Memorial Weekend Fun Foods

Over the Memorial Day weekend I explored the “food-land” and came up with a couple of new recipes, while revisiting some of the old ones.

The recipes that you will see in this post have numerous health benefits. Just to give you a quick idea of how powerful it is, here is a quick snapshot:

Tomatoes—great source of lycopene. Lycopene helps women guard against tumorous tissue growth, is a powerful inhibitor of the growth of breast, endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) and lung cancer cells. Lycopene is an inhibitor to heart disease. Tomatoes are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Potassium

Mango—rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and fiber. Mangoes also contain useful amounts of iron, nicotinic acid and potassium. Mangoes are good for the immune system and help protect against cancer.

Kiwi—packed with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of orange. Kiwi;s phytonutrients protect DNA; provide antioxidant protection; protect against asthma and macular degeneration. Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of dietary fiber. It is also a good source of the minerals potassium, magnesium, and copper. In addition, kiwifruit is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E.

Red Onion—member of the Allium family, rich in powerful sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for their pungent odors and for many of their health-promoting effects. Onions contain allyl propyl disulphide. Onion are very rich in chromium, a trace mineral that helps cells respond to insulin, plus vitamin C, and numerous flavonoids, most notably, quercitin. Onions have blood sugar-lowering effects; provide cardiovascular benefits and gastrointestinal health. Onions are protective against many cancers and are anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.

Bananas—one of our best sources of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium and only 1 mg of sodium, which may help to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis. Bananas provide soothing protection from ulcers; ripe bananas improve elimination, protect eyesight, build better bones. Bananas are a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and manganese.

Strawberries—an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. They are also a very good source of dietary fiber and iodine. Plus, strawberries are a good source of potassium, folate, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, copper, and vitamin K. Strawberries contain an array of beneficial phytonutrients, including flavonoids, anthocyanidins and ellagic acid. They protection against macular degeneration and rheumatoid arthritis among many other benefits.

Coconut—coconut water is the riches source of electrolytes. It acts to detoxify the kidneys, which indirectly affects its neighbors, the reproductive organs. Coconut's unique form of saturated fat actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries. Unlike other oils and fats, coconut oil contains a large amount of the fatty acid known as lauric acid, which is the predominant fatty acid found in mother's milk. The lauric acid makes breast milk easily digestible, it strengthens the immune system and protects against viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Studies have shown coconut oil's effectiveness with HIV, SARS, Crohn's Disease, as well as other chronic illnesses. It detoxifies the liver, helps to build lipoproteins, fats and hormones and bile, which is necessary for digestion. Coconut's amazing healing properties are also attributed to reducing the risk of other degenerative conditions such as cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

So, with these benefits in mind, let’s dive into learning how to make delicious dishes with these nutritious powerhouses.

Mango & Kiwi Salsa
• 5 large tomatoes, diced
• ½-3/4 large mongo, skinned and diced
• 2 kiwis, skinned and diced
• 1 clove of garlic, diced
• Red onion, diced (to taste)
• 3 tablespoons cilantro, chopped
• Sea salt (or Himalayan) to taste
• 1-2 tablespoons olive oil (optional)

• Combined all ingredients and serve with your favorite corn chips, preferably raw organic. (If you have a dehydrator and are interested in learning how to make your own corn chips, check out this blog post by Real Food Tulsa)

*always use ripe organic ingredients, for maximum benefits and to avoid toxins such as pesticides and herbicides.

Coconut & Strawberry Smoothie
This smoothie is extra filling! You might have to keep a portion of it for later enjoyment.
• 1 coconut (water and meat)
• 16 oz ripe strawberries, including the little greens
• 1-2 bananas

• Blend coconut water and meat first, until smooth. You might end up with small junks in the mixture, but not to worry.
• Add strawberries and banana and blend until smooth.
• If mixture is too thick, add a little bit of water.
• Enjoy!

Banana & Strawberry Smoothie
Makes 4 servings
• 2 cups filtered water
• 2-3 ripe bananas
• 16 oz ripe strawberries, including the little greens
• 2 large handfuls of spinach

• Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.
• If you are lacking in sweetness, which you should not, add a couple of pitted dates to the mix.
• Enjoy!

I guarantee that you will feel satiated and rejuvenated after eating these dishes.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

Living Unprocessed Life!

Raw Sprouted Granola Bars

As I am getting Demetrye ready for the marathon (nutritionally) I am coming up with new ideas of how to keep him going for four days with no access to my cooking. So far I have created Energy Bites, I will also pack a whole load of green smoothies he will take on the road with him. Yesterday I came up with a nutritiously packed Sprouted Granola bar. If is full of living goodness and a great dose of crunch.

You know who you realize when you make something not just good but great? When you can't stop eating what you made yourself... and when you get home and half of the bars you made are already gone. This was the case! The best thing--you will never feel guilty after eating one of these babies, and neither will you bring any toxins into your body.
Until next time: think of things that you enjoy and how you can do a "make over" on them so you still can enjoy them and nurture your body as well.

Surviving Cancer: Update

Last week I met (in person) with my mentee that is fighting cancer (let’s keep calling him Mr. C, until he is ready to share his own story with us, which I pray will happen in the near future).

I woke up early last Saturday. Demetrye went to train for marathon (see post below) and I was off to visit with Mr. C. It was almost 5-6 weeks since we initially met and, although, we communicated via phone and e-mail, there is nothing like actually seeing the person. I wanted to see his skin color, his posture, and his energy level. I wanted to go through his cupboards and the fridge to see what was really going into his body (I do that with people I consult, if you are wondering… : ) It is not my normal behavior, though, so don’t be scared to invite me over : ) )

When I got to Mr. C’s house he greeted me at the door. I was so pleased with what I observed. His skin, once yellow and tightened, now has a healthy glow to it. His eyes are full of living fires and zest for life. He no longer looks as exhausted as the first time I met him. There is more of a spring to his step, instead of a painful shuffle I observed on our first visit.

