Vegan Munchies All Around {Potatoes and Tomatoes Rule}

Over the weekend hubbster and I hit a couple of produce stands and scored fresh tomatoes and potatoes, which naturally led to a week filled with those ingredients. 

Growing up overseas these two were a favorite of my family, along with onion, bell peppers and other yummy fresh foods.  The love affair with potatoes and tomatoes started so early in my life that I don't think I could ever get over it. 

When I first got married I discovered that hubby was not a huge fan of tomatoes.  At first I could not understand why, but eventually it made sense to me--the only tomatoes he ever tried were the ones sold in stores, which are always half unripened and crunchy, lacking any flavor or aroma.  I totally understood his dilemma.  So, I set out on a mission to change his mind [as I did with many other things ;) and foods]. 

When we lived in Florida I found a fresh produce stand which sold the most amazing ripe tomatoes I encountered since moving to the US.  I loaded up on tomatoes and prepped 4 different dishes with them.  Ever since them my hubby became a tomato lover. 

Here are a couple of ways you can combine both: potatoes and tomatoes.

Mashed potatoes with creamed mushrooms, asparagus and sliced tomatoes, garnished with green onions.
Roasted potatoes with tomato salad made with Veganaise, served with home-made fries sauce: equal amounts of ketchup and Veganaise [vegan mayo] mixed together.
Both meals take very little prep time and will sure be a hit with your whole family.


Creamed Mushrooms Polenta Recipe {VEGAN}

Remember that recipe I promised you?  Well, I have to apologize for not posting it sooner, but here it is:

Vegan Creamed Mushrooms Polenta
  • 3 cups polenta, cooked according to instructions
    • {I boil polenta in 1.5 cups of water for each cup of grain, lightly salted and seasoned}
  • 3-4 tbs olive oil
  • 18 oz (or more) mushrooms of your choice
  • 1 large yellow union
  • 1-2 red bell peppers
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • 3-4 cups almond, rice or soy milk, or you can use water or veggie broth
  • 2 tbs organic all purpose flour
  • 1-2 tsp your favorite seasoning
  • sea or Himalayan salt to taste

  • Prepare polenta as described above;
  • While it is cooking chop all veggies {mushrooms, onion, bell pepper, garlic), season with seasoning and saute in oil on a skillet for 5 mins on high heat and 10 mins on low heat
  • Pour in "milk" of your choice, increasing heat to high, bring to boil;
  • Salt to taste
  • Reduce heat to low and stir in flour very slowly so it does not clump up
    • (if you are not sure how to keep flour from clumping, mix is in a bowl with 1/4-1/2 cup of milk first, then pour into the skillet while stirring)
  • stir for 1-2 mins, turn off heat

To Serve
  • Spread veggie mix on the plate
  • Using a mold place polenta on top of it
  • Pour more mushroom mixture over the top 
  • Garnish with celery or parsley
  • Enjoy!
You will have polenta left over, which will clump in a very funky way when it cools off.  To spare yourself  "ugly" polenta, when it cools off place it on a peace of parchment and shape into a round tube {I have a measuring tube that I use to give it shape, which I then squeeze onto the parchment paper}
Place in a zip-lock bag and refrigerate.  You can later pull it out, slice it as you wish, and warm it up for another tasty serving with creamed mushrooms.  It makes meal planning so much easier!

Even my mushroom-hating husband enjoyed this dish.... and asked for seconds.  I think that his heart has officially been won to mushrooms (you don't even know how happy that makes me, because I am a mushroom lover.  My next task is to convert him to loving eggplants :)).

Falling in Love and Chocolate Turtles

The last couple of weeks=whirlwind!  Great news, though--I finally got the confirmation about passing my AFAA exam!!! WOOOT!  I also met with a few local gyms and it looks like I will starting teaching my crazy version of super power yoga VERY soon [details later].  So, if you are in/around Columbus OH metro area and need to challenge your body to the next level, while having fun, you have to come out and work out with me!!!   On that note I also have to give you heads up: I will soon be starting a brand spanking new blog that will be centered not just around awesome vegan foods but fitness as well.  So, stay tuned!

