Thyroid surgery

Thyroid surgery may be indicated for one of three reasons: cancer, compression or cosmesis. There are about 40,000 new thyroid cancer cases diagnosed per year in the United States. This number has been progressively rising over the last few decades probably because of earlier detection and an actual increase in the incidence with immigrants from areas exposed to radiation. Compression refers to choking or swallowing difficulties resulting from a goiter or from extension of the thyroid to the chest. The final indication, cosmesis, refers to a patient's wish to eliminate an unsightly goiter in the neck.

Aside from anaesthetic risks, the specific risks of thyroid surgery are hemorrhage, wound infection, voice disturbance and hypocalcemia. Hemorrhage refers to bleeding during or after the procedure. It is important that all vessels supplying the thyroid gland are adequately controlled during the procedure. Hemorrhage after the procedure can be life-threatening. Wound infection is uncommon but a few patients may react to the stitch material used for the closure.

The thyroid gland overlies the larynx and trachea. The nerves supplying the vocal cords traverse the upper and deep portions of the thyroid gland. Disturbances of the voice can result from direct trauma to these nerves or cautery. These injuries can be minimized with the use of the intra-operative nerve monitor, which is akin to the monitor used during spinal surgery. By this means, the surgeon can be alerted to even minimal nerve stimulation and thus avoid any significant trauma to the nerves.

The final potential complication is hypocalcemia, which typically may arise after a total thyroidectomy, which is usually indicated for thyroid cancer or a goiter. It is important for the surgeon to identify and preserve the parathyroid glands with their intricate blood supply intact. If there is any concern, the parathyroid gland should be removed and transplanted into the neck muscles. Post-operative blood tests can show if one has parathyroid malfunction and calcium supplementation should be commenced.

Finally, it is important to discuss with your surgeon their experience in thyroid surgery. Like other surgeries requiring meticulous dissection, the greater experience is generally coupled with reduced risk. Similarly, it is important to ensure that the surgeon will be personally performing or attending the surgery at all times.

Underactive Thyroid Diet

Underactive Thyroid Diet - Simple Diet Plan To Help You Regain Energy and Lose Weight

Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces abnormally low thyroid hormones needed by the body for metabolism, such as breaking down of foods into energy. The main symptoms of this condition include weight gain, depression, memory loss, hair loss, constipation, hoarse voice, chronic fatigue and weakness.

If you exhibit any of these symptoms or diagnosed with underactive thyroid condition, the best way to improve your thyroid function is by modifying your diet. Underactive thyroid condition can be maintained with appropriate diets that are rich in essential trace minerals such as iodine, selenium and zinc. These elements can stimulate the thyroid gland to produce enough thyroid hormones required by the body to function properly. Moreover, by maintaining appropriate diet will help you to lose weight and regain the much-needed energy for daily activities.

So if you want to live a healthy life, here is a simple diet plan for underactive thyroid condition


Eat whole cereals or whole bread with eggs. For bread, choose a whole-grain and whole-meal varieties of bread. These are high in energy but low in fat. Make sure to take tea, especially herbal tea. Use low-fat milk for the tea. After this, you can take yoghurt. Milk and yoghurt are very rich in iodine. Also include fresh fruits such as strawberries.


Eat fresh ground turkey or skinless chicken sandwiches on whole-bread with sliced tomatoes. These will provide you with vitamin B and C and selenium which are essential for normal thyroid function. Make sure to drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. Water helps to flush out toxin from the body and help you to lose weight. You can take apples for snack.


Eat brown rice with shrimps and fish, such as salmon. Include plenty of vegetables and dress with tomatoes, lettuce and pepper. Ensure that you cook stew or soup with olive oil. Complete your dinner with yoghurt.

This is just a simple diet plan to give you an idea of what your main diet should contain. The key to healthy eating is to eat a wide variety of foods. To achieve the desired result, make it a habit to follow this diet plan and incorporate the above mentioned foods into your diet at least 3 times in a week.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and fibres. Eat green leafy vegetables and fruits regularly. It is recommended that you have at least five potions of fruits and vegetables a day. You should also take vitamin supplements.

A simple diet plan will go a long way in helping you to control the symptoms of underactive thyroid condition and live a healthy life. There is a program which outlines a comprehensive diet plan and other Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism which will help you to live a healthy life.

Thyroid Nutrition

The Thyroid Diet

If you have a thyroid problem, the way you should eat is very similar to that of an individual who does not have a thyroid issue. Organic foods contain fewer amounts of chemicals and pesticides and can have a negative effect on the thyroid gland. The main goals of a thyroid diet are those which remove any stress from the thyroid gland itself and any systems that may be affecting the thyroid gland. The first major priority in eating to have a healthy thyroid is to make sure you do not have blood sugar swings. This requires consistent eating throughout the day of high-quality protein at every meal without eating too many carbohydrates. Remember that blood sugar swings not only affect the thyroid gland itself but also indirectly affect adrenal gland function which, as previously discussed, is highly connected to thyroid physiology.

The ideal protein/carbohydrate intake for someone with thyroid gland dysfunction is to eat a moderate- to low-carbohydrate diet with the exception of post-exercise carbohydrate consumption. The food you consume after you exercise and the meal following your post-workout meal can contain more carbohydrates than you would normally eat. You can do this because your body is much better at handling carbohydrates and blood sugar after you have participated in exercise.

The next important step in optimizing thyroid function is to alkalize your body. Your body contains approximately sixty trillion cells which are involved in six trillion chemical reactions every second. Your cells work best to carry out these chemical processes in an alkaline environment versus an acidic environment. The machinery in your cells that produce energy and burn fat can most easily do their job when the pH is alkaline. Eating foods that drive you into an acidic environment will put undue stress on your cells leading to sub-optimal energy production and function. The best way to find out if you are in an acid or alkaline state is to do a first morning pH test with Hydrion pH strip paper. You should be aiming for a pH of 6.5-7.5. A pH below 6.5 indicates an acidic cellular environment that could be contributing to a decrease in your metabolism. At the same time, you should not be too alkaline which would be a pH above 7.5. This would indicate a catabolic state meaning your body is breaking down its tissues rapidly due to some kind of metabolic or chemical stress. Start by taking your first morning urine pH for five days consecutively. Eliminate the highest and the lowest of the five readings and then average the middle three to attain your pH.