Mr. C and I chit-chatted while I grilled him about his food, his appliances and exercise. I was so excited by the changes that were made since I last rummaged through his kitchen. His counters are lined with super-machines: Vita-Mix blender, Green Star juicer, Excalibur dehydrator, a food processor, and a sprouter! It is every raw foodist’s Dream Team!

As Mr. C shared with me about his successes and temptations we threw together a cracker mix and laid it out on a dehydrator sheet—a great way to spice up an all raw, cancer fighting diet. Since Mr. C cannot consume sugary fruits (sugar feeds cancer, so even fruit sugars should be avoided until cancer is terminated), there has to be a way for him to add a new dimension to his diet and keep his palette satisfied, while eradicating cancer from within. We combined flax seed (we ground a portion and kept second portion as whole seeds) with garlic, tomatoes and celery, with a bit of water, and spread it to dry. I am planning to check with Mr. C to see how he enjoyed his treat.

Mr. C told me about an amazing awakening in his spiritual life and how he was divinely assisted in making a decision concerning his recovery path. I so pleased to hear it! I always encourage people to keep journals when switching from SAD (Standard American Diet) to whole foods diet. As the body purifies itself the mind gets clearer, and the spirit gets stronger. The voice of God is no longer clouded with toxic effects of poisonous food, so we are able to hear Him clearly.

Mr. C is also now able to move more. He now has enough energy to exercise and even mow his lawn. He is even planning on building himself a sauna! That’s a way to go, Mr. C! Plan your future! He is also developing his own garden where he will be growing delicious organic produce.

Mr. C had told me that he already has gone one full day with NO PAIN MEDICATION! I am certain that he will have many more of them.

Mr. C’s next check-up and physical tests are scheduled for the end of June. I know that the war is not over yet and I am not certain when it will end, but we are winning it—one battle at a time. We will keep praying for his complete recovery while giving his body tools to rejuvenate. Mr. C has more good days now, although he still has his bad days. But we know that all things are possible, because we believe in Mr. C’s Creator’s ability to perform miracles.

Please pray for Mr. C—he is an amazing family man and a community member. His family and the rest of us need him to hang around a while longer.

I will keep you posted on his progress.

Training for Marathon

I had a great Memorial weekend. I have enjoyed my husband’s company and great food that we made together.

The longer we are living this vegan lifestyle, the more both of us realize the importance of eating raw wholesome foods. A portion of our foods (about 20-30%/day at times) still is cooked, but it is mostly whole grains, such as brown rice, buckwheat, beans, etc. The rest—raw. We continually have an opportunity to compare how we feel on raw and cooked foods and find that if we eat a meal that is mostly cooked, we don’t have the same amount of energy. Not at all times, of course, as even the cooked foods that we eat are always are of the highest quality and are always supplemented by huge helpings of greens or other vegetables.
My husband is now training for a 788 mile marathon, from Longview, WA to Sacramento, CA. Nutrition and rest is everything for his recovery time. I found it absolutely amazing that he started to train only about 3 ago (last minute decision) and is already able to do 40 miles at a time with no pain or aches. I am actually not the only one feeling that way—the leader of the group is taken back by Demetrye’s physical resilience. I contribute it to proper nutrition. He takes in great foods before and after the training to ensure quick recovery times.

Demetrye and the entire group will be leaving for California next Thursday, June 4th and will be riding for 3 straight days. They will be riding in shifts, but he is scheduled to ride 4 hours at a time every single day. I am so excited and proud of him, and yet I am a bit nervous—he is going to get through different kinds of terrain: mountains, flat land, riding by cliffs, etc. And I am only a human, and… his wife, so I naturally tend to worry about his well-being, especially since I won’t be right next to him to make sure of that… So, keep him and me : ) in your prayers.

The marathon will take place to raise awareness of our need for a building for our church. The building that we were leasing up until last year was taken from us, and we are currently renting from another church. We attend the Kelso Church of Truth, whose primary outreach is to the most underprivileged in the community. We work closely with the Mountain Ministries—a rehabilitation program for addicts of all kinds, and the Victory Center—a ministry that provided hot meals to homeless on daily basis. Ever since we lost our building, downtown Kelso, last year, the Victory Center was unable to operate, which is very unfortunate, as many of our fellow humans were relying on at least one hot meal a day from there.

The marathon will serve as a tool to raise funds for us to purchase a building suitable to fulfill the needs of all three ministries. We will receive coverage from The Daily News, and the local news station and papers in California (I am not sure which ones yet).

Everyone in the group that will be departing next week, is responsible for raising at least $300 to cover the expenses of this trip, on top of expenses for the equipment. They all are training hard to be ready for the trip physically, and I would like for them, especially my husband : ) not have to worry about raising the funds.

If you are reading this blog, I would like to ask you for your assistance—a contribution to this worthy cause. Please consider sponsoring at least 15-20 miles, or more, if you can. Every dollar is appreciated. If you sponsor $1 per mile, I am certain that Demetrye and others will be able to cover their expenses easily. If you can, please shoot me an e-mail at elena(dot)wilkins@gmail(dot)com [please replace (dot) with a period). I will then provide you with my PayPal account and you can transfer the funds you are willing to contribute. Again, every dollar is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and for caring for life-changing organizations! I will keep you posted on the progress of this marathon.

Here is a short video of most members of the group in training. Enjoy!

Zucchini Noodles

Being raw vegan is far from boring—I can promise you that much. I get to taste dishes and foods that most people on SAD diet will never experience in their life. How do I know that? Well, I once used to be an omnivore. My cooking repertoire, although much wider than most I knew, was still confined to what I already made for a long time. I did invent my own recipes and tried what I could find that looked worthy of making, but it never failed that most dishes revolved around the same boring stuff: meat, dairy and… more meat and dairy and wheat.

I am so glad that my new lifestyle and many wonderful people I have met along the way have helped me change my perspective—shake things up. Now there is hardly a dish that I make more than a couple of times, unless it really becomes a favorite of mine. I find it funny that at times I remember that I made a few months ago and would really like to do it again, but… don’t remember how to. I actually end up going to MY OWN blog to look up recipes now. It is quite amusing…

In my past life I used to be able to “throw down” a great Alfredo Fettuccine and other pasta creations. Now, even though I have a mill to make my own flour (a dry blade container from Vita-Mix), I decided to push aside all boundaries and surge ahead into the “raw noodle world “.