Yesterday Demetrye and I were on the side of town [Reynoldsburg OH] where we used to live, and where we got engaged.  He took me to the restaurant where we went after he proposed... and put a ring on my finger.  It was not the food that drew us there, but the memories.  And... it was worth it!  Food was ok, we ended up ordering veggie burgers with fries.  The burger itself was ok, but the white bread bun and the fries... not so much [I am seeing more green smoothies in my very near future]. But the memories... the memories were great! 

I kept snapping pictures and the waitress told us that I remind her of her mother because of it [just imagine her tip getting smaller because of that ;)... (just joking!)], so I had to explain to her why I was doing it... which melted her completely :)
[don't mind my hubby's crazy eyes... he is loco like that for me ;)]
[the pic in the top row/middle is hubster's interpretation of the all-seeing eye :), and of me at the bottom--my interpretation of the world's strongest craziest woman holding up that cement wall]

After dinner we went out to shop and got me a fabulous little purple dress... which I will have to model sometimes and post here.  

Forward to this morning.  We got up very early and headed off to Canal Winchester's farmer's market... which was canceled, much to our disappointment.  But that did not stop us.  We hit a couple of farmer stores and gathered some fresh goodies: 

Then we went to a couple of Half Price Books stores, where I scored 3 of fabulous fitness books--more material for me and tons of great poses to incorporate into upcoming Power Yoga classes! [Hello, my name is Elena and I am a book addict. :)]

Needless to say I was wiped out.  While my hubby went off for a work out, I made myself Chocolate Turtles--so delicious and so simple to make, and total comfort food. 

I did not keep any specific proportions, since I did not have much chocolate, but here is the recipe:

Chocolate Turtles
  • large handful chocolate chips [vegan/organic]
  • 1-2 tbs water
  1. warm up a pan/skillet with these ingredients and stir until melted
  2. quickly add:
  • handful of soaked/dehydrated almonds
  • handful of soaked/dehydrated walnuts
  • handful of raisins
  • pinch of salt
      3.   turn off heat
      4.   mix all ingredients and lay out in clusters on slightly greased pan/dish or wax paper
      5.   place in a freezer for 10-15 mins


I hope you also had a fun, memory filled weekend!

Workout Green Smoothie and Mr. Eggplant Head

Good Afternoon, Loves!  Hope you are having a FABULOUS day!  I can tell you that I am!  Hubby is off today, so we did 50 mins power yoga, then downed a green smoothie and headed off to the gym for some more beating workout :)  

My workout: 
Power Yoga--50 mins
Elliptical--1.1 mile
Back, abs, triceps and biceps--40 mins
Treadmill--1 mile

Food Intake:
An apple before yoga
Green Smoothie before gym
Lots of water
Green Smoothie after gym
Couple of slices of vegan pizza

Workout Green Smoothie Recipe
3-4 servings
I use all ORGANIC ingredients and filtered water
  • 2-3 cups water
  • 4 leaves colored greens
  • large handful parsley [I used curly parsley]
  • 1/2 tbs blue green algae [I use HealthForce Nutritionals brand]
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 plums
  • 1 tbs raw cacao nibs

Blend in a high speed blender [VitaMix 5200 or Blendtec Total Blender] for best results. 


I have to share this little cutie with you--Mr. Eggplant Head: 
I was at a Farmer's Market last week and scored a few eggplants.  When I saw this one I had to get it.  It immediately made me think of a  very quirky guy with a french accent.  I had to get it!  So, a couple of days ago, before cooking it, I brought him to life first :)  Isn't he cute?  It is unfortunate, but Mr. Eggplant Head was cooked and tasted even better than he looked :)

In the next couple of days I will post a recipe for the Creamed Mushroom Polenta. 
For today, enjoy your life!

PS: If you are in the Columbus OH metropolitan area and are looking to learn how to cook for health, weight loss and well-being, make sure to register for the upcoming plant-based cooking class, held by yours truly :)

My Amazing Morning {Bible, Power Yoga and Green Smoothie}

I am loving the weather in Ohio.  It is sunny and mild.  Since I am temporary staying home to take care of the household [unpacking, paperwork, etc] I have the luxury to sleep in a little and then indulge in a slow morning routine: reading my Bible, drinking a green smoothie and exercising. 