So how do you become more alkaline? The first thing you must do is eat a vegetable or fruit or both at every meal. Produce contains alkaline-forming substances including calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. These are "buffering" agents meaning they help to reduce acid by-products of metabolism. The way foods are designated as acid or alkaline is based on the "ash" that is left over when they are burned: the more buffering minerals in the ash, the more alkaline the food. In addition, the protein content of a food will also determine its acid/alkaline status. The presence of more amino acids (protein) in a food leads to more acidity in the body due to amino acid metabolism in the liver resulting in acidic by-products.

Adding sweet potatoes and yams as well as lentils will enhance your alkalinity. In addition, try to eat at least two cups of alkalinizing greens such as kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, or collard greens each day. Lean towards the three most alkalinizing grains: oats (gluten-free if you have Hashimoto's or Graves'), quinoa and wild rice.

There are many other strategies you can use to become more alkaline. Taking an alkalizing bath of one-cup epsom salts and a half-cup of baking soda will aid in alkalizing your body. The epsom salts contain magnesium which is a buffering mineral that will assist in the elimination of acid residues that result from metabolism and detoxification. The baking soda is also extremely alkaline and will aid in neutralizing acidic compounds that the skin is eliminating. Take one of these baths every day, and if you are an athlete, take one at the end of your training day to enhance healing of acidic muscle tissue that has been broken down.

The next thing you can do to alkalize is to drink a morning cocktail of a quarter- to half-teaspoon of unrefined Celtic sea salt, a juiced half-lemon or lime, a greens supplement and a half-teaspoon of buffered vitamin C powder. This cocktail will flood your system with alkalizing agents that mop up acid residues in the body. Please be sure to use unrefined Celtic sea salt which is extremely alkaline as opposed to table salt or sodium chloride which is extremely acidic. Table salt has been stripped of its alkaline minerals resulting in a toxic and acidic product.

Your evening ritual should consist of taking 200 mg of potassium bicarbonate and 100 mg of magnesium glycinate before bed. Increase by one of each until you achieve an alkaline first morning urinary pH.


I am now 2.5 months into my obsession with getting chiseled abs [thus ab-session].  My goal is to have a 6-pack showing... or as close to it as possible.  With teaching 9-10 fitness classes a weeks it is not too hard to achieve, except that I have to be diligent to give my body enough rest  to recover.  If there is not enough recovery time and the food is not right, instead of getting ripped there is a possibility of actually putting on a few pounds.  So, the abs could be ripped under the layer of fat, but it would be very hard to notice if the body does not have enough down time to recover, restore, recuperate and burn existing fat cell. 

I have to be very vigilant about doing just that.  My crazy schedule and even crazier personality hardly allow me to slow down.  I feel that even when I am asleep I am really awake--my brain won't stop working.  So, now I have to take extra percussion to force my goal-driven self to R-E-L-A-X.  It is only a 5 letter word, but it requires a lot of work on my part. 

Ready to see my achievement? [click on the image to see full-size]
I noticed that the mid section is more pronounced [bottom row middle image], and the obliques are more defined [left image on the bottom].  All of this in 2.5 months.  Not bad, huh?

The secret to my success, in addition to aforementioned rest and relaxation?  Good, clean nutrition.  Nutrition=Energy.  The cleaner the energy and easier to absorb the better my machine [my body] operates. 

I always make sure to consume 16-32 oz of green smoothies a day to help with my protein intake [greens are rich in protein] and to help recovery and tissue restoration process.  Greens are rich in Chlorophyll, which aids the restoration process.  Chlorophyll is like liquid oxygen. 

I also consume unprocessed foods in smaller portions, and now I TRY to stay away from my only weakness in life--bread.  I have found great ways to get wheat out of my diet with the latest discovery of buckwheat flour.  I now make the meanest pancakes out of it that even hubby, the wheat lover, likes.  I will post a recipe for them in the next few days. 

Today's green smoothie was out of this world.  Only 3 ingredients, but it was so delightfully refreshing. 

Pineapple Cilantro Green Smoothie
Makes close to 60 oz
  • 2-3 cups water
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro [about 2 cups if chopped]
  • 4-5 collard greens leaves, stemmed
  • 1/3 of large, ripe pineapple, cored*
*keep the core to blend it later and make facial mask out of it

That's it!  Simple, but SOOOOOO delicious.  Hubby and I split the pitcher, although he ended up with more ;)

Any secrets ab exercises  from my readers? I can always use more :)!

Sugar, Sugar Everywhere {Truth About Sugar and Health, Part 1}

In the last couple of weeks we had covered topic of Protein [Part 1 & Part 2]: sources of protein, vegan protein, muscle building and protein, our needs for it; we talked about Fat [Part 1 & Part 2]: whether we need fat, how much and what kind, and if it is important to our health. Today I want to start a conversation about Sugar.

Does Sugar have a place in our diet? What are good and bad sources of sugar? I will answer these questions and more.

Truth About Sugar {Part 1}

I find this issue [SUGAR] is so dear to many. My husband is a recovering sugar addict. I know it sounds funny, and, although it might not be something he would like to hear me say, as much as he would want to sugar coat it (no pun intended) and call it “having a sweet tooth”, the truth is, in the past, and at times even now, if there were sweets in the house he would forego all other foods just to get his sugar fix. Thankfully living a high raw diet and a desire for better health is helping him to overcome his weakness, but he still has his times of struggle.

I know that he is not alone in this world feeling this way. I have many other sugar addicts in the family. One of my sisters-in-law self proclaimed that she cannot live a healthier life because she does not have the self-will to part with sweets. She admits that it is her downfall.

I certainly can give you more stories, but why should I bore you? ;) I am certain you can tell me a few of your own.

You might be curious if I personally had to battle sugar “demons” in my life. I am happy to report that I have been blessed my whole life not to have acquired a “sweet tooth”. Sure I do have occasional taste for sweets, but they are easily met with a handful of dates, raw cookies, or simple things such as fruit.

Our sugar consumption, as a society in total, has been drastically altered in the last century. Americans in the US consume close to, and at times more than, 156 lbs of sugar per year per person [Source: USDA]. That’s ¼-½ lbs of sugar per DAY! Most of it comes from refined sources, in forms of table sugar, baked foods, packaged foods, sodas, sports drinks, etc.

As little as 100 years ago, it is estimated that Americans ate around one pound of sugar a year!
Sugars are the simplest forms of carbohydrates.