I have heard enough about raw noodles but was skeptical that they might make me fill satisfied. So, one day I decided to give it a try. I thought of all the great ingredients that can be added to raw noodles and give me that “full” feeling that pastas are known for, meanwhile not leave me feeling drained.

The recipes I came up with is delicious—I guarantee you will like it. I have already made it 4-5 times and am planning to do it again.

Since my faith in raw noodles has been boosted, thanks to great sauce recipes that I was able to create, I am not in the market to get a great spiral slicer. I am eyeing this beauty. If you have experienced it or know of a better way, hook the sista’ up—leave a comment and let me know. In return, without any further delay, I give you: Zucchini Pasta!

Zucchini Pasta


5 medium to large zucchinis

1-2 avocados (depending on the size and preference)
1 tomato (optional) (depending on size) (use ½ in Pesto and ½ for garnish)
1-2 cloves of garlic
½ cup cilantro
½-1 cup of sunflower seeds (you can substitute with cashews, almonds or pine nuts)
Sea or Himalayan salt to taste

• Cut zucchini noodles with a julienne or a spiral slicer. If you are using julienne slicer you most likely will have leftover chunks. Don’t feel despaired—they won’t go to waste. Add remainders into your pesto—they will blend in beautifully.
• I have noticed that sometimes zucchini has bitter taste, so consider peeling off skin, if that is the case.
• In a blender, combine all Pesto ingredients and ½ tomato and blend until desired consistency is achieved (if you like little nut chunks you will need to stop earlier, if you like it smooth give it an extra few seconds).
• Mix Pesto with noodles. If you use a tomato in Pesto it will turn out more liquid. If you don’t—the Pesto will be thicker and more “sauce-like.
• Garnish with cilantro leaves and tomatoes.
• On the image you see that I garnished mine with sprouted sunflower seeds and kiwi. Sunflower sprouts are an amazing addition to any dish. Kiwi—although absolutely delicious, was primarily for decoration. I prefer not to mix my fruits with anything else (read about Food Combining here)

Enjoy! Dishes like this will help you live a happy UNPROCESSED life!

Reproductive Failures

Another awesome article from my ND. Enjoy!
Good afternoon to all my faithful readers. Today I want to touch on the importance of health and nutrition in the planning of families. Like so many areas of our lives, we tend to just take things as they come. If our health practices are good, this poses no real problem. If we don't consider the impact of our nutrition on our children, the result can be heartbreaking. The choices we make ultimately affect our children and our future. Deuteronomy 30:19 states it very well. "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."

Since I encourage people to eat food as close to it's natural form as possible, this would mean eating live foods. I know this isn't what was being put forth in the scripture passage, but it does apply nicely in the case of food choices.

Reproductive failures
When I see the increasing number of young couples wanting to have children, yet failing to conceive or carry children to term, I have to remember the works of Dr Francis Pottenger. Dr Pottenger did some awesome experiments with cats. He took three sets of genetically equal cats. He put them in groups. One group was fed a strictly raw diet. The second group was fed a diet of both raw and cooked foods. The third group was fed a diet of only cooked foods. By the third generation, the first and second groups were reproducing well. The third group had become sterile.

It’s presumptuous of us to think that what we eat, affects only us. As generations go on, degenerative changes are going on behind the scene. Diseases never known or seen before are coming into existence. With this in mind, it’s hard to swallow the idea of genetic shifts as explained in the theory of evolution, as being capable of improving on creation. From what I’ve witnessed, a gradual deterioration of the species sets in with the levels of pollution and chemical alteration found in our foods.

Dr Weston Price observed and documented these same degenerative changes attributed to the refining of grains in our diet. His book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,” was out of print for years until resurrected by the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health. This book is a must read for anyone truly serious about having a solid education in nutrition.

The most profound thing a young man and woman can do is to take a serious look at the foods they’re consuming and take charge over their diet long before getting married and planning a family.

A farmer prepares his soil long before he ever puts seed in the ground. It’s far too difficult to work the soil once the seed’s in the ground.

Prenatal nutrition should be initiated at least a year before pregnancy, (and not just for the woman). The seed is every bit as important as the soil it’s planted in.

Placental transfer to the fetus involves amplification of whatever nutrients are in the mother. Cord blood from the placenta contains 1.7 times higher mercury levels than maternal blood. What does this mean? If Mom is just below detection of mercury induced disease, the baby will be above that level.

Breast milk has been reported to be so high in PCB’s, the FDA would outlaw it if tested. The breast not only concentrates nutrition, but like the placenta, concentrates toxins also.

If it takes three generations to make cats sterile, it can take a while with sound nutrition to restore health to a family. The creation of a healthy family is a group effort. If you are contemplating beginning a family in the future, consider getting proactive now with detoxifying your system and employing the use of healthy nutrition for yourself and your spouse. Healthy babies are fun babies!

Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016

Update Time!

My cancer mentee called me today! (Since I don’t want to divulge my friend’s name, until I have his approval, I have no gentler way to describe him. But let's call him Mr. C!)

I had tried to stay in touch with him and his wife, but it was a challenge in the last couple of weeks, so I let it go. I came to the conclusion that I gave them enough tools to start this journey and the rest is up to them.

He e-mailed me a couple of days ago, but I have not had time to respond, so he actually called me. How exciting—I finally saw the proactive side of him!

He simply called to report on his progress, which is very uplifting. Keep in mind that this man was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and by now, after chemo had failed and weakened him miserably, the doctors told him there is nothing else they could do for him, except maybe surgery on his thyroid, but even with that he is sure to die… at least that’s what they told him.

He called to tell me that he has more energy than he had in a long time—he is now exercising, mowing his lawn, traveling. A part of his femur bone was removed due to cancer, so he was in constant pain and discomfort. He told me that the pain has now lessened! When I first met him about 5 weeks ago, he had to take frequent naps, because he was so week. He told me that he does not have to knap as much anymore. He sound better too! Oh, and when I met him he was slightly overweight—he was able to lose 15 lbs without trying!

