Chance to Win a Vegan Cookbook

Heads up, lovely readers. A vegan Book Publishing Co. is kicking off a campaign first thing tomorrow [March 1st] to promote books on vegan living, cooking, and even body building and to raise awareness about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle.  ANYONE has a chance to win a vegan cookbook.  All you have to do is click on the image below, which will take you to the landing page, check out their information, enter your e-mail address and name and you might win one of their great books. 

I personally just received two books published by them: Becoming Vegan and The Natural Vegan Kitchen, and can't wait to dive into them.  I have been vegan for a long time, but learning NEVER stops or sleeps.  I will make sure to post reviews of both books to let you know if they pass my test.

So, don't lose a moment, first thing in the morning, head on over to the page and enter to win one of their amazing books. The campaign will last March-April, so there is not telling how many books will be given away. Don't forget to tell others too. 

Fast and Effective Toenail Fungus Treatment

Odd topic?  Yes a little, especially since it's a bit personal, but it needs to be talked about and I hope it helps a few of you out there.

I had never had any problems with my feet, fungus or otherwise... that is until I had joined a yoga class, about 3 years ago.  I don't know whether it was the mat I used a few times, until I got my own, or what else it might have been, but I ended up with small to medium white spots on one of my toes.  It basically ate away at the toe nail, making it very thin.

Now, my diet is great and I thought that my immune system should have killed off the little parasite in no time... but no, it persisted.  One of my sisters, who had issues with toenail fungus in one of her toes for a few years, suggested I try tea tree oil.  She said that she did and got rid of her problem.  I was up for anything natural.  Considering that she had an issue that lasted more than a decade and it distorted her big toenail, making it embarrassing and simply frustrating, I was surprised to see it good as new.  So, I took the oil she gave me and tried it over and over again. I added it to my "scrubbing" regiment [I have a foot brush, and after every workout I made sure to scrub my toe nails with it, using soap]. Perhaps it was that the oil was a bit old, but nothing happened.  I was left frustrated.

We moved to Ohio [that was only a few months ago].  I kept with my "scrubbing" regiment, I also used 3 drops of wild oregano oil on my toothbrush twice a day.  Slowly [in a span of a few weeks] the little kreeper was gone.  I was ecstatic!
Fast forward to about two weeks ago.  At that point I started to teach fitness classes 10 hours a week.  I have to take a wild guess, but it might have been the profuse sweating due to rigorous, continuous exercises, but the little creeper [i.e. toenail fungus] came back... ON THE SAME TOENAIL!  URGH... How and why? I kept my shoes washed regularly, as well as my feet [of course ;)], I did not use anyone else's floor mats... So, it's a mystery.

I was not having it.  This time, instead of taking oregano oil orally I decided to try attacking the issue where it hurt the most--right on the toenail.  What happened next is almost impossible to describe, let alone believe.  I made sure to take pictures [as you could have guesses I am an observer and love to experiment], so that you would believe me. [I was hoping that it would work :).]

In less than 24 hours.... YES, you read it right, less than 24 hrs, the little creeper [toenail fungus] disappeared.  Check it out for yourself. [sorry, the first image is out of focus, but you get the idea].

24 HOURS! That's all it took to treat toenail fungus naturally!  I am sure if I just sat there and watched I would have seen it disappear.

I used this gorgeous oil [the one on the left], 1 drop directly on the toe nail, twice a day.  I made sure my toes were scrubbed clean.

I am going to continue with this regiment at least for a week to make sure that the little parasite does not come back, and will most likely keep using 1 [one] drop of oregano oil on my toenail at least once a week from now on.

WHY Does it Work
You can read about the antiviral benefits of oregano oil in this post and in this post.
Will it work for all kinds of toenail fungi?  I am not 100% sure, and I certainly cannot guarantee it, but I would guess it would.  It might take longer than 24 hours, depending on the severity of the problem.