Let’s visit Wikipedia for a deeper explanation on the subject. Shall we?

Sugar is a class of edible crystalline substances, mainly sucrose, lactose, and fructose. Sugar as a basic food carbohydrate primarily comes from sugar cane and from sugar beet, but also appears in fruit, honey, sorghum, sugar maple (in maple syrup), and in many other sources. Excessive consumption of sugar has been associated with increased incidences of type 2 diabetes, obesity and tooth decay.

Scientifically, sugar refers to any monosaccharide or disaccharide. Monosaccharides (also called "simple sugars"), such as glucose, store chemical energy, which biological cells convert to other types of energy.
Glucose (a type of sugar found in human blood plasma) has the molecular formula C6 H12 O6.

Now that you are starting to feel more enlightened, let’s dig deeper and make you feel even more educated.

As I mentioned—sugars are simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates serve as energy stores, fuels, and metabolic intermediates. Certain carbohydrates, ribose and deoxyribose sugars form part of the structural framework of RNA and DNA. Polysaccharides are structural elements in the cell walls of bacteria and plants. Carbohydrates are linked to many proteins and lipids, where they play key roles in mediating interactions among and between cells and other elements in the cellular environment. [So, next time someone tells you that carbs are bad for you, go ahead and show off your newly acquired knowledge and put them to shame! There is a huge difference between bad and good carbs… but that’s the reason we are having this conversation in the first place. :)]

Carbohydrates are simple organic compounds. The basic carbohydrate units are called monosaccharides, such as glucose, galactose, and fructose.

Now we have come full circle and established that sugars are simple carbs, and simple carbs are sugars.

Some carbohydrates are known as inoline or fruit-oligo-saccharides, which occur in certain foods like asparagus, leeks, onions, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, and other roots and bulbs. They help feed our healthy bacteria in the gut. They are crucial for our health.

When the bacteria are being fed by those carbohydrates, they become healthier and prevent the increase of bad bacteria in our gastric intestinal tract. They change our cholesterol level for the better; they inhibit various bad bacteria and viruses, and help to restore our gut flora, if we are ever subjected to go through antibiotic therapy. They also produce vitamins such as B vitamin, Folic Acid, and others.

Sugar [the right kind] serves several purposes in our bodies. One that everyone is well acquainted with is the fact that sugars provide us with energy. Sugar is a fuel that burns easily. It creates the energy factor that is known as ATP. ATP [adenosine triphosphate ] is the major 'currency' of energy in the body. It is not energy itself, but rather temporarily stores energy. ATP is the activated carrier which gives organisms energy.

Sugar is actually incorporated into our physical structure and acts as storage for energy in the future.

[Now that you are becoming more educated on the topic of sugar don’t bolt out the door and head to the nearest store to buy a pint of Häagen-Dazs or German chocolate cake {my hubby's former mistress ;)} or any other favorite dessert. Be careful! This is not the kind of sugar I am talking about here.]

WARNING: refined/processed sugars do not serve any purpose in our bodies! People who eat too much sugar, especially white sugar (i.e. my sister-in-law and, formerly, my dearest husband), as well as refined carbohydrates, such as white flour that is so common in baked goods, tend to create increased acidity in their tissues, which leads towards an anaerobic [ineffective] metabolism. Excessive intake of such sugars and refined carbohydrates leads to changes in our blood, making our blood platelets stick together and make the blood viscosity higher, which contributes to cardiovascular risk and diseases.

Overconsumption of bad sugars (i.e. refined/processed) is dangerous!

The body easily converts excess sugar into fat. Any time we have extra sugar in the body, the body absorbs it into the cells or the liver, where it gets converted into fat.

Sugar level fluctuations affect our mood, behavior, memory and focus, among many other important functions. It is of imperative to realize what foods and eating behaviors can cause sugar roller-coasters and avoid them. We need a constant supply of energy to maintain a healthy body. We need to ensure that our blood sugar level is always stable.

Naturally occurring [unrefined/unprocessed] sugars are stable. Plants are made up of carbohydrates, which our body breaks down to extract right amounts of sugars. The sugars inside plants are not isolated, and are surrounded by wonderful things such as fiber. Our body has to work harder to extract such sugars, which takes time for sugar to be released into our blood stream, thus preventing spikes. Refines sugars go directly into our blood stream and cause us to have sugar.

If we eat unprocessed foods, they will supply us with a proper dosage of sugar, also providing us with mental clarity and physical alertness. It is when we part from what God intended for our food that we get ourselves into huge trouble.

Nowadays most people would agree that white (processed) sugar is bad for them. However, they are fooled to believe that somehow sugar that is darker in color is not as bad and feel at peace consuming it instead.

The truth?

Both evaporated cane juice and white cane sugar have been heavily processed to remove the molasses content. During this processing the vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, and trace elements that make molasses nutritious are stripped away, leaving one of the purest chemicals ever manufactured.

Following processing, evaporated cane juice is 99.5% sucrose, and white sugar is 99.9% sucrose. Turbinado sugar, considered the least processed of any of the forms of sugar, is 99% sucrose.

Whether sugar is eaten in the form of white sugar, evaporated cane juice, turbinado, or any of the other names for it, its effect on the body is the same. When eaten in large amounts, or eaten without fat or protein [the kinds we talked about in previous posts], each of them will produce the same sort of insulin spike, weight gain, immune system suppression, and increased chance for diabetes. [source].

All sugar is processed from the sugar cane or sugar beet plant, and the two types of plants are used interchangeably. High quality brown sugar is made by cutting short the refinement process and leaving a bit of molasses in the sugar for taste and color. Lower quality brown sugar sold in conventional grocery stores is usually made from processed white sugar with the addition of caramel for coloring. Some brown sugar is even made by processing white sugar through animal bone charcoal to add color.

The big difference between evaporated cane juice and granulated sugar is the price, which runs about $8-$10 dollars a pound for evaporated cane juice compared to about $1-$3 dollars a pound for white sugar. If manufacturers are willing to spend the extra money to put the words evaporated cane juice on their labels, it means they know the public is seriously trying to avoid eating sugar and needs to be tricked into eating it anyway [source].

