Aging is an irreversible biological change that occurs in all living organisms over time, eventually leading to death. Among human beings, the effects of aging vary from a person to a person. However, there are many ways to prevent older and remain for a younger look for a long time. Here are some tips to continue glow skin and to prevent old age signs.

Drinking Water: Intake of more water removes the waste from body, blood poisons and environmental toxins from the body. Drink mineral contains water or an organic herbal tea. Take wheat grass juice to increase maintain electrolyte balance.
Eat Well: You should eat five small meals in a day to maintain your body metabolism. Eat a light breakfast with protein contain foods like soaked cereals, and handful of almonds and fruit.
You take lunch, when our digestive fire is at its peak.
Dinner should be light, with few carbohydrates i. e sugar, bread, etc.
Dinner should be light, with few carbohydrates i. e sugar, bread, etc.
Fat: Fat is essential for body to maintain a body temperature and cell line. You should avoid processing foods, which produce bad fat and take essential fat contain foods like in avocados and other fresh fruits and vegetables. These essential fatty acids protect the heart from disease and against the cancer. Add evening primrose oil, fish oil in your diet to get the above fatty acid's linseed oil.
Calcium is important for more than strong bones.
Take calcium with magnesium in a ratio of 1: 1 day. Add sufficient amount gas Ester C with rose hips promotes the absorption and repairs cell damage. It also helps the addition of magnesium to sleep and wake up refreshed.
You should stretch the shoulders, hips free, stand on your head.
Three light stretches in three minutes may relive postural imbalances: i.e
Serenity Pose
Standing Forward Bend
Stop over exercise.
Ensure the adequate gap between workouts, so that the body recovery quickly.
Stop over peeling:
Peeling, burning and skin abrasions improve its appearance, but also can weaken the skin's immunity. Too much peeling can eventually damage the skin cells. You should consult the dermatologist before applying the facial cream to get the glow of your skin.
The Power of Minerals
Good nutrition, including minerals, which increase muscle strengthen and the body immunity to fight cancer cells, viruses and bacteria.
Sugar Toxicity:
Intake of more sugar can destroy the vitamin B12, which is essential for maintains the nerve myelin sheath. Deficiency of vitamin-B12, cause slow deteriorate of the myelin sheath (which protects the nerve endings). Take the adequate amount of vitamin B-complexes and minerals.
Peeling, burning and skin abrasions improve its appearance, but also can weaken the skin's immunity. Too much peeling can eventually damage the skin cells. You should consult the dermatologist before applying the facial cream to get the glow of your skin.
The Power of Minerals
Good nutrition, including minerals, which increase muscle strengthen and the body immunity to fight cancer cells, viruses and bacteria.
Sugar Toxicity:
Intake of more sugar can destroy the vitamin B12, which is essential for maintains the nerve myelin sheath. Deficiency of vitamin-B12, cause slow deteriorate of the myelin sheath (which protects the nerve endings). Take the adequate amount of vitamin B-complexes and minerals.
Tags: forever young, diet,health, nutrition, workout, water, nuts.