If you have broken skin in/around the area you would like to treat, make sure NOT to drop any oregano oil on it.  If you do, it will burn, and you might temporarily experience what the flames of hell feel like.  I kid you not--it's not fun! Take my advice.

So, if you have fungal issues, try this method.  It does not cost much--I paid only $30 for the 2 oz bottle.  I am certain you can find one smaller. It will last you a long time and will come in handy during flu and cold seasons.


I don't know what hit me this year, but right around New Year I decided that being fit and slim is not enough and I have to get ripped abs.  Fortunately at the same time I started to teach fitness classes 10 hours a week.  And, being the overachiever that I am, I do everything my students do and then some.  I also spend at least an hour or so at home putting my routines together, so by the end of the week I total 11+ hours of physical [as in athletic] activity. 

Needless to say my food intake had gone WAY up.  I feel that I am hungry every few minutes.  The blessing of a whole, plant based diet comes in handy--I eat a lot of nutrient dense foods with low calorie count.  I have to be honest, though, the calorie count does not bother me at all.  In fact, I NEVER count calories.  My motto is: 

Calories are to be eaten, not counted!

Green smoothies have been amazing as pre- and post-workout food.  They have enough protein and carbs to keep me going 2-3 hours at  a time.  They are perfect for post-workout recovery, because nutrients are absorbed quickly and assimilate easily. 

For the remainder of the day I much on anything comes my way: fruit, salads, whole wheat sandwiches, 
soups, etc.  Last night I made quinoa [my new favorite grain] and amaranth [I am still trying to figure that one out]. 

Today my breakfast was a mixture of both grains, with grapes and almond milk, drizzled with raw honey and a shake of Himalayan salt.  It is now among my new favorite breakfast items!

So, crazy as I am, I have been keeping a photo-journal of my ab-session [as in ab obsession ;)].  Would you like to see my progress? [to see larger image, click on it]

I can't believe the transformation in less than 2 months! [AND I can't believe I am showing my mid section to the world either :)...]

So, apparently what I am doing is working.  A couple more months and my abs should be ripped :).  I am planning to give the workout system everyone raves about, P90X, a shot.  I will let you know how that goes.  I am sure that when added to my weekly routine it will get me to my goal much faster. I am also gearing up to start offering Boot Camp at the gym where I teach, so watch out world!  The ab-crazed vegan is on the loose!

PS: If you are looking for a great book on Sports Nutrition, you should definitely read Brendan Brazier's THRIVE DIET book.  I am reading it now and am still learning a lot, plus it keeps me motivated.

Crazy Days: Update on my Life

Developing my new blog is taking SOOO much of my time lately--I feel that I've been chained to the desk. 
My life temporarily revolves around e-mails, social-media, blogging and making connections.  And I thought it was supposed to be nothing but fun :(  My desk is overcrowded with notes, paper, sticky notes and more notes... I think I need more office furniture, namely filing cabinets to take care of my paperwork that is currently sitting in boxes... Oh, but who is complaining?!  Not me!  Life is still good on my side of the world.

I have been very busy being teaching 10 fitness classes a week and being obsessed with getting chiseled abs.  I don't know what came over me this year, but I decided that I want my abs to show through.  In the end, since I teach so much, my students get to be involuntary participants of my obsession.  BUT... I am seeing progress.  Check it out.  The abs are getting more toned. 
In December I already had abs showing nicely, especially obliques, but now my tummy has tightened and, in the right light, I see the pack trying to bring itself closer to the surface. YEAH! [I know, I know, even I can't believe that I am showing my stomach to the world either... What has blogging gotten me into?!]

Random Eatings
A few more random thoughts abut my latest culinary adventures.  On Valentine's day hubby asked for an upside-down apple cake, which he got.  I am still perfecting the recipe, but he was please with what he got: 
A few days ago I improvised with leftovers from vareniki [potato ravioli] and made pirozhki, although the dough was unleavened. I used very little oil to fry them [I am anti deep frying ;)].  They were DELICIOUS!
So, life is good! I am off to e-mail my blog designer and then get ready for my evening classes.  Tonight I am teaching Total Body Conditioning [we are working on our arms], and Flow Yoga. So, if you are in/around Lewis Center, OH and want your booty kicked, drop by Aspen Fitness for one [or both] of my classes.

