transfer to the fetus involves amplification of whatever nutrients are in the mother. Cord blood from the placenta contains 1.7 times higher mercury levels than maternal blood. What does this mean? If Mom is just below detection of mercury induced disease, the baby will be above that level.
Breast milk has been reported to be so high in PCB’s, the FDA would outlaw it if tested. The breast not only concentrates nutrition, but like the placenta, concentrates toxins also.
If it takes three generations to make cats sterile, it can take a while with sound nutrition to restore health to a family. The creation of a healthy family is a group effort. If you are contemplating beginning a family in the future, consider getting proactive now with detoxifying your system and employing the use of healthy nutrition for yourself and your spouse. Healthy babies are fun babies!
Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016