Being raw vegan is far from boring—I can promise you that much. I get to taste dishes and foods that most people on SAD diet will never experience in their life. How do I know that? Well, I once used to be an omnivore. My cooking repertoire, although much wider than most I knew, was still confined to what I already made for a long time. I did invent my own recipes and tried what I could find that looked worthy of making, but it never failed that most dishes revolved around the same boring stuff: meat, dairy and… more meat and dairy and wheat.
I am so glad that my new lifestyle and many wonderful people I have met along the way have helped me change my perspective—shake things up. Now there is hardly a dish that I make more than a couple of times, unless it really becomes a favorite of mine. I find it funny that at times I remember that I made a few months ago and would really like to do it again, but… don’t remember how to. I actually end up going to MY OWN blog to look up recipes now. It is quite amusing…
In my past life I used to be able to “throw down” a great Alfredo Fettuccine and other pasta creations. Now, even though I have a mill to make my own flour (a dry blade container from Vita-Mix), I decided to push aside all boundaries and surge ahead into the “raw noodle world “.
I have heard enough about raw noodles but was skeptical that they might make me fill satisfied. So, one day I decided to give it a try. I thought of all the great ingredients that can be added to raw noodles and give me that “full” feeling that pastas are known for, meanwhile not leave me feeling drained.
The recipes I came up with is delicious—I guarantee you will like it. I have already made it 4-5 times and am planning to do it again.
Since my faith in raw noodles has been boosted, thanks to great sauce recipes that I was able to create, I am not in the market to get a great spiral slicer. I am eyeing this beauty. If you have experienced it or know of a better way, hook the sista’ up—leave a comment and let me know. In return, without any further delay, I give you: Zucchini Pasta!
Zucchini Pasta
I am so glad that my new lifestyle and many wonderful people I have met along the way have helped me change my perspective—shake things up. Now there is hardly a dish that I make more than a couple of times, unless it really becomes a favorite of mine. I find it funny that at times I remember that I made a few months ago and would really like to do it again, but… don’t remember how to. I actually end up going to MY OWN blog to look up recipes now. It is quite amusing…
In my past life I used to be able to “throw down” a great Alfredo Fettuccine and other pasta creations. Now, even though I have a mill to make my own flour (a dry blade container from Vita-Mix), I decided to push aside all boundaries and surge ahead into the “raw noodle world “.
I have heard enough about raw noodles but was skeptical that they might make me fill satisfied. So, one day I decided to give it a try. I thought of all the great ingredients that can be added to raw noodles and give me that “full” feeling that pastas are known for, meanwhile not leave me feeling drained.
The recipes I came up with is delicious—I guarantee you will like it. I have already made it 4-5 times and am planning to do it again.
Since my faith in raw noodles has been boosted, thanks to great sauce recipes that I was able to create, I am not in the market to get a great spiral slicer. I am eyeing this beauty. If you have experienced it or know of a better way, hook the sista’ up—leave a comment and let me know. In return, without any further delay, I give you: Zucchini Pasta!
Zucchini Pasta

5 medium to large zucchinis
1-2 avocados (depending on the size and preference)
1 tomato (optional) (depending on size) (use ½ in Pesto and ½ for garnish)
1-2 cloves of garlic
½ cup cilantro
½-1 cup of sunflower seeds (you can substitute with cashews, almonds or pine nuts)
Sea or Himalayan salt to taste
• Cut zucchini noodles with a julienne or a spiral slicer. If you are using julienne slicer you most likely will have leftover chunks. Don’t feel despaired—they won’t go to waste. Add remainders into your pesto—they will blend in beautifully.
• I have noticed that sometimes zucchini has bitter taste, so consider peeling off skin, if that is the case.
• In a blender, combine all Pesto ingredients and ½ tomato and blend until desired consistency is achieved (if you like little nut chunks you will need to stop earlier, if you like it smooth give it an extra few seconds).
• Mix Pesto with noodles. If you use a tomato in Pesto it will turn out more liquid. If you don’t—the Pesto will be thicker and more “sauce-like.
• Garnish with cilantro leaves and tomatoes.
• On the image you see that I garnished mine with sprouted sunflower seeds and kiwi. Sunflower sprouts are an amazing addition to any dish. Kiwi—although absolutely delicious, was primarily for decoration. I prefer not to mix my fruits with anything else (read about Food Combining here)
Enjoy! Dishes like this will help you live a happy UNPROCESSED life!