Everyone knows that diet and exercise together help to lose weight. However, frequently most of the people do fasting, for lose out their weight,  even though it is not a correct way. Instead of losing their weight, they stimulate hunger, which  build fat by slowing down their metabolism. Rather than resist the urge to eat, you can use to your advantage by eating fatty food fight.

Here are some foods that fight fat:

Citrus fruits: If you add the adequate  amount of vitamin C contain fresh fruits such as oranges, strawberries, raspberries , lemon, guava  etching your diet,  which oxidize 30% fatter while doing regular exercise than a persons who consumes  the insufficient amount of Vitamin C. According to research the amount of vitamin C in the blood stream has a direct correlation to the body's ability to burn fat as an energy source with. Vitamin- C used in the body to synthesis carnitine - a substance that helps our cells  to burn fat for energy. If you lack vitamin-C, carnitine  can’t do their  job. So you must add citrus fruits in your diet.

Eggs: Eggs consist of a variety of nutrients such as protein, zinc, iron and vitamins A, D, E and B12, but it contains only 85 calories each. If you have  eggs in your  breakfast you will get enough nutrients and feel satisfaction  for  longer, then  you eat less at your next few meals. 

Fish: Fish is the best food for heart, which contains essential omega-3 fatty acids. It also reduces the certain amount of fat in waist. This  omega-3 fatty acids  improve insulin sensitivity, helps build muscle and decrease belly fat. More the muscle built, the fat-burning capacity of the body increases.

Almonds (Badam): According to the research studies, a person who eats  85 g of  almonds in a  day reduces their  weight and body mass index (BMI) of 18 percent compared with a 11 percent reduction in non- almond diet. These nuts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which can accelerate the fat metabolism. Almonds also have a high in fiber, protein and good kind of fat which is enough for appetite, so you are less likely to have cravings and overeating. So, you should have a handful of almonds in your diet  every day to get  the benefits.

Soybeans: Soybeans contain an important constituent  lecithin, which helps in preventing  the accumulation of  fat in our body cells. It also breaks the fat which  deposits in the body. The Soy lecithin lowers the  cholesterol,  triglycerides level and also increases the good cholesterol (HDL) level in the body. So add these nuts in your break fast.

Tomatoes:Tomatoes contain oligofructose, a fiber which enhances the effects of cholecystokinin (CCK) in your stomach. Cholecystokinin is i the hormone released by the intestine in response to the presence of fats and helps improve the feeling of fullness by tightening the valve between your stomach and intestines. This makes you less apt to overeat. Tomatoes are containg vitamin C that helps in the production of carnitine. The carnitine, improves the body's fat burning capacity. Tomatoes also enhance the glow of your skin. 

Pomegranate: pomegranate seeds contain important constituents folic acid and diseases fighting antioxidants. They are fewer calories and rich in fiber, so they satisfy your sweet tooth without breaking your diet. 

Cinnamon: Cinnamon contains food helps metabolize sugar up to twenty times better than food without cinnamon. This leads to less sugar in the bloodstream means that less fat is stored. You can add cinnamon to a tea or  orange juice, oatmeal, salads, etc. The active components are not destroyed by heat. 

Yogurt: Yogurt is the product of milk which has high calcium and low fat. Daily Eating of yogurt improves the body burning fat mechanism, speed up the weight loss and cut the feeling of appetite. Calcium needs to burn fat, if you not have enough calcium its release hormone calcitriol, which causes the store of more of fat.

Tags: health, fat, fat fighting diet, wellness, nuts, heart health, slim,fat burning, diet.