Well, that is it for today. I can already see your grey matter churning, trying to remember half of what you just read. We don't want to overload it and see smoke coming out of your ears, do we?! :)

Next time we will cover:
  • How important is Glycemic Index?
  • Stress and Sugar
  • Why do Sweets make us feel good?
  • What else can influence blood Sugar and increase Cortisol level?
  • What about Sweeteners?
  • Where do I get my Sugar?

So stay tuned.

If you find the topics educational, helpful and informative, make sure to sign up for the Vegalicious Newsletter to stay abreast of similarly important topics and health saving tips.

Home Remedies To Cure Allergies In A Very Simple Way.

Allergy occurs when our body becomes too sensitive and gets susceptible to allergic reaction. It is always recommended to treat allergies in a very natural way without using any chemicals, as chemicals may worsen it.There are many causes for allergies some of which are careless diets,some allergens such as dust,certain food which might not suit you,or may due to medications. Below are listed some home remedies which will give instant relief from allergies by treating it in a very natural way.
A juice of Carrot juice with beetroot and cucumber, is an effective home remedy for treating allergies.

An apple cider vinegar can bring instant relief from itching and such allergies.

Applying a paste of sandalwood and lemon juice on the affected area provides a soothing effect.

Boil ginger root in water. its consumption gives relief from mild decongestant.

Five drops of Castor oil in half a cup of any fruit or vegetable juice, or plain water, and taken on an empty stomach in the morning, is beneficial for allergies of the intestinal tract, skin, and nasal passages.

Rub mashed papaya seeds on the affected area to get relief from itching.

Pure honey is also a best home remedy for allergies.

Rashes can be treated by applying avocado paste on the affected area.

Allergies can also be treated by applying mashed almond leaves.

Digestive allergies can be treated by eating one or two bananas a day.

Skin allergies can be treated by applying neem paste.

Another natural way to cure allergy is to combine lemon juice with coconut oil. Apply this mixture on the affected area.

Best Acne Treatment

Best Acne Treatment -- Diet and Exercise
Acne is a problem for people worldwide; there are various forms of products, medications and treatment available on the market. But now I will share your about the best natural acne treatment in this short but informative article, below you can find the two proven remedies: diet and exercise.

Diet as A Best Natural Acne Treatment
For some people, one of the best acne treatments can simply be the choice of foods they eat. It means that what you eat will be reflected in your skin. Since the largest organ on the body is skin, assists other major organs in the human body by removing waste.

Since the skin the largest organ on the body and it assists other major organs in the human body with eliminating waste, one of the best acne treatments for some people can simply be the choice of foods they eat. If you are unhealthy inside it will be reflected in your skin.

For those suffering from both mild and moderate acne, A healthy diet is needed and plays an important role in the condition of the skin, here is some advice on the best healthy food for your skin.
  • Vegetables are high in antioxidants and help lead to less acne and a nice complexion.
  • Fruit has vitamins which help the skin recover from problems.
  • White Meat like chicken are very helpful in overcoming dry skin conditions.
  • Omega three and natural fish oil help the skin build immunity against infections and problems. Tuna is rich in Omega three.
  • Good Drink to help cure acne, you will notice immediate improvement in your acne if you could stay to a water diet. 7-8 glasses per day are more than enough. Water is great against flushing the toxins out of your body

One's eating habits can prevent and even cure acne problems; it has been proven by scientific research. Try to change your diet to a more natural one. Fresh fruits and vegetables are perfect as they contain many essential vitamins, antibacterial properties and natural antioxidants.
Exercise as a Natural Acne Treatment

You'll relax your muscles and as an added bonus, get rid of the excess fat by doing regular exercises. And stress is another major factor; you could relieve your stress by doing yoga or meditation, then you'll notice that as soon as you remove the stress from your life, acne appearances will start to get diminished.

Anti Aging Herbs

Top 5 Anti Aging Herbs for skin care
According to the oldest and most powerful medical book in China:Shen Nong's Herbal Classic , there are more than one hundred of noble herbs have the anti aging function and some of them also have been demonstrated by western medicine .Let's take a detailed look.

1. Modern research found that astragalus candilate coronary artery.
2.Astragalus improve myocardial blood supply.
3.Astragalus improve immune function.
4.Astragalus delay the ageing process of the cells.

Rhodiola Rosea:
1. Rhodiola is anti aging phyto supplement
2. The active properties of the extract are cinnamol, alcohol, glycosides and rosavins.
3. Rhodiola Rosea increases the energy level and has anti stress properties in it.
4. Rhodiola Rosea stimulates your immune system.

Grapes Seed Extract:
1. Grapes Seed Extracts act as antioxidant and yields phytochemical benefits. Grape seed extract is a nutrient derived from the skin and seeds of grapes, which is a member of the bioflavonoid family. They are rich in antioxidants and collagen-protective pigments called oligomeric proantho cyanidins.

2. Active properties protect the body from premature decay, disease and aging,
3. Grape seed extract is also proved to be valuable in the treatment of an inadequate blood flow in the capillaries and veins. Known as Resveratrol, a fungus which grows in the grape skin to fight off bacteria, Resveratrol is what's called an artery scrubber.

Almond promote the micro circulation of the skin,make the skin ruddy and burnish

1.Bletilla can astring to arrest bleeding
2.Bletilla has detumescence and regenerating skin function .
3.The bletilla is often used in cosmetics and can dilute the speckle ,lift skin,wipe off the wrinkles and whiten the skin.

Radix polygonati officinalis
1.It contains ample polysaccharide and amino acids,which improve the immune ability of your body,delay the aging process.
2.The containing vitamin A can improve the dry and rough skin caused by lacking VitA.
There are many other herbs have the anti aging ability,such as seaweed, aloes ,codonopsis pilosula etc.

Consequently, you may consider that if a anti aging cosmetic contains these herbs, it must have the best anti aging efficacy for your skin. So, I would like to recommend you the Baicalin Tighten Wrinkle Cream Baicalin Tighten Wrinkle Cream contains many traditional Chinese medicine ingredient,such as scutellaria laterifolia, grape seed oil, seaweed, white gourd seed, tremella, radix polygonati officinalisaloes, lily, almond, angelica,codonopsis pilosula which all have a anti aging function by improving micro circulation,resisting oxidation. reducing wrinkles, fir

HGH Products

How to Erase the Effects of Aging
HGH products are used by people who want to boost their body's level of human growth hormone. The pituitary gland produces and releases this hormone but as the body ages, the amount that it produces decreases. This production significantly drops off around the age of 30 and you may feel like you don't have the energy you used to your skin and hair may not look like they once did and you don't have the body you once had.