Winner of the ULTIMATE Guide to the DANIEL FAST Giveaway

Drumroll please...


Yelena!  She said: 

Congratulations, Yelena.  Please e-mail me your address.  You have 48 hrs to respond, otherwise the prize will be redrawn and given to another person.

Let's talk about FAT! [Vegan Health and Living]--Part 2

Two days ago we started a conversation about FAT: what it is, whether it is good for us, etc.  Today we will continue talking about the topic to find out whether plant fat is the same as animal fat, and which one is better for our well-being. 

Plant Fat and Cholesterol

In the last several years Cholesterol has become a buzz word, especially with all drug ads running on TV, radio and printed media. People are now starting to read labels. Let me help you to save time:
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Did you know that There is NO cholesterol in PLANT foods?! 

Cholesterol is made in the liver. Animals produce cholesterol, humans do as well. We need the cholesterol that WE produce to live healthy lives. Even strict vegans will produce about 800-1500 milligrams of cholesterol a day internally.

If you follow the logic here, you will realize that since we produce our own cholesterol we don’t need to bring an outside [animal] source to help us with the process. Animals have a different DNA than we do, so their cholesterol is harmful to our bodies!

When we ingest dietary cholesterol from animal products we increase levels of cholesterol in our bodies, and with that the chances of heart disease, obesity, and high-cholesterol.

If you eat plants, even "fatty" plants, your body will not be invaded with foreign cholesterol and will make enough of its own, picking and choosing what it needs from the plants to produce needed amounts.

However, let me emphasize this again—this does not mean that you are going to run out and get a bottle of olive oil to have a bread-dipping party! When I talk about natural fats, I am referring to the ones that have not been altered and are consumed in their unaltered state. Need an example? Nuts, seeds, whole olives, whole coconuts, avocados etc. We do use occasional olive oil, hemp seed oil, coconut oil for salad dressings, sauteing and skincare, but we should not overindulge in any concentrated fat, no matter how GOOD they might be.

Will Plant Fat make me FAT?

Let me start with a disclaimer: if you’re overeating anything, with a possible exception of green juices or greens, you’re not going to feel too great, and you may retain weight. Whatever the origin of food is: plant, animal, raw or cooked, our bodies are not created to have an excess of it. Food is meant to be eaten to provide energy and sustenance to our bodies. It is our fuel, if you will. Just like a car, we should fill our "tank" only until it gets full; otherwise everything extra is going to be a waste. The only difference with this metaphor is that in our case, instead of spilling on the ground, extra "gas" will be settling on our waistline. So, let’s think of moderation when we talk about any food intake, including healthy plant fats. 

With that in mind, thinking that the fat in avocados or other plant-based sources will make you fat reveals a serious misunderstanding of what does and doesn’t contribute to weight gain.

Overeating and bad fats do contribute to weight issues, but since we are talking about moderate intake of healthy fats, we should look at more than the number of grams or calories of fat we consume. We need to look at the accumulation of waste and toxins in our bodies that results from poor, mainstream diets, and our inability to process what we eat efficiently.

When we consume poor diet that consists of highly acidic foods (animal and processed sources) we begin to store and accumulate waste matter. Even if we think we’re eliminating normally, we’re not! Chances are, we’re clogged up from years of eating bad, junk foods. Given, some of us eat better diets than others, in which instances there is less waste accumulation. However, most modern day people, especially those living in "developed" countries eat highly acidic diets, which create highly acidic bodies. With acidic bodies comes waste accumulation, and it comes with consequences: gastrointestinal disorders like IBS and excessive bloating, low energy, and weight retention, in spite of exercise and efforts to eat well. There are other severe side-effects that might be experienced: chronic colds and flu, yeast infections, acne, eczema and psoriasis, fatigue, depression, migraines, etc.

