Last week I met (in person) with my mentee that is fighting cancer (let’s keep calling him Mr. C, until he is ready to share his own story with us, which I pray will happen in the near future).
I woke up early last Saturday. Demetrye went to train for marathon (see post below) and I was off to visit with Mr. C. It was almost 5-6 weeks since we initially met and, although, we communicated via phone and e-mail, there is nothing like actually seeing the person. I wanted to see his skin color, his posture, and his energy level. I wanted to go through his cupboards and the fridge to see what was really going into his body (I do that with people I consult, if you are wondering… : ) It is not my normal behavior, though, so don’t be scared to invite me over : ) )
When I got to Mr. C’s house he greeted me at the door. I was so pleased with what I observed. His skin, once yellow and tightened, now has a healthy glow to it. His eyes are full of living fires and zest for life. He no longer looks as exhausted as the first time I met him. There is more of a spring to his step, instead of a painful shuffle I observed on our first visit.
Mr. C and I chit-chatted while I grilled him about his food, his appliances and exercise. I was so excited by the changes that were made since I last rummaged through his kitchen. His counters are lined with super-machines: Vita-Mix blender, Green Star juicer, Excalibur dehydrator, a food processor, and a sprouter! It is every raw foodist’s Dream Team!
As Mr. C shared with me about his successes and temptations we threw together a cracker mix and laid it out on a dehydrator sheet—a great way to spice up an all raw, cancer fighting diet. Since Mr. C cannot consume sugary fruits (sugar feeds cancer, so even fruit sugars should be avoided until cancer is terminated), there has to be a way for him to add a new dimension to his diet and keep his palette satisfied, while eradicating cancer from within. We combined flax seed (we ground a portion and kept second portion as whole seeds) with garlic, tomatoes and celery, with a bit of water, and spread it to dry. I am planning to check with Mr. C to see how he enjoyed his treat.
Mr. C told me about an amazing awakening in his spiritual life and how he was divinely assisted in making a decision concerning his recovery path. I so pleased to hear it! I always encourage people to keep journals when switching from SAD (Standard American Diet) to whole foods diet. As the body purifies itself the mind gets clearer, and the spirit gets stronger. The voice of God is no longer clouded with toxic effects of poisonous food, so we are able to hear Him clearly.
Mr. C is also now able to move more. He now has enough energy to exercise and even mow his lawn. He is even planning on building himself a sauna! That’s a way to go, Mr. C! Plan your future! He is also developing his own garden where he will be growing delicious organic produce.
Mr. C had told me that he already has gone one full day with NO PAIN MEDICATION! I am certain that he will have many more of them.
Mr. C’s next check-up and physical tests are scheduled for the end of June. I know that the war is not over yet and I am not certain when it will end, but we are winning it—one battle at a time. We will keep praying for his complete recovery while giving his body tools to rejuvenate. Mr. C has more good days now, although he still has his bad days. But we know that all things are possible, because we believe in Mr. C’s Creator’s ability to perform miracles.
Please pray for Mr. C—he is an amazing family man and a community member. His family and the rest of us need him to hang around a while longer.
I will keep you posted on his progress.
I woke up early last Saturday. Demetrye went to train for marathon (see post below) and I was off to visit with Mr. C. It was almost 5-6 weeks since we initially met and, although, we communicated via phone and e-mail, there is nothing like actually seeing the person. I wanted to see his skin color, his posture, and his energy level. I wanted to go through his cupboards and the fridge to see what was really going into his body (I do that with people I consult, if you are wondering… : ) It is not my normal behavior, though, so don’t be scared to invite me over : ) )
When I got to Mr. C’s house he greeted me at the door. I was so pleased with what I observed. His skin, once yellow and tightened, now has a healthy glow to it. His eyes are full of living fires and zest for life. He no longer looks as exhausted as the first time I met him. There is more of a spring to his step, instead of a painful shuffle I observed on our first visit.
Mr. C and I chit-chatted while I grilled him about his food, his appliances and exercise. I was so excited by the changes that were made since I last rummaged through his kitchen. His counters are lined with super-machines: Vita-Mix blender, Green Star juicer, Excalibur dehydrator, a food processor, and a sprouter! It is every raw foodist’s Dream Team!
As Mr. C shared with me about his successes and temptations we threw together a cracker mix and laid it out on a dehydrator sheet—a great way to spice up an all raw, cancer fighting diet. Since Mr. C cannot consume sugary fruits (sugar feeds cancer, so even fruit sugars should be avoided until cancer is terminated), there has to be a way for him to add a new dimension to his diet and keep his palette satisfied, while eradicating cancer from within. We combined flax seed (we ground a portion and kept second portion as whole seeds) with garlic, tomatoes and celery, with a bit of water, and spread it to dry. I am planning to check with Mr. C to see how he enjoyed his treat.
Mr. C told me about an amazing awakening in his spiritual life and how he was divinely assisted in making a decision concerning his recovery path. I so pleased to hear it! I always encourage people to keep journals when switching from SAD (Standard American Diet) to whole foods diet. As the body purifies itself the mind gets clearer, and the spirit gets stronger. The voice of God is no longer clouded with toxic effects of poisonous food, so we are able to hear Him clearly.
Mr. C is also now able to move more. He now has enough energy to exercise and even mow his lawn. He is even planning on building himself a sauna! That’s a way to go, Mr. C! Plan your future! He is also developing his own garden where he will be growing delicious organic produce.
Mr. C had told me that he already has gone one full day with NO PAIN MEDICATION! I am certain that he will have many more of them.
Mr. C’s next check-up and physical tests are scheduled for the end of June. I know that the war is not over yet and I am not certain when it will end, but we are winning it—one battle at a time. We will keep praying for his complete recovery while giving his body tools to rejuvenate. Mr. C has more good days now, although he still has his bad days. But we know that all things are possible, because we believe in Mr. C’s Creator’s ability to perform miracles.
Please pray for Mr. C—he is an amazing family man and a community member. His family and the rest of us need him to hang around a while longer.
I will keep you posted on his progress.