Today was fabulous!  I feel so refreshed and ready for the day. 

My favorite Scripture from today's reading is Psalm 4:4-5:

"Be angry and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, 
And put your trust in the Lord."

Reading and mediating on these verses puts my heart at rest.  God is in total control of our lives and there is no reason to worry about anything. 

While I was reading and mediating on the Scripture I sipped on a Kale Green Smoothie. 

Kale Green Smoothie
makes 4 servings
  • 2-3 cups water
  • 6 kale leaves
  • 2 pears
  • 1 banana
  • 2 plums
  • 2 tbs hemp seeds

After that... Power Yoga!!!  I feel like I have been out of circulation for too long!  Two weeks!  Yes I worked out in between and even went to a Pilates class at our gym yesterday [Lifestyle Fitness in New Albany OH], but it was not the same.  My body was aching to have every muscle and ligament stretched. 
To make for a pleasant workout I went yoga mat shopping last night, with my sweet hubbster.  It was time for an upgrade, as my old mat is falling apart.  I ended up finding a wonderful Stott Pilates mat [although it is pale pink (pink is not my favorite color for a mat)] at Marshall's for only $15!  I had my doubts about it, but once it was unrolled and I landed my feet on it, I was in "mat-love".  It is here to stay!

This morning I needed a little help to get back in the groove, so I exercised to MTV's Power Yoga Video.  It's worth every penny I spent on it :)  Fantastic for a good stretch.    [excuse the white walls and wires--I am still unpacking ;)]
Now that I am ready for the day I am planning to hit a couple of libraries.  You don't even know how excited I am to be back around a place with TONS of libraries that are open until 8-9 pm!  I am a book-worm, as is my husband, so finding libraries nearby us is a thrill!!!  Then I want to visit a local gym and see if I can land myself an instructor job there, while I am still waiting to find out if I passed the exam.
Dinner plans for today: Polenta with Creamed Mushrooms!!!  I will try to post a recipe for it tomorrow. 

Have a fantastic day!  And do tell me how you got yourself up and going this morning?  What is your "waking-up" routine?

Plant Based {Vegan} Cooking Class in Columbus OH

Good morning, loves!

I am so excited to announce my first Vegan Cooking Class in Columbus OH!  You will not only learn how to make healthy, scrumptious food that will help you with weight loss and boost your energy, but you will also get to eat it!  How fantastic is that?  You will get to have a four [4] course meal along with an information-filled nutrition class all at once!

WHEN: October 1, 2010; 7-9:30 pm

WHERE: Pickerington, OH [exact address will be provided to all registered]

WHAT: You will partake of a 4-course meal*:
             1. Breakfast Smoothies: How to make rejuvenating, energy boosting Smoothies for the whole family—the kind that will give you a jump start and heal your body at the same time;
             2. Apple Celery Boats filled with raw, energy giving goodness—the kind that will get your taste buds dancing; OR a Big Green Mojo—salad with a combination of greens out of this world served with home-made Strawberry Dressing;
            3. MAIN DISH: Curry Potatoes with Veggies
           4. Elena's Secret Chocolate Chip Cookies. They are SO SECRET you might even be required to take an oath not to share the secret.

All ORGANIC ingredients!

Please notify me if you have any FOOD ALLERGIES!
The class is a perfect excuse to have a DATE night, to hang out with a friend, or just get away by yourself to indulge in a scrumptious meal and learn a few healthful tricks. I will make the meals, teach you how to do the same at home, tell you all about the benefits of a plant-based diet, and feed you a 4 course meal!

HOW: You can register on-line or in person [contact me for the second method}

COST: $50 for 1 person; $80 for a couple on a date; $85 for two friends hanging out [if they register at the same time].

TO REGISTER: If you are viewing this post on EHBH blog you will have an option right under this paragraph to register via PayPal.  If you are getting this through RSS feed, go to EHBH blog.  On the left panel you will see an option to register for the class.  Go ahead and choose quantity and... REGISTER :)  That is how simple it is!