He also told me that the clarity of mind is returning to him, as well as his sight is improving! Is that awesome or what? He also reported that he became more spiritually in tune with God, which melted my heart. One of the things I tell people to do that start on the whole foods lifestyle is to always keep a journal handy. As you regain control of your body, you—your spirit, strengthens and gets control over your mind and flesh, thus making it easier for the voice of God to get through to you. If you are walking with God, you will experience a relationship with Him on a whole new level—you hear His voice better, you start having meaningful dreams, you are full of revelations and ideas. After all, you are living a fasted life!

But, back to my friend…

He went to see his oncologist a couple of days ago, and the oncologist was impressed so much with his improvement that he took detailed notes about my friend’s diet and lifestyle change and said that he will order and read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. I am tickled!

For someone who started on an all raw diet he and his wife are making huge strides! Animal products are especially harmful for cancer patients, and I was impressed to learn that he fell to temptation only twice in the last 5 weeks, but what impressed me, is that he knew how bad it was for him, so he took immediate steps to get it out of his system—through juicing and green smoothies! Way to go!

When I met this man, I told him that I have no guarantees for his life, except that the quality of his life will improve. But I also told him that we don’t only depend on food for healing, we also know the Creator of that food that can complete the work of healing—He can guarantee whatever He chooses. In fact, He already did on the Cross! So, we are still praying for a complete recovery for my friend. Since he has become responsible for his health and took the ownership of his life, he now has the boldness to come to his Creator, and ask for the gift of Health! And our Lord might just amazes us once again!

If you are reading this blog, and you are a believer in Christ, make sure to mention my friend, Mr. C, in your prayer today—help to bring the miracle around!

Opinion Time! 10-yr-old Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Absolutely unbelievable and painful indeed—a 10 year old Californian girl was diagnosed with breast cancer! And… had a double mastectomy… What has this world come to?

What I found most amazing, not in a good sense, is after having undergone the surgery, and still undergoing treatments, you can see her sipping on a pop in the video (watch it by clicking on the link): Instead of getting her off her drug-of-choice—poor junky foods, and making her exercise and reverse the cancer, uneducated doctors sent this 10 yr old under a knife! It is truly, truly unbelievable.

She is clearly obese. She looks more like she is 16 yrs old, not ten. The responsibility clearly lies with parents! They are the ones to blame—they taught her poor eating habits, which eventually lead to cancer. Yes, court system is more willing to jail us if we don’t vaccinate our kids, than to punish for getting our kids truly sick.

For those of you who have not made the connection between food, obesity and cancers yet, make sure to read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell (link on the right sidebar).

Until next time, folks, live an UNPROCESSED life, exercise and be well!

Food Compromises: Avoid Ultimatums!

(this picture is not what this post is about, it is just to tease you and show what you are missing out on if you don't come to our raw meetups--these are energy bites, made by yours truly)

People, at least a few that I have met or heard about, that embark on a dietary change to vegan or raw vegan, often get carried away with labels. They become very strict and forgive no “sins”. They proudly wear T-shirts with RAW or Vegan slogans on them and count it almost beneath themselves to be around non-vegans (omnivores) and turn up their noses in disgust around family dinners where milk and dairy flow in abundance. I personally find such attitude and behavior silly. Most of us embark on the new journey in quest of a better health. In the process we become more eco- and animal friendly, and that is great. We just have to remember to be human-friendly as well. After all—most of us were not raised vegan or raw vegan, and paid some sort of price to get where we are. So, why now use that as investment into our families?

It is hard at times to be an only vegan, and especially raw vegan in our families in today’s society. Our birthday parties, Thanksgiving dinners and church picnics are centered around food. Food seems to be one thing that somehow brings people together. That is… unless you had the nerve to change and go against the grain. There were so many times when we were mocked and criticized because of our diet. We were the target of all jokes: “Elena, here, have a sausage.” “I am sorry there is nothing for you to eat—I just could not think of anything to make for you.” And my favorite: “You need to live a little!” as if my happiness and life were somehow determined by the foods I eat, or whether I eat chicken or greens.

It is very easy to become a bit defensive in such situations. When you know what a change in diet has done for your health and well-being, after you have spent thousands of hours in research and you know more than you family combined on the topic on nutrition, it is easy to start feeling self-righteous. We even can get to feeling superior, if we don’t watch ourselves.

I have observed this phenomenon especially in the raw community. What can I say? I am glad I don’t feel the same way. I am not sure if I will ever become 100% raw, but then I am also not into labels. I am however, into optimal health. If eating all raw does it for you—stick with it. If being 80/20 (raw/cooked) does it for you—go for it, if you just switched from SAD (standard American diet) and all you can do is 50/50 or 60/40—good for you!

For those of you who have enjoy raw fruit and greens 4 seasons of the year, then more power to you!

After living vegan for the last 2.5 years I am convinced that ultimatums are a dead end road. As soon as we create "Forbidden Foods" list in our mind, we end up slipping: bingeing, feeling guilty after that, and become obsessed with foods. I believe that it is more harmful for you to continually put your body through such a roll coaster, than for to find a happy middle and stick with it. It might not be optimal—but anything is better than being on SAD!

I would prefer that the entire world became vegan, and at least 50% raw, but I know it is not going to happen in this world. In the end, the goal is not to put "Raw Foodist" or “Vegan” stamp on your forehead and wear is as a badge of honor. The goal is to become engaged in the pursuit of optimal health and high energy living.

So, if you're not willing to become a hard-core Vegan, or if you decided to become Vegan but now Raw, then I have a few recommendations for you. Remove mental RESTRICTIONS! When that is done, the desire to indulge, or overeat on "forbidden foods" vanishes or is greatly diminished.

You need to make vegan living simple. Don’t feel bad if you cannot decipher nutritional vocabulary and understand everything about enzymes, anti-oxidants proteins and amino acids, as great as it can be, it is not necessary for you to thrive. It is great to know the basics, but you don’t have to get a degree to eat sensibly and benefit from it. If that was a requirement we all would be in trouble!