There are many different HGH products that can be the answer to bringing vitality back to your life and body.

Many people use these HGH products, particularly body builders because these products can help the body heal faster and recover more quickly from each workout. This is helpful when it comes to building muscle faster.

Adults over the age of 30 use them as anti-aging supplement to boost their energy and help them look younger.

There are still some people who use direct injections of actual HGH like some body builders and professional athletes. This option is not only expensive but can be dangerous. They are also illegal in many places.
If your goal is to improve your health, natural HGH products are the best way to increase your levels of HGH:

1) Tablets or capsules
These types of HGH products don't contain actual hormones. The purpose of these pills is to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more of the body's own human growth hormone. Taken regularly, the entire body should begin to perform better and the effects of exercise will be more apparent.

2) Sprays
HGH products also come in the form of sprays. They may have the same ingredients and work the same way to stimulate the pituitary gland, but they may be more effective than taking a tablet.

When you take a pill, the ingredients can be broken down in the stomach and digested before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. A spray is squirted underneath the tongue and the lining inside the mouth absorbs the active ingredients before they get to the stomach where they can be digested.

3) HGH Releasers
Perhaps most effective of all of the HGH products is a new cutting-edge form of HGH supplementation known asreleasers. These are hormones that are released to trigger the pituitary gland to secrete HGH. These releaser hormones are known as growth hormone release hormones (GHRH). Inside the body, GHRH is secreted by the hypothalamus. GHRH is an ingredient in this type of supplement. This creates a supplement that is considered to be the ultimate in hormone replacement because it naturally releases growth hormones. It is one of the HGH products that is not harmful to the body.

Dry Skin and Wrinkles

Dry Skin and Wrinkles – Is There a Connection?
With so much advertizing claiming of a link between dry skin and wrinkles, it can be hard to get to the truth. In fact, there are different reasons for both but there are effective solutions out there that can restore healthier and younger looking skin. Why do the cosmetic companies bang on about dry skin and wrinkles so much? Simply to sell more of their chemical filled products of course!

The truth is there is no link between these two, each having separate causes. Dry skin can be the result of hormones, environment and aging while wrinkles are the result of over-exposure to the suns UV rays, loss of collagen and elastin and also the result of free radical damage or oxidation.

Rather than fall for the latest hype, it is worth looking for the truly organic creams that are proven to work and which do not contain any harmful additives. Most of the leading brands are full of mineral oil as a synthetic moisturizer and parabens to preserve them.

These are very bad for your skin and can actually cause dry skin and wrinkles with long term use, as they are petroleum by-products and strip away your natural oils. To kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes, look for the latest creams with ingredients like Xtend-TK, natural vitamin E, natural oils like Avocado and Grapeseed, Wakame kelp, Maracuja and Babassu wax.

These are completely natural and as such are great for dry skin, helping to balance your sebum levels so that your skin is not too oily or too dry. The delivery of many natural nutrients helps to heal and soothe your skin too, keeping it healthier in the future to prevent the aging signs from returning.

To fade any wrinkles and lines, these substances stimulate your body to make more collagen and elastin, thickening up your skin too so it's more resilient in the future.

It can take 6-8 weeks for you to feel your skin tightening and firming up, but this also gives you a sustainable and very natural way of keeping your youthful appearance into the future.

Powerful antioxidants are essential to defeat dry skin and wrinkles, nourishing deep down and neutralizing the harmful free radicals that lead to premature aging and disease. As your skin becomes dryer as you age, these are essential in any cream to help restore the balance. As you can see, dry skin and wrinkles need not be a problem now you know the best ingredients to use that are natural and proven to work.


Reviews Of Hydroxatone — Does This Anti Aging Product Work?
Reviews Of Hydroxatone make it easy for buyers to decide if they want to order the product or not. With the overabundance of anti aging products flooding the market, the buyer is easily overwhelmed. Many products are ineffective, or they are so expensive that the results (if any at all) don't justify the price. Some products are downright unsafe. Therefore, a product review, such as Reviews Of Hydroxatone, is necessary.

Find Reviews

How do you find Reviews Of Hydroxatone? Head to the company website, and go through customer testimonials. The more the customer satisfaction, the safer the product is going to be. The most probable question on the buyer's mind would be — Does Hydroxatone Work? Reviews Of Hydroxatone, including independent customer surveys, have found Hydroxatone Cream more than 90% effective on users. Most women surveyed said they had noticed a reduction in wrinkles and as many said they had received compliments on how their skin looked. This product has also been featured in well-known periodicals, so there is just no shortage of Reviews Of Hydroxatone.

Effectiveness and Safety

Just how Does Hydroxatone Work? According to the manufacturers, this cream contains three key ingredients that encourage collagen growth, reduce facial muscle tension and compensate for age related skin dryness. Hydroxatone Cream also has another advantage: it is a medically non-invasive formula. The cream is applied on the skin like any other cosmetic product, which can be done in the comfort of the user's home rather than in the doctor's office. Neither does it require extensive follow up visits to the doctor, or expensive and painful medical procedures. Unlike other wrinkle reduction methods, hydroxatone is affordable and painless.

What about side effects? Reviews Of Hydroxatone have not mentioned any side effects in this skincare product. At the most, the user may feel a slight tightening or tingling of the skin after applying the product, which is a sign that the product is working. If you have sensitive skin, are prone to allergies or have any medical condition, consult a physician before using this product. For most normal, healthy women, however, this anti wrinkle cream is perfectly safe.

Last, find out all you can about hydroxatone shipping procedures. This cream is sold exclusively online, so you might want to learn about supply related issues, if any. The distributors have provided for an auto ship program that allows the customer to order a product well in advance to avoid supply and shipping problems. You don't have to order via auto shipping, but it helps maintain a regular supply of products. Each jar of this cream lasts about 30 days and you may want to order the next batch before the product runs out, which is why the auto ship program is in place. Reviews Of Hydroxatone will give you more confidence as a buyer and you will be able to make informed decisions.

Hoodia extracts

Hoodia extracts – The actual controversy
Search for your term ‘Hoodia Gordonii' on the net and you will see endless sites telling you to use their special Hoodia remove.

But the following is where their particular first mistake will come in. Genuine 100% Hoodia Gordonii will not come inside an remove form. Simply no, not in any way.

