The hair loss in men and women can be caused by any of age, genetics, medicine, illness, chemotherapy, environmental, trauma, and chemical substances in hair products or combination of these factors. There are many natural ways to reverse the hair loss and helps in growing of hair.

1. Make a mixture of honey and lemon juice and massage into your scalp. Allow for a half and hour, then was with a mild shampoo. The combination of lemon and honey controls the baldness and prevent the excessive dryness and flaking of the scalp occurs.
2. Castor oil. Castor oil is an essential oil to help treat hair loss and thinning of hair. Castor oil is at least slow the growth of hair loss. It cannot work for everyone. Castor oil should be immediately on your scalp, not to the hair. Leave hair for a few hours or even overnight. Then wash with a shampoo
3. A vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water is one of the most effective home tip for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with heat. It is active the sebaceous glands and the helps in circulation of blood in scalp, making the hair grows.
4. Olive oil is one of the most effective natural hair treatments. You can increase your hair growth by massaging olive oil into the scalp daily. This will increase the blood flow to your scalp. The oil will moistent the strings and clean the scalp.
5. Fenugreek is an herb that many people forget or do not use it. This is an excellent resource for any one who is starting to hair loss. Fenugreek seeds can fight for the bald head, so that the seeds allow to soak in water. Grind them to a paste and then apply paste on the scalp with fingers for effective absorption of nutrients in fenugreek.
6. Aloe vera oil. Aloe vera helps for healthy hair and gives hair with good nutrients. Aloe vera oil can be applied to your scalp. Then, leave in the hair for several hours. Washing with shampoo. Aloe vera also use to treat dandruff.
7. Amla Oil: Amla oil make by boiling dry pieces in the coconut oil. It is a valuable addition to hair tonic enhance hair growth. A mixture of equal amount of fresh lime juice and amla juice, which is used as a shampoo to prevent hair loss and also enrich the hair growth.
Tags: hair, baldness. male baldness, women baldness, natural tips, home tips, strong hair, hair diet.