If you consider eating something, look at your plate and ask yourself: "Does this make sense?" “Is it natural—does this occur in nature?” “Can it be eaten without having to be cooked?” “Is it acidic?” (all animal products are acidic in nature)

If you are going to eat cooked foods stick to those that make sense. A veggie stew makes more sense to me than a fake meat-loaf made out of nuts, or a block of tofu.

Some of the raw foods, if made incorrectly can leave you feeling worse than some of the cooked foods. Does it make more sense to have a bowl of brown rice with steamed or raw veggies with zero fat in the dish or a raw cake loaded with ½ cup of coconut oil per serving?

If you have to over flavor your food for it to taste good, then set it aside. Overdoing in sauces and spices are can lead you to the desire to overeat. Eating such foods can stimulate addictions. You might be able to eat only a slice or two of whole grain bread, but start dipping into olive oil with spices and you won’t notice the damage until the whole loaf is gone. If you eat cooked foods, keep it simple. If you decide that all vegan diet is not for you, or not yet, than if you eat meat dishes, make sure to do it infrequently, consume only organic meats, and preferably locally raised. I hate to say this, since I am altogether against flesh eating, but this is a much better choice than going to a Burger Kind for a Double Whopper.

Simplify even your cooked foods, and you will learn to appreciate the true flavor of what you are eating. You will discover textures and tastes you were unfamiliar with, even though you might have had the same ingredients with spices before.

You will most likely be able to control your meat or cooked food consumption if you remove the “Forbidden List” out of your mind. Forbidden fruit always seems to be the most welcoming. Once you resolve in your mind that you can have something out the “forbidden” category once in a while, in moderation, the urge to overindulge will evaporate. How do I know—let’s just say that I do ; )

To sum it up, enjoy your new journey. Make sure to follow Food Combining guidelines as much as possible. Keep foods as close to their natural state as possible, and try to avoid over-flavoring your dishes.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

Judge to FORCE Chemo on a Patient

I was not going to post today--just don't have much time between appointments and the Raw Get-Together tonight, but I can't hold my peace!

My sister e-mailed me a link to this article: Judge rules family can't refuse chemo for boy. In short--a young boy was diagnose with Hodgkin's lymphom. After one treatment the family took him off chemo (good for them and their son). Now, however, the court is going to force them to do it against their wishes. Their reasoning--child neglect. Well, of course! How can uneducated, money hungry Pharmacutical industry allow life to go on without them?! They must think they are gods. Where is the free choice in this? The family says it is against their religious beliefs, yet they are not left alone. Had it been a Muslim family, no one would interfere--they would respect that. We all know that's true!

I am literally at the point of tears! We are not far from being sent to jail if we don't vaccinate our children, which has already happened, by the way. What's next? This is not different than Communism, or a totalitarian tyrannic government of countries that are despised...

We have to rise up and make our voices heard before we are dragged to jail for feeding our kids organic foods, and they are placed in foster home where they will be neglected and abused!!! Come on, people!

Reminder: EHBHS Meetup

This is a reminder that our Wellness group is meeting this Friday. Get details here: WHBH Wellness Society. If you are planning to come, please RSVP, and make sure to bring a raw dish to share with others. Contact me if you have any questions.

See you then!

An Amazing Healing Story: Meet Amanda

A week ago (last Tuesday, May 5, 2009) I had a meeting with a new friend—a local photographer. Her name is Amanda. To ensure that you believe that the story I am about to tell is true, and is unfolding as I type this story, I am adding a link to her web-site. (

The reason for our meeting was two-fold: to get to know each other and to prepare to change Amanda’s life and health.

When I met Amanda about three weeks ago, I did not know [but she did tell me later] that she has been praying for a way to improve her life and her health. She did not know how to, and it is no surprise—there is so much confusing and conflicting information out there, with numerous diets and pills offered as a quick fix to all of our problems. An average person is so overrun by this information and ads that most of the times they just don’t know where to go, what to believe. Even simple, rational and common-sense lifestyle changes become a burden, since there is so much conflict from various sources. So a lot of them end up being paralyzed by indecision and get nowhere at all, sentencing themselves to a life of ill health and bad moods.

Fortunately Amanda did not stop after trying different diets (at least a couple that I can recollect that she mentioned—SAD [Standard American Diet], and a low- or no-fat diet, that actually damaged her health, since it was not properly structured). After meeting Amanda at a photo shoot we chatted on Facebook, where I mentioned to her about my health and has it has been positively revolutionized by a whole foods vegan diet. She became very interested. What I told her made sense, and although appeared challenging in the beginning, was not so overwhelming, as I spoke to her starting with making small changes—such as introducing green smoothies for breakfast. The idea was simple, and… delicious.

A few days later, after Amanda decided that she want to be well badly enough to make whatever changes are necessary, we decided to meet and lay out a plan of action for her.

Whenever I meet or speak with anyone, I encourage them to write down goals. I believe it makes efforts more tangible. The main goal for everyone should never be weight loss, although I know it is to many, but a great state of health: spirit, soul and body. If you focus on weight alone, there are tons of diets that can get you thin, but not well (Atkin’s diet comes to my mind). What you should desire is HEALTH, and when health comes—weight will go. It’s a given! These two components of healthy living go hand-in-hand. When you do things for your body to get well, introducing wholesome foods, your body will start detoxing and healing, and, indivertibly, shedding unnecessary pounds.

When Amanda and I met, we reached the consensus that she should start introducing more whole raw foods into her diet, and reach at least 50/50 ratio of raw to cooked foods. She decided to go vegan, which, of course, was a great decision, as a well structured vegan diet will aid her body in faster detoxification and thus, healing.

I checked with Amanda a couple of days back and again yesterday, to see if she had any questions, struggles or any good news. She was happy to tell me that by simply adjusting her diet alone she was able to lose close to 8 lbs in one week. I was glad to hear that. Amanda had also gone through a few days of feeling better and more energetic and a few sluggish days (which is very common when your body is working hard to get old toxins out of your system). But the most amazing news came yesterday, as we chatted on Facebook. Amanda told me that she had a tumor on her thigh for about 8 months. When she checked her thigh yesterday the tumor was GONE!!! Yes, folks, GONE—not there! And that is only 7 days into her new lifestyle! You never know the healing power of foods God created until you try them in their fullest state of potential!!!

