There is no doubt that every one  wants  to look beautiful, smart and fit. A person should have enough  exercise to look good. But it is also  important to eat the right kind of diet which enhance the beauty. There are certain foods that are healthy and beauty to help improve your appearance. Given below are some foods, which  you can add to your diet if you want to look beautiful. 

Carrots: It helps  to keep the outer layer of skin by  prevent the premature  aging of skin.

Citrus Fruits: These fruits hold the skin cells together with the formation of collagen,which is important part in skin .Collagen can not be added to the skin at the local level so that the fruits and juices should be an integral part of daily diet. 
Tomatoes: This vegetable does wonders for your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium.
 Apple Cider Vinegar: This vinegar has many healing properties and makes the skin soft and supple. It  has more amount of  enzymes , which has digesting propriety and remove the  dead skin cells. 

 Cheese: Cheese helps to prevent bacteria in the mouth and prevent cavities. So, take a slice or two of hard cheese is a part of your diet.
Cranberries: These berries keep urinary tract lining healthy. 
Garlic: Helps comply with wrinkles and repair tissue. 
Yogurt: It has high  calcium and helps to maintain  your smile and cavity free teeth.
Sweet potatoes: These potatoes are rich in vitamin A and vitamin D,so it is known as anti wrinkling agent. This effect smooth skin when add your diet.
Wheat: To get rid of pimples efficiently two or three tablespoons of wheat germ in your diet. You can use it with cereal, yogurt and cheese. 
Here are some general tips for a diet: 
Vegetables: you should 2-5 servings of vegetables per day. Include raw varieties. Remove all fat. Try to get two servings of turkey or chicken, and close a portion of fish per day is ideal. 
Fruits: Have 2-3 servings daily.
Dairy: Have at least two servings a day. One serving is eight ounces of milk or yogurt.
Fats: Salad dressing, cooking oil, butter should be limited to two servings a day. 
Eat these foods for beauty and follow the diet, which will change your appearance  in a short period of time, look better than before.

Tags: beauty, vegetables, fruits, carrots, slim, enzymes, anti ageing,  fitness.