All an remove actually signifies is in which part – and also we suggest any portion – with the Hoodia Gordonii plant continues to be used to produce this product. And we all don't merely mean random elements of the place itself.

It will be surprising the amount of inventive techniques companies have produce in order to make their 400mg seem authentic.

Don't feel us? Take a go through the following record, it will be incredible: leaves… flowers… one of many 13 some other Hoodia plants… also caffeine. They have inked anything and everything to lessen the charges, and make themselves additional money.

And anyone, who ultimately ends up losing out on this scenario, is you and only you.

Just what exactly can you do to escape the hoodia remove controversy? Learn the basic principles of what things to expect any time you want to buy a Hoodia Gordonii merchandise.

Take including the capsules element list.

The sole other components you must ever find around the packaging regarding a Hoodia product could be the core with the Hoodia Gordonii place, gelatine, magnesium stearate and also stearic chemical p.

Now just before you move to fast, and say why these 3 added ingredients must ensure it is not 100% genuine, there will be something you need to find out. That just isn't strictly correct.

You start to see the ingredients we've just stated earlier form area of the capsule which contains the powdered kind of the Hoodia place. They are usually okay.

But when you find any extra ingredients around the label or perhaps spot a estimate that says it really is an extract with the plant, next stop. This all information is in fact telling you is the capsule simply contains 60% with the genuine Hoodia central. The rest are only fillers that may offer nothing good to your fat loss journey.

And in accordance with research performed by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals, over 80% with the Hoodia Gordonii supplements they analyzed, were found being not 100% genuine Hoodia Gordonii or authentic.

And this kind of figure is founded on the variety of products that have been willingly provided for them being tested. There have been hundreds regarding other Hoodia Gordonii products who have not recently been tested; that never have been been shown to be the authentic article.
Saying this you can find products on the market that 've got the assistance, the scientific testing as well as the CITES document to prove they are the genuine deal. UniqueHoodia being one.

Within a single capsule users will get 460mg regarding pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii. Simply no added filler injections or components, just the particular powdered kind of the crops core.

And also this is 60mg greater than the common Hoodia product offer too.

In a compact package deal, customers can feel the satisfaction regarding knowing they are receiving:

• 100% genuine, unaltered Hoodia – not necessarily the remove form, yet powdered supplements.
• A 2, 000 calorie reduction each day.
• 10, 000 times the potency of appetite suppression, compared to be able to glucose.

Acai Berry

Why the Acai Berry is So Effective in Products like Acai Inferno
The history of the acai berry can be traced back from the beginning of time to a palm tree that grows in North Brazil. The benefits of the berry have long been known to the native people there and they call it a name that means "the fruit that cries." For hundreds of years the "super fruit" of the world has been a traditional food to the natives and one that provided them with a surplus of antioxidants. The acai berry is known to satisfy hunger and renew energy within the body. This is exactly why the acai berry has taken an enormous presence in the weight loss industry and has found its way into products including Acai Inferno.

Acai Inferno is a weight loss product that is guaranteed to melt away body fat due to its advanced acai blend. The company chose acai over other popular fruits because the acai berry has more than triple the amount of antioxidants that are found in other fruits including peaches, pomegranates, blueberries, strawberries and even the vegetable broccoli. The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC is a method used by the USDA to measure antioxidant capacities of different foods and it's found that even the most popular fruits don't come close to the antioxidant values found in the acai berry.

Acai Inferno has decided to equip its weight loss product with a variety of other ingredients to compliment the acai berry including caffeine anhydrous, kelp, green tea leaf extract, apple cider vinegar and grapefruit. Along with the acai berry, these products have long been used to aid in weight loss and digestive solutions.

The purpose of the digestive system is to allow the body to absorb food properly. When your body doesn't digest properly it can result in the loss of key vitamins and minerals that you need. When you institute the help of Acai Inferno you can get a better digestive system and thus keep your body sustained with natural vitamins and minerals.

You have the power to change the body you were born with by utilizing the powerful antioxidants and health benefits found naturally in acai berries and specifically formulated in weight loss products like Acai Inferno. Acai Inferno has even utilized the benefits of the berry to give you a more sculpted body like flat abs, sleek legs and toned arms.

Weight Loss Supplements

How To Use Weight Loss Supplements
There are many tips that you can find on weight loss and diet. When it comes to losing weight, it can seem like an uphill battle. However, when you go about it the right way and learn all you can about how you can lose weight as well as keep it off, it seems much easier. The more you learn about weight loss, the better off you are and the more chance you stand of not only losing the weight but also keeping it from creeping back on.

There is more to losing weight than just your diet, although this does play an instrumental part in how you are going to lose weight. Naturally, you have to eat the right foods, but just are the right foods? You have most likely heard about all sorts of diet programs that include eliminating carbs, bulking up on protein as well as eliminating fats. However, in order for you to not only lose the weight, but also to keep it off, you have to start out re-thinking the way that you eat as well as what you eat.

Some foods when it comes to diet are more harmful than others. These include the simple carbohydrates such as sweets. However, by saying that you will never eat these foods again, you are not only being unrealistic, but setting yourself up for failure. In order to be able to keep off the weight that you lose, you need to also be able to stop it from coming back on. Many people lose weight just to see it creep back on again after they go back to their old eating habits.

There are supplements that you can take for weight loss as well as diet methods that can help you re-think the way that you eat. In addition, when you combine a more active lifestyle to the mix, you generally get the results that you are looking for. Diet alone will not help you lose weight, in fact it seems to set you up for just getting sick or losing weight and then gaining it back. After all, you need to keep your metabolism going in order to get the weight off. This is done through the use of certain foods as well as through the use of certain supplements. When you exercise, even small exercises like walking, you will also burn up more calories.

In order to get the results that you are looking for when it comes to your body, you need to learn as much as you can about what to eat, when to eat, how to eat as well as exercise that can stimulate your loss of weight. There are easy methods that you can use in place of some fad diet that will really end up getting you nowhere but make you feel frustrated and hungry all of the time. If you are serious about losing weight and want to look good for the upcoming summer months, then now is the perfect time to start getting fit and learn as much as you can about the methods relating to loss of weight and diet and how they can help you.