As you can imagine, Amanda and I are ecstatic! She now has even more reasons to press on with her new lifestyle. She has an irrefutable proof that whole foods vegan diet works. And what a great example she will be to her family and friends!

I had asked Amanda to keep a journal of her journey (and food journal) to observe her progress and struggles. I will keep you posted on her story from time to time. If you have a second, stop by her web-site ( or her Facebook profile ( to congratulate her and to encourage her in her efforts.

If you are looking to make changes in your life, remember that they do not have to be drastic right out of the gates, unless you are battling a serious illness. You can start with one meal a day, then introduce things that you enjoy, only in a whole foods state, then you will be able to transition without feeling deprived. Keep a journal. You will be amazed how emotionally you are tied to the foods you eat. If you don’t believe me, I have a quick test for you. If I ask you to give up foods that you eat now to become vegan or raw vegan, which you know would ensure better health and longer life for you, and your first reaction is NO WAY! or I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT ____ (fill in the blank), you know that you have an attachment to your food, and mostly likely mild-strong addiction. If you find this to be a struggle but still want to find a way to change, find a local wellness group, meet people that have been through the same journey.

If you are local here, I have organized a Wellness Society and we meet on monthly basis to support and encourage each other, as well as to share delicious foods. We have a meeting coming up this Friday (see details by clicking on the Wellness Society category link to the right). Make sure to join us.

You can also find a nutrition coach that would work with you one-on-one. I provide at home consultations and love meeting people who are serious about their health and life. There are very few things that are as thrilling as seeing someone get better.

There are tons of forums and web-sites, including mine, that have tons of delicious recipes you can try.

So, you see, you are already set up for success when you see right resources. If you are contemplating making a change, remember that the only thing holding you back is YOU! So, take a step, make a change! Be inspired to LIVE!

Have an amazing rest of the night!

Wheatgrass Juice, Rhubarb Tart and more...

It seems that I have gone into hiding lately… I know that I have not posted in a while. As usual, there are good reasons for it, I promise! I was working on putting up a new web-site and a new blog for my other passion—Photography. Make sure to stop by to enjoy the great look: I also have many other things going on in my life that always seems to detain my attention.

I am constantly working on improving my health and diet, so I can completely rid myself of all physical ailments that are still lingering from pre-vegan lifestyle. I have recently (soon to be 3 weeks) introduced wheatgrass juice as my daily intake.

Wheatgrass juice is one of the most amazing greens to be found. It contains 92 minerals, full of chlorophyll and phytonutrients. It is also great for getting heavy metals out of your body, killing cancer cells, and improving overall function of the immune system. In spite of all the horror stories floating around about the taste of wheatgrass juice I found that I actually like it. It is grassy, but what else can it be if it is GRASS : ) I also find that it has sweetness to it.

Since I do not have a great juicer (yet) [I really want to get a Green Star juicer, since it does fruits, veggies, greens AND wheatgrass], I blend wheatgrass in my lovely Vita-Mix with half of an apple, then strain it and drink first thing in the morning. At times I add ginger root, lemon or other greens. I started with 1 cup in the morning, and already progressed to 1.5-2 cups in the morning and about the same in the second half of the day. It is only when I add other greens to the mix—greens that I normally enjoy in a smoothie, that I find myself doing a little “icky drink” dance when I am drinking the juice… However, since I know that I NEED more chlorophyll to do its wonderful work in me, I am willing to put up with a little “discomfort”.

[The juice in this image was made with ½ apple, wheat grass, ½ cup water and lambsquarters. Proportions are up to you on the greens. I use a bit more of wheatgrass for one serving than you would buy in a container at your local grocery store]

I still drink my green smoothies, be it about an hour after wheatgrass juice or later in the day, or even in the evening. I wish my life was not as crazy as it is now, so I could experiment with more gourmet raw foods, but what I have now will have to do.

Yesterday I indulged in a serving (or two : ) ) of a Rhubarb Tart (you can find the recipe for it here). It was SOOOOOOOOO delicious.

I have an amazing healing story to share with you in the next post. Make sure to stop by!

Also, if you have enjoyed the content of this blog—let me know. Has it been helpful to you? Insightful? Anything else? It is good to know if my work is not done in vain. I love what I do, and enjoy writing these posts, however, if there is no benefit to anyone then I feel I can use my energy more effectively in other areas of my life. So, do let me know! E-mail me, or leave a comment under this post. [Comments are held until I have a chance to review them, to avoid Spam]

Have a beautiful day! And remember: what you put in your body has the power to heal or kill you!

Are You Motivated by Fear?

Today I am thrilled to add a post by Dr. Briggs. His insight is accurate and necessary at the time when media and the news fill our hearts with fear about pretty much everything: economy, health, government, taxes, etc. You name it, they are the forefront shouting about it. But we, especially those of us who believe in God, should not be guided by the emotion of fear—after all, we should know Who is in control…

Enjoy the article.
Today I had a patient who related how one of their associates was seriously considering not flying due to the flu scare. It's amazing how the media has hyped the flu to the point that people put their lives on hold. Few take the time to figure the fact that the mortality rate for this influenza outbreak is extremely small. When considering the large number of malnourished in this country and those taking immunosuppressive drugs, it's amazing there aren't more deaths.

If you take care of your health, how much more resistant you will be to these diseases. What have we to fear, but fear itself. One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. As you see, fear involves bondage. When we live in fear, we live under the bondage of those who instill fear in our lives.
What motivates you?

Truly successful people are motivated by burning desires that cannot be extinguished by someone else's imposed fears. Isn’t it amazing how our media pedals fear into our society? When moved by fear, success is rare because you're focused on failure. What you meditate on, you ultimately will experience.