Choose ONE

!!! When making the payment make sure to provide your contact information [name and e-mail address] and specify the date and the time of the class you would like to attend!!!

If you have any questions, please e-mail me!

*I reserve the right to change/adjust Menu items if needed.  I also reserve the right to cancel a class if there are not enough attendees registered--participants will be notified in advance.

There is enough space to accommodate 10-14 people, so hurry!!! :) [I personally can't wait!]  Also make sure to spread the word and tell your friends and family about this fun event!
What people said about their experience in my past cooking classes:

I really enjoyed the class. It gave me so much insight to what I am putting in my body. I think it's a great introduction that will inspire me to make better choices. I would love to take many more classes! ~J

I had a great time! I thought it was very informative. I really enjoyed hearing your personal stories as to why you choose a raw vegan diet. The recipes were really easy. I am looking forward to learning how to make more meals that I could make for my family. I LOVED the breakfast stuff and the ice cream. ~C

The Right Way To Remove Blackheads At Home.

Earlier in my posts I have discussed about various methods and home made masks to get rid of blackheads.But merely writing the procedure will not give you an exact idea, So I thought of adding a video in this post.This video will help you to remove blackheads from your skin in a right way, without damaging your skin.

Having a Life Again!

I did it, folks!  I went through the examination to become a Group Fitness Instructor.  With the big move I had to study up until the very last moment.  At first I thought that there was no way I could pull it off--I ended up with less than a week to study over 30 chapters.  BUT... with each day I had more and more hope [thank God for a high-functioning brain!], and on the day of the exam I felt pretty confident that I did.  I won't have the results until 4-6 weeks from now, but I am feeling GOOD about it!

I was totally tired when I got home [as you can see for yourself] but had to commemorate the special moment and freeze it in time.  87 was my number for personal presentation. Let's hope it's a lucky one!
Meanwhile I am happy that I can get back to unpacking and living my life.   Hubby felt pretty neglected for a few days, but he is a happy man once again :)! I have so much in store and am thinking about launching a new blog [more later].  And now I am also in search of local gyms in Westerville and Columbus OH where I can teach my fusion of Power Yoga+Pilates+Aerobics.  With the size of our city and the population it should not be too hard, but the competition is fierce here!  There were almost a 100 individuals at my testing. 

As of now I am giddy and excited.  Why?  CSN stores, who also happen to sell modern rugs, have contacted me to do another review or a giveaway.  I am going to be a little selfish this time and will do a review :)  I have been wanting to experiment with ice cream making, so I could test their ice cream machines, and also wanted to explore other possibilities... so I can barely wait to "go shopping" in their store. 

Until next time: Eat Healthy!  Be Happy!  and Be Fit!

Vegan Orange Cheesecake {RAW} and Settling In

We are finally in Westerville OH and settling in.  I had done a lot of unpacking with only 1 room left to go.  Hubby and I had previously lived around this area, so, needless to say, getting around. is quite easy  What makes things even better is knowing people, meeting our old friends once again, who make us feel at home and soften the blow of leaving our wonderful family behind. 

After the first couple of days of intense unpacking and cleaning I took the weekend off.  We spend time with some of our friends, had a great time working out yesterday, but now I am ready to finish the task before and start living our lives.  In the weeks to come I am planning to work on a lot of new recipes and gear up to have my first cooking class in Columbus OH!!!  Yes, all vegan [plant based] cooking class is coming to this area!!!  I am planning the first one in 3 weeks {September 24th}, so if you are interested let me know.  I will be posting more details soon. 

Last week I had a chance to speak with our leasing office and we started talking about doing a community event at our apartment complex with a cooking class being the focal point.  I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about that!

As for now I am off to do more unpacking and cleaning.  However, I do have a treat for all of the Newsletter subscribers!  In tomorrow's long awaited edition I will send out a recipe for a Vegan Raw Orange Cheesecake.  So, if you are not subscribing to the newsletter yet, make sure to do so ASAP so that you can indulge in this raw delicacy. 
Until tomorrow: Eat Healthy!  Be Happy!