Save Your Heart

Ways to Save Your Heart
Nuts Looking for a healthy snack with a bit of substance? Nuts are are great way to snack and boost your immune system while doing so. Respiratory infection are abundant in the colder months and nuts will definitely help your body fight them. Vitamin E, which has attributes that fight against those infection, is found in nuts like sunflower seeds and almonds. Snacking on these or adding them to salads or veggie dishes is an excellent way take advantage of their benefits.

Smoking, and exposure to secondhand smoke, increases one's risk significantly for developing heart disease. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,800 chemicals, many of which can damage the heart and blood vessels, causing narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which leads to heart attack.

The team discovered a dose-dependent link between fruit and vegetable intake and heart death. That is, the higher the intake, the lower the risk for heart attack. Specifically, for every serving above two servings per day, the risk of dying from a heart attack dropped by four percent. People who averaged eight or more servings per day reduced their risk by 22 percent.

Deprivation of sleep may results in physical stress as well as weakening of your immune system and thus increases its inability to fight off infections. Based on research, it has shown those who slept five hours or less a night had a 39 percent greater risk of developing heart disease. So if you have not been sleeping enough for any reasons, try taking a nap for 30 minutes at least three times a week as it will reduce the fatality rate for heart disease by more than a third, as advised by my friend, who is a doctor by profession.

While on the low salt diet, but not the normal salt diet, the subjects showed improvements in endothelial function. This diet also led to small reductions in systolic (the top number) blood pressure, though no change in the diastolic (that's the bottom one) number.

Being health conscious is more important now than ever before. When you neglect your body by eating high fat foods and not exercising you run the risk of a whole host of health issues, including obesity and heart disease. Many people don't pay any attention to what they eat until their doctor tells them their cholesterol level is too high. In most cases, if it's only moderately high the physician will suggest one of the diets for high cholesterol. If it's alarmingly high, medication may also be prescribed to lower it quickly.

H2o is what our body needs. The minimal requirement for water is eight glasses in each day. This really is in addition to juice intakes. Don't substitute h2o with sodas and alcoholic beverages.Do not eat foods high in carbohydrates like rice, potatoes, bread and pasta. Throughout breakfast, stay away from the intake of espresso mainly because this contains caffeine which isn't very good to our heart.

Home Remedies For Instant Relief From Acid Reflux Or Acidity.

Acid Reflux or commonly known as acidity is a condition where the gastric juices containing acid travel back from the stomach into the esophagus.

Heartburn and chest pain.
Burning pain in stomach.
Bringing food back up into the mouth.
Chest pain.
Difficulty in swallowing.
Constant pain in the upper abdomen.

Home Remedies For Acid Reflux:

Drinking a glass of cold milk gives immediate relief for heartburn and acid reflux.

Drink cabbage juice daily to prevents Acid Reflux.

Consuming ice cream also gives an instant relief.

Drink organic, whole leaf aloe very juice several times a day.

Consumption of fresh apple cider vinegar with honey in a glass of water before meals reduces the Acid Reflux.

Take half a tea spoon of Fennel Seeds and chew them slowly after your meals.

Eat an apple after a meal.

Drink some dill pickle juice.

After your meals, chew sugarless gum for 30 minutes.

A few almonds, taken in the morning or after meals is also a good remedy.

Mix equal parts of cinnamon and honey in warm water also serves for acid reflux relief.

Boil cumin seeds in a glass of water and drink it with meals.

Lovin' Hut Vegan Restaurant Review {Reynoldsburg OH}

I recently found out that a new vegan restaurant was moving into the area. I was excited! It is not easy for us to find a place that offers a good variety of foods that we can enjoy. So, finally, yesterday hubby and I prettied ourselves up and went all the way to Reynoldsburg OH [35 min drive for us] to check out the new Lovin' Hut.

I have to be honest I did not know what to expect. It is not in the prettiest part of town, but hey, I don't discriminate against good food, no matter where it is.

We walked in and were greeted by a clean place, which is quite natural, since they have been open only a week. At the same moment my nostrils were assaulted by a very distinct, thick smell of fried oil. Not the smell I imagined to encounter coming to a vegan [think: healthy] place.
Then we were kind of lost--we did not know if we were to order at register, which was all the way to the back, or if we needed to wait to be seated. We sheepishly made our way to the counter, where we were told to find a seat and wait for someone to come wait on us. Good deal... we picked a table and waited. There were only 2 more couples in the place so we thought it would take no time. Not so...

We waited nearly 10-15 mins. We had no menus and no one coming to our rescue. If they were busy I would understand, but there was barely a soul in the whole place.

I finally went to the counter to see if we can at least get menus. There were none! Really?! Honestly?! So, the cashier/waitress [yes, one and the same] went over to the other table and took their menus to give to me. I thanked her and headed to our table. Surprise! There were only tiny pictures and titles of each dish, printed on an inkjet printer. No prices and no descriptions. The menu covers apparently had huge price stickers on them--there were huge glue spots on both that were now covered in questionable substances.

We continued to wait. While waiting, hubby struck up a conversation with a couple of ladies waiting for a carry out order. That was a delightful part of our evening. Meanwhile I took myself on a tour and snapped a few images.
Overall, I found that place was way too bright to be an eat-it restaurant. Some touches, like the education shelf, and books on each table about veganism, were nice. The colors of the walls were nice and welcoming. The shadow frames were nice, with various sayings inside. What I found odd, however, was that each frame had artificial flours inside... attached with tape to the mats. 
The cashier/waiter, a nice young lady, finally made her way into our area, and went straight for the carry-out customers. I asked her if we could have a menu that we could actually read. It turned out that they ran out of the menus [again, really? all they have is carry out menus?], so the carry-out customers gave us theirs, which had a few food stains on them. It was getting better by the moment. I was now hoping that at least the food would be worth it all.

Hubster picked out veggie burger and fries, and I ordered a Harmony sandwich with a Potato and Kale soup, which apparently was many people's favorite, according to our waitress. I was hungry and ready to dig in, but the food took another 10-15 mins to arrive. URGH! There were only 6 people in the dining room. I could make dinner for 10 faster!
My food finally arrived. Hubby's took another 3-5 mins to get to us. I snapped a picture of mine and, by the time I tasted it and hubby's food arrived, I totally forgot to snap a picture of his. You might think it was because my food was so good. On the contrary. The soup... well, I don't even know how to describe it--it was too bland and watery. The vegan cream cheese in it, was not of creamy substance, but swam around in tiny visible pieces. There was a combination of several different vegetables: potato, carrot, celery, carrot [yes, the carrot was listed twice in the description], onion, soy cream cheese. Noticeably kale was missing from the description, but was in the soup. It turned out that there were also sweet potatoes in the soup--not a good combo for me. Overall, I can tell you that I was underwhelmed and would never eat anything like this again, unless it was the only food left to keep me from starving.