The use of scares like swine flu and human papiloma virus, serve to influence a population into blindly accepting vaccines which are unproven, untested, and usually, unsafe. The major fear annually stirred up over the flu stems from the millions that died in the flu pandemic of 1918. Scientists recently found it wasn’t the flu, but secondary streptococcal infections that occurred concurrent with the flu, that caused the exceptionally high mortality rates. Today, we are well able to deal with these secondary infections. This makes the flu, a little more than a nuisance.

The drug Tamiflu which people have been clamoring for, has been banned for children in Japan, and has been reported to have reactions every bit as severe as the very disease it’s being given to prevent. Why is it that Japan has more common sense than we do here in America?

In America, the majority of medicine is directed at symptom control. Rarely is a patient put on medication with the intent of eventually getting that patient free of the drug. This is the tragedy of our failing medical model. Instead of restoring the patient’s health by finding the cause of disease and correcting it, we find ourselves taking drugs to mask symptoms in hopes the problem will eventually go away.

This head in the sand approach adds up to a mountain of financial expense and continued damage to our liver and kidneys. Doesn’t this sound similar to our nation’s financial disease? We don’t want to deal with being more disciplined in our spending, we just want to keep spending.

When I address the primary foundation of disease to my patients, (their diet), I find them to be in one of two classes. Either they’re serious about getting and staying well and are quick to comply, or they just want a pill to make it all go away so they can continue to eat the very foods that have been making them sick.

The most common cause of chronic disease in America today is failure of the digestive system, causing an overloaded liver. This promotes malnutrition and all the diseases that accompany it. Americans are among the most severely malnourished, over-fed people on the face of our planet. The person carrying an additional 50, 100, or 200 pounds is malnourished and over-fed. The best approach to health for such a person is to correct their diet and heal their liver.

When more people die from swine flu vaccine than from swine flu itself, it should be in all the papers. Why isn't it? Wake up America! No one will care for your health better than you will. When it comes down to ethics or making billions on drugs that mask your symptoms, drug companies are concerned with only one thing; Profit!
Dr John A. Briggs N.D.
20 N.E. Lillich St.
Clatskanie, Oregon 97016

Food Combining

This topic is of primary importance to not only vegans and raw foodists, but to everyone who wants to improve digestion of foods they are consuming. It is unfortunate that we are not taught this from our birth. God had innately put it into us and the animal world. The animals keep following His laws (their instinct), we, however, have made food our idol, rather than just a source of nutrition. We approach foods based on taste, smell and visual appeal, rather than its nutritious content and benefit to our health. We are taught by our parents what is “good” food and what is not, be it truly good or bad, based on their taste preferences. Thus, we are trained to forsake our God-given desire for healthy nutritious foods and become slaves to our taste buds.

However, it does not have to be a hopeless situation. I was amazed how with time, the more greens I consumed the more I craved their taste and visually started to gravitate to all things green more than anything. If there is a time when I go a few days without crunching on greens, I start to miss the taste and texture (I do daily, however, use greens in my smoothies). Last week, for example, my husband did our farm-share pick up. He brought home dark leaf lettuce, arugula, lambsquarters, broccoli and beat greens, green onions and mustard greens (not the spicy kind). I indulged my taste buds in lettuce wraps. Made juices from wheatgrass and mustard greens, and still don’t feel like I have satisfied the craving. I can almost feel chlorophyll surging through my veins, bringing health and healing to my body.

I hope I have not lost those of you who are not into raw/green living… Stick around just a bit longer, and your patience will be rewarded with a long kept secret.

You might have heard about food combining before. I, on the other hand, had no clue what it was about. I ate my foods in combinations that yielded the best taste and texture.

Foods can generally be placed into 6 different categories:
1. Starches
2. Fleshes: all animal flesh, eggs, and cheese
3. Nuts and seeds
4. Dried fruits
5. Fresh fruits
6. Vegetables
7. Greens
What is most important for everyone to remember is that not all categories should or can be mixed together.

It takes fruit only about 20-30 minutes to pass through your stomach, vegetables about 40-45, a bit longer for cooked vegetables, nuts, and legumes. Animal (flesh) foods takes the longest to pass through us.
As if this is not enough, but we required different digestive fluids to properly digest carbs, proteins and fats.

So what happens when you improperly combine foods? Disaster! For example, if you combine Animal foods that take hours to pass through your stomach with fruits, you are holding up fruit digestion. If fruit sits in your stomach longer than it should, it starts to ferment. The longer it sits there, the worse you start feeling.

If you combine proteins and starches, that required two completely different digestive fluids, you end up confusing your body, so your foods end up sitting in your stomach, waiting for your body to decided what it wants to do with it. That is how people end up being very sleepy or tired after certain foods. Fast foods or a traditional American Thanksgiving are prime examples. It is no wonder that people go into “turkey” coma on this family holiday.

I could go into a deeper explanation of this issue, but that would take several posts to do an in-depth exploration, and, perhaps, one day I will be able to do just that. As for now, I am sure it will suffice for most of you to know how to properly combine foods, to achieve the best digestion. If you learn how to combine your foods and stick to it, at least most of the time, you will be able to shed unwanted pounds very quickly AND start feeling less tired after eating.

So, here are a few general rules to follow.

1. Starches should be combined only with other starches and all raw and cooked vegetables (although remember that cooked foods is harder to digest, since it is missing living enzymes).
2. Fleshes should be combined only with other fleshes, all raw vegetables, and all cooked non-starch vegetables (this is for all of my carnivorous friends and family).
3. Nuts should be combined only with other nuts, seeds, dried fruits, bananas, and all raw vegetables.
4. Dried fruits should be combined only with other dried fruits, avocados, bananas, nuts, and all raw vegetables.
5. Fresh fruit should only be eaten alone and on an empty stomach (at least 30-40 minutes before any other foods, or at least 2.5-3 hrs after eating other foods, except for fresh green vegetables, which would pass through your stomach in about 40-45 minutes).
6. Eat melons alone—since they are mostly water, they digest VERY quickly. Mixing melons with other foods can cause gas and bloating, for most people.
7. Greens and Green Vegetables can be mixed with any food category (although, eat fruit separately as much as possible).

