Instant Home Remedies For Treating Bruises.

It is a skin injury which occurs when the blood vessels are damages and leaves behind a blue or black mark.

Home Remedies For Bruises:

Apply an ice pack as soon as possible to treat the affected area.

Plaster made from fresh comfrey leaves also serves as a home remedy for bruises.

Make a paste of peepal tree leaves and jaggery and then make tablets of it. Consumption of one tablet daily with milk gives relief from bruises.

Intake of vitamin k and vitamin c also helps in curing bruises.

Parsley butter or oats mixed to a paste with boiling water and applied on a cloth to the affected area.

Apply a sliced raw onion over the bruise to treat it effectively.

Cabbage contains anti-inflammatory properties and hence can be applied on the affected area.

Rubbing an uncooked egg on the affected area also gives relief from bruises.

Intake of zinc also helps in faster healing.