Next was my sandwich. Here is the description from the menu: grilled sandwich bread filled with tofurkey, veggie protein, lectuce [yes, there was more than one misspelled word on the menu], tomato, cucumber and dressing [what dressing? not specified].

I am NOT a vegan substitute user. I don't do tofurkey or veggie protein, I don't do tempeh and I barely ever use tofu. I decided to give it a try, though, to see if it would be worth it. My consensus is--NO! I grabbed the sandwich and brought it close to my mouth to take a bite. The scent of tofurkey hit my nostrils--it reminded me of wet wipes served on airplanes along with food. I took only a couple of bites before pulling all of tofurkey out. And then I bit into something HARD. After thorough examination I came to the conclusion that it could be nothing else but aforementioned veggie protein. It was hard as rock, with a little soft spot in the middle. Needless to say it ended up on my plate, not in my stomach. The sandwich itself was nothing memorable.

My hubby's experience? Let me repeat what he said on the way out: "I had to drown my sorrow in a bottle of ketchup!" He actually did drench his veggie burger with ketchup to send it to its dark grave. The fries were too soft. I actually was hoping he would not eat them, since they were deep dried, which we DON'T DO at home at all.

Instead of waiting for our check we took ourselves to the register. We wanted to get on our way, as hubby whispered into my ear that he was HUNGRY. Urgh! What did we pay for if not to feed us?

It took a while to get our receipt. The cashier was nice and apologized for the wait and delays, because: "we are understaffed," she said. It was hard to believe because I was looking directly into the kitchen filled with 5 people! Understaffed? Six people altogether and six people in the restaurant and you call it understaffed?!

I am all for supporting family businesses [Lovin' Hut is a family owned franchise], but I am also all for super services and great tasting food.

My rating for Lovin' Hut: 1/2 star. That's all I could give them, especially after a very memorable drive home. I would never tell anyone this, but since I am doing a review and have to be honest [I am blushing] I will go ahead and say it. The food gave me gas. I eat a whole foods diet and have for years and yet I NEVER experience anything like this unless I mis-combine high fiber foods [such as beans] and sugars [such as cookies], which I would not knowingly do, EVER. I am suspecting the couple of bites of tofurkey, and sweet potatoes in the soup were responsible for my trouble.

All I can say is that I am glad that I checked it for myself first before taking my non-vegan friends there. I spared myself an embarrassing moment. I know that taste buds vary and some might enjoy their food, but I enjoy dishes that are planned, well combined and well seasoned. My taste buds are spoiled little brats, I guess, and they love to have a party at every meal.

One the way out I coaxed hubby to take a picture. As you can see he wasn't all to happy, so I had to bribe him with a promise of a follow-up meal to get him to smile at least a little.
At home we quickly whipped up a very simple, yet satisfying snack, that rated higher on the chart with my taste buds than the restaurant meal. Hubby had a slice of home-made wheat bread with ripe avocados and a cup of hot peach tea, and I had half of an avocado with a drizzle of raw honey and a dash of Himalayan salt. It was an improvement a good way to finish our night. 

New Favorite: Quinoa Pilaf, Served with Cucumber Salad

I had decided a long time ago not to get stuck on same foods. The benefit of a whole foods, unprocessed, vegan diet is that you are almost forced to try something different as frequently as possible, because you realize the importance of nutrition.

This month my new food item to try was QUINOA. I know it is not new to a lot of you out there. However, I did not grow up eating it, or even knowing what it was.

So far I had tried a couple of different recipes. First is very simple: cook according to instructions, with no salt or spices. When it cools off, use it as your cereal grain, with almond milk, a drizzle of honey and blueberries, and a dash of sea or Himalayan salt. Very simple and very delicious.

My second variation was a savory recipe, made more like rice pilaf… minus the rice, of course. I really enjoyed the outcome, although I have a feeling that in the future I will try making it with cumin.

Quinoa Pilaf tasted great with a refreshing cucumber salad, and I also ate it with freshly fermented, raw sauerkraut. 

Quinoa Pilaf

  • 1 large onion, cubed
  • 3 medium-large carrots, thinly sliced
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 tbs finely chopped dill
  • 3 cups quinoa
  • 5.5 cups water
  • Sea or Himalyan salt to taste
  • 1 tbs your favorite seasoning [I used Kirkland organic blend]

  • In a pan, in oil saute onion, carrots, and garlic, for 5-7 mins on medium heat
  • Add spices
  • Add quinoa, salt and pour in water; stir.
  • Bring to boil; reduce heat to medium and simmer until water is 2/3 is gone; stir occasionally
  • Reduce heat to low; cover the pan and allow grain to cook through
  • Add dill, stir and serve

Cucumber Salad

  • 2 english cucumbers, sliced [if you are not using organic cucumbers I would highly recommend to peel them]
  • 2 tbs green onions, chopped
  • 1-2 tbs dill, chopped
  • 1 tbsp Veganaise

  • Combine all ingredients and refrigerate until ready to serve

The meal is delightful and feeling. The benefits and nutrition in quinoa are mind blowing. Here are just a few facts.

In 1 cup of cooked quinoa you will find following Minerals:

  • Calcium 31.5mg--3% of Daily Value
  • Iron 2.8mg--15% of Daily Value
  • Magnesium 118mg--30% of Daily Value
  • Phosphorus 281mg--28% of Daily Value
  • Potassium 318mg--9% of Daily Value
  • Sodium 13.0mg--1% of Daily Value
  • Zinc 2.0mg--13% of Daily Value
  • Copper 0.4mg--18% of Daily Value
  • Manganese 1.2mg--58% of Daily Value
  • Selenium 5.2mcg--7%of Daily Value

There are numerous Vitamins in it too. AND, it is a COMPLETE protein! It is really a power house!

I ate more than 2 cups in a day, so I have met a lot of the nutritional needs with one simple meal. After all, that's what food is for--to fuel our bodies for best performance.

Do you have favorite Quinoa recipes?