Here are a few food groups that can be qualified as starches: breads, pastas, whole grains, potatoes, legumes, cooked corn, avocados [Avocado is technically a fruit. If eaten without other starches (just with raw vegetables), it will combine perfectly with all fruits, including dried fruits.]

I found a little amazing chart to lay this out in a simple and visual way on The Raw Divas web-site (, when I signed up for their 7-day detox program (free of charge, by the way, for those of you who are interested).

To help you a little bit more, here is another way of looking at this. Never mix any of these four categories with one another (with a few exceptions.
1. Starches: Whole grain breads Brown rice, Sweet potatoes, Avocados (see reference above); Legumes; Cooked corn; Pasta
2. Flesh (protein) [all flesh foods, including all dairy and cheeses]
3. Nuts/seeds: Raw nuts; Raw seeds; Raw, unsulfured dried fruits (dried fruits combine well with raw nuts/seeds also); Mature coconut
4. Fresh Fruit: Citrus, Bananas; Plums; Nectarines; Grapes; Berries; Other fruits

Again, Greens and Green Vegetables can be mixed with any food category (although, eat fruit separately as much as possible).

Oh, and one more thing, folks, that I know will benefit not only you, but those around you—don’t ever combine sweets (of any kind) with high fiber foods, especially legumes (beans). Doing so will ensure that you will have a “moving” experience. Most of the times people don’t get gas because they had beans, but because they had mixed them with something sweet.

I can get more technical and tell you about acid and non-acid fruits, starch and non-starchy vegetables, but not to overload you, I believe that if you start with even small steps or proper food combinations you will tremendously benefit and your health (and weight) will improve.

Eat Right—Feel Great!


Good day, to everyone!

What a wonderful day it is, albeit it’s raining outside.

Over the weekend I experimented with several new recipes and invented a couple of my own things. I made sure to take pictures and the recipes will be posted as well.

In the last week I started to drink wheatgrass juice. Although it is regarded as one of the more potent drinks for your taste buds, and many shy away from it, the benefits outweigh any reservations one might have about this wonderful plant. If you are one of the people that is not sure whether to start juicing wheatgrass or not only because of its taste, if you simply add a green apple, lime or lemon, or ginger to the mix, you will find it surprisingly pleasant to taste. There will be a day, in the near future, when I will write about benefits of wheatgrass. Meanwhile, I will be enjoying it.

Unfortunately for me, I do not have a special wheatgrass juicer, but I do use my new Vitamix to help me with the problem for the time being. I cut and wash my grass, throw it in the blender, add just a splash of water to get it going and then I strain my mixture through a cloth. I do realize that I lose some of the minerals because of the speed of Vitamix, but this option is much better than drinking no wheatgrass juice at all. So, if you know of someone who is selling a wheatgrass juicer that is in a great condition and for a reasonable price, drop me a note, I would love to check it out.

Over the weekend, while experimenting in the kitchen, I created an energy bar (totally safe, I promise). This morning I had made a tactical error. I woke up much later than usual—slept in for an extra half hour, without planning for it), so I did not have much time to prepare breakfasts and lunches for all of us. I made wheatgrass/mustard greens/green apple juice for myself, and did not have time to eat anything else. So, after making green smoothie, which I packed to take with myself, as well as prepping everything for lettuce wraps, I threw one of the energy bars in my mouth and out the door I went. By the time I got to work, I felt buzzed! I thought it must have been just me and I was going to figure out why I was feeling that way. At the same time I get an e-mail from my sister, telling me that she feels like she could run a marathon. When I asked her what she had so far, she told me that she had the green smoothie that I made, 2 energy bars, and a RAW mocha chocolate cake I made over the weekend. (Now, I know it is not pretty normal to have cake in the morning, but with raw foods you are pretty safe in doing that, especially when a raw cake is packed with powerful nutrients.) So, I knew I was not alone. That, however, did not help my problem—I was sitting, tearing at the seams from a surge of energy… in front of a computer. I felt that I could run, jump, lift weights, do power yoga, and whatever else you can imagine, yet, I was chained to a desk!

I have learnt my lesson! I even tried to have my lunch early—a portion of my lunch involved cooked foods. I thought it would calm me down. It did for about 10 minutes, but I am still “high” off my raw food intake!

I now know that I will be eating my energy bars ONLY when I am planning to EXPAND the energy!

All raw foods gives you an amazing feeling of being alive, but there are some super foods, such as the ones I had this morning, that give you an extra boost.

If you are in the Cowlitz county or nearby areas and would like to learn more about living foods and why they are good for you, make sure to come out to our next get-together (See post below) or contact me—I offer one-on-one consultations. You can change the way you feel and improve your health by simply changing what you put in your mouth!

In my next post I will talk about properly combining foods to help your body easier digest them, even if you are not a vegan or a raw foodist!

Until then: EAT HEALTHY!!! BE HAPPY!!!

EHBH Wellness Society Meetup

The date for out next meeting has been set for May 15, 2009 (Friday) at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church located at 1428 22nd Ave, Longview, WA 98632 (Heather, thanks for making the arrangements!).

RSVP is required!

If you want to come out for an evening of food, fun and meeting new people, as well as sharing your life experience with others, this is a great opportunity to do so.

Plan on bringing something to share with others [you will need to let me know what it is :)]. It does not have to be complex or gourmet--just organic vegan or organic raw vegan, preferably raw . Please try avoid using soy products, as many people are unable to consume it. If you are not certain what to make, check out my blog, or e-mail me and I can point you to more resourceful sites.

Feel free to spread the word and invite others. However, do let them know that RSVP is required.

You can RSVP by e-mailing me (click on Profile and you will see an e-mail link there) or via Facebook, by clicking on this link.

I hope all of you wonderful people there! Let’s change our community’s health one meal at a time.

ASSIGNMENT: I have an assignment for those of you who are going to be attending: if you have any questions on the topic of nutrition or raw/vegan living, eating or cooking, e-mail me and we will have a Q&A time to go over them. Hearing from you ahead of time will help me prepare most informative answers. E-mail me Profile page (linked above).