I am constantly working on improving my health and diet, so I can completely rid myself of all physical ailments that are still lingering from pre-vegan lifestyle. I have recently (soon to be 3 weeks) introduced wheatgrass juice as my daily intake.
Wheatgrass juice is one of the most amazing greens to be found. It contains 92 minerals, full of chlorophyll and phytonutrients. It is also great for getting heavy metals out of your body, killing cancer cells, and improving overall function of the immune system. In spite of all the horror stories floating around about the taste of wheatgrass juice I found that I actually like it. It is grassy, but what else can it be if it is GRASS : ) I also find that it has sweetness to it.
Since I do not have a great juicer (yet) [I really want to get a Green Star juicer, since it does fruits, veggies, greens AND wheatgrass], I blend wheatgrass in my lovely Vita-Mix with half of an apple, then strain it and drink first thing in the morning. At times I add ginger root, lemon or other greens. I started with 1 cup in the morning, and already progressed to 1.5-2 cups in the morning and about the same in the second half of the day. It is only when I add other greens to the mix—greens that I normally enjoy in a smoothie, that I find myself doing a little “icky drink” dance when I am drinking the juice… However, since I know that I NEED more chlorophyll to do its wonderful work in me, I am willing to put up with a little “discomfort”.
[The juice in this image was made with ½ apple, wheat grass, ½ cup water and lambsquarters. Proportions are up to you on the greens. I use a bit more of wheatgrass for one serving than you would buy in a container at your local grocery store]
I still drink my green smoothies, be it about an hour after wheatgrass juice or later in the day, or even in the evening. I wish my life was not as crazy as it is now, so I could experiment with more gourmet raw foods, but what I have now will have to do.
Yesterday I indulged in a serving (or two : ) ) of a Rhubarb Tart (you can find the recipe for it here). It was SOOOOOOOOO delicious.

I have an amazing healing story to share with you in the next post. Make sure to stop by!
Also, if you have enjoyed the content of this blog—let me know. Has it been helpful to you? Insightful? Anything else? It is good to know if my work is not done in vain. I love what I do, and enjoy writing these posts, however, if there is no benefit to anyone then I feel I can use my energy more effectively in other areas of my life. So, do let me know! E-mail me, or leave a comment under this post. [Comments are held until I have a chance to review them, to avoid Spam]
Have a beautiful day! And remember: what you put in your body has the power to heal or kill you!