To break the cycle of waste accumulation and weight retention we need to create alkaline environment in our bodies, which is achieved through a plant based, easy to digest diet. This includes: greens, vegetables, vegetable juices, avocados, nuts, legumes and other delicious foods. These foods do not only help to raise our bodies’ alkalinity, but, due to their high enzyme (in raw foods) and fiber content, also act like brooms and rough sponges, sweeping and scrubbing through our systems, removing the waste and toxins we’ve been storing. The effect of these foods, along with occasional regular colonic irrigation, if available, will help you end the weight retention and provide you with a renewed capacity to assimilate foods efficiently—fats included.

The key to a slim, supple body is not avoiding fats. It is avoiding dense, acidic foods! Avoiding healthy fats is not going to keep you slim if you’re still eating tons of grains, soy, and dairy. It’s wise to avoid animal fats, but along with that you also should avoid other offenders, especially in their processed and refined forms: soy, grains, fried foods. These all might contribute to acidity and weight retention.

The good news is that eating moderate amounts of healthy fats will not make you gain weight. If anything, avocados and young coconuts will help to alkalize your systems and keep you satiated, which can contribute to weight release. This is not a joke, I promise! I stay slim effortlessly, without counting calories or figuring out how many grams of fat are in my food.

In Conclusion

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Let’s recap everything to make sure that you walk away having learned a lesson.

1.Not all fats are bad
  • animal fats are acidic and need to be avoided
  • raw plant fats are essential for our health
2. Concentrated fats are not as good as unprocessed fats
  • olives or avocados are better than olive or avocado oil
3. Avocados are not evil!
  • in a properly structured diet it is hard to overeat on avocados and gain weight
  • avocados are rich of vitamins, minerals and nutrients and should not be feared
4. Cooked fats are dangerous
  • heated fats, especially when they rich a smoking point, release carcinogens
5. Plant fats will not make you fat!
  • when foods are eaten in their natural (original) state, you will be unlikely to overeat on them
  • however, if you eat a plant based diet that is highly processed you are likely to have weight and health problems
6. Don’t count calories, consider foods you eat
  • Ask yourself these questions: "Is this good fat or bad fat? Will it be easy to digest and eliminate or will it clog my insides?"
We don’t have to be slaves to mainstream mentality that l would shackle us to label reading and fearing avocados for their high fat content. We can enjoy fats in healthy quantities without suffering any ill effects. Fats in a properly structured alkaline diet will not hurt you but help you.

So, get up, go get yourself a couple of avocados and make a great guacamole!

Eat whole foods and live an UNPROCESSED enjoyable life!

What do you think about FAT now?

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Morning Stretching in Bed: Fun, Easy and Good for You

I know I am not the only one that had ever woken up feeling tired or even sore after a good workout from the day before.  Now that I am teaching/working out 10+ hours a week it's pretty much a regular occurrence, except on my days off.  There are times I feel I can barely get out of bed.  I am sure you felt that way too.  So, what do we do to avoid feeling icky like that?

I started bed morning stretches a few months ago and now love the way I feel by the time my feet hit the floor.  The exercises/stretches are easy, they make you feel great, and get blood going to make leaving you feeling refreshed, putting a smile on your face. 

I made a 3.5 min video to show you how I start my mornings.  Please watch it and let me know if you do your own bed stretches that I might benefit from.

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Let's talk about FAT! [Vegan Health and Living]--Part 1

A few weeks ago we learned all about Protein [vegan|healthy protein, that is]: where to get it, how much you need of it, and what it is. If you missed the articles you can catch up here: Part I and Part II

Today I want to start a two-part conversation about FAT.  Yup, you read it right: F-A-T!

There is so much controversy about the topic that I thought it would only be appropriate to shed some light on it.

I would love to help you dis-spell some of the misinformation that has been fed to out, or to simply help you figure out what role fat plays in our life.

So, is all Fat created equal?
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Before I begin I would like to make a deal with you—let’s agree to forget, at least for the next few minutes, while you are reading this post, everything you have been told about fat. EVERYTHING! Is that a deal?

Let’s lock up all the talk you heard about poly- and mono- saturated fats, Omega-3 and -6 marketing hype, etc.

Let’s start from the beginning.

Not all fats are created equal. There are good and bad fats. Primarily we should be thinking not about the quantity, but rather quality of fats.

Is Fat important?

The reason we like fats, whether we admit it or not, is because they are pleasant to taste. Their molecules are round and feel great in our mouths.

Our body has to have a certain percentage of fat in it to function properly. For males 12-16% body fat is considered normal, for females—18-24%.

Here is a quick chart for those of you who are visual:
Now, don’t stop reading and try to figure out how much fat you have—you will get to that some other time. Remember that this we want to learn is about health first! Weight loss is a benefit of the entire process. It is bound to happen if you have a balanced diet.

As you can see from the figures above the perpetuated image of all French women having 0% body fat is actually not a good one. Our bodies need fat for many reasons.

Healthy fats are necessary for proper brain function. Roughly 50-60% of the brain’s overall weight is pure fat; the rest of it is a mix of protein and carbohydrates. The brain uses fat as insulation for its billions of nerve cells. The better insulated a cell, the faster it sends messages and the speedier your thinking becomes. Good fats are necessary for the brain. Walnuts, flax seeds, hemp seeds and dark, leafy greens will help the brain to run smoothly.

Women, especially those hoping to achieve pregnancy, have to maintain their body fat at the level of at least 10%. Becoming too thin, which seems to be a problem with models and young girls they inspire, causes cessation of menses, and leads not only to infertility but to a host of other problems. Lack of menstruation disrupts hormonal production in females. Hormone imbalance can lead to sever disorders of pituitary gland, adrenal glands and thyroid. These, often neglected, small members of our body are of primary importance and cannot be neglected.

Not all Fats are created equal
There are horrible fats that cause problems by clogging our arteries and increasing our blood pressure, as well as raking havoc in many other ways. These kinds of fats are found in processed and animal products.

Then there are fats that are good for us (yes, they do exist!): Omega-3 -6 and -9 fatty acids (found in flax and hemp seeds), and polyunsaturated fats (e.g., walnuts). They contain antioxidants, oils that help joints, nerves, and bones, properties that help to lower the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol, and proven effects on lowering high blood pressure.
Avocado sandwich=source of good fats

Fats also help us to feel satiated. They are of paramount importance in digesting fat-soluble vitamins (A,K, D and E), and they promote brain function. These fats—provided we eat them in reasonable quantities—are not only beneficial, but vital to our diets.

I hope this makes you feel better already. Now, don’t run out and get a jug of olive oil and have a bread-dipping party! Healthy fats are those fats that are found in nature in an unprocessed form. Vegetable and seed oils, no matter how wonderful they are said to be, be they cold-pressed or not, do not naturally occur in nature. It takes a lot of olives to make an ounce of olive oil; it takes even more sesame seeds to make sesame oil. Oils are processed foods. Oils, even of the highest quality, should be used moderately and sparingly.

Healthy fats can be found in their natural state in many foods: nuts, seeds, avocados and coconuts. It would be very hard to get fat from these “fatty” foods. Remember that when we consume foods in their natural state they come with fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc., which make it very hard to “overdose” on fats they contain. I know that I cannot have more than a handful or two of soaked nuts at a time—they fill me very quickly. Avocados? I normally can master one, maximum twoe in one meal, but then I don’t eat them on a daily basis, so I do not worry about the quantity.

Again: it’s not the fat that’s to be avoided, it’s the quality of fats you’re eating you should question. The question when you sit down to a meal shouldn’t be “how much fat is in this?” but rather “what kind of fat is this” and “how digestible is it?”

Difference between Cooked and Raw Fats
Raw fats enter the body with the lipase enzyme, which helps us to digest the fat itself intact and provide and easy digestion and assimilation. Cooked fats don’t contain lipase, which makes it tougher for us to assimilate them properly. Unassimilated fats are stored by the body and end up clogging our arteries, creating other problems and settling on our hips and thighs.

Cooked fats change their molecular structure and, if they reach a smoking point, become carcinogenic. Oil, at high heat, releases carcinogens, including acrolein, nitrosamines, hydrocarbons, and benzopyrene (one of the worst cancer-causing agents known). This is why some oils now list their “safe heating” temperature on the bottle.

I hope you got your healthy dose of Fat education for today!

In Part 2 we will talk about:
  • Plant Fat and Cholesterol
  • Will Plant Fat make me FAT?
And other helpful topics.

Avocado/Artichoke Sandwich Recipe
I got a dose of my daily healthy fat from an avocado sandwich last night. 
I baked fresh whole wheat bread [with oat grains and sunflower seeds; see previous image], sliced up raw/fresh ingredients and then indulged in a delicious meal with my hubby.

  • 1-2 slices whole wheat or gluten free bread [I normally make open faced sandwiches, whereas my hubby likes them closed, so he won't spill the ingredients all over his plate :)]
  • 1 ripe avocado [1/2 for each sandwich]
  • handful of mixed greens or your favorite lettuce
  • sliced cucumber [about 1/2 cup]
  • sliced red onion
  • pickled artichoke hearts [I used 4-5 for each sandwich]
  • sprinkle of salt
  • [optional] 1tbs veganaise [vegan mayo] (I prefer not to use it most of the times, as it is a processed food)
Enjoy!  And don't forget to enter THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE DANIEL FAST book giveaway

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HPV Vaccine

Comprehensive Guide to the HPV Vaccine

HPV or human papillomavirus is the prevalent form of sexually transmitted virus with nearly forty different forms present. Majority of the HPV infections are asymptomatic and subside without any treatment. However, HPV has been linked to be largely contributory to cervical cancer in women. But, HPV has been linked to numerous less prevalent cancer forms in both genders and also leads to warts in the genital region and upper respiratory tract.

HPV Vaccine – Why is it necessary to get inoculated?

HPV Vaccine is a routine inoculation suggested in case of girls of ages eleven and twelve years old, however physicians could administer to even nine year olds.

It is vital that girls get inoculated with the HPV vaccine prior to having their foremost sexual experience as they have not yet had exposure to the HPV virus. Among such group, the vaccine has hundred percent efficacy is preventing HPV occurring due to four HPV forms which the vaccine is intended to target.

HPV vaccine

But, in case a girl/woman has by then already contracted the HPV form, then the vaccine is rendered useless in preventing disease from that particular form.

Catch-Up Inoculation

The HPV vaccine is additionally advised for girls and women in the ages from thirteen to twenty-six years old that have not been administered the vaccine earlier.

HPV vaccine is administered in three dosage sequence:

First Dosage administered followed by the second dose being given two months following the foremost dose. The third dose is given six months following the foremost dosage.

Booster dosages are not suggested. HPV vaccine could be administered during the analogous instant that other vaccinations are given.

Why the HPV vaccine must not be given in some women/girls or must wait?

  • All those who have earlier experienced a life-menacing allergic reaction after contact with yeast, or to any other constituent in the HPV vaccine, or to a past HPV vaccine dosage must not get inoculated. It is crucial to notify the physician in case the individual getting inoculated has in the past experienced any form of acute allergic reactions.
  • Expectant mothers must also not get vaccinated. The vaccine seems to be safe for materno-foetal health; however there is dearth of studies to corroborate it. However, those pregnant women who have already been inoculated with the HPV vaccine need not deem it to be a valid reason enough to undergo an abortion. It is safe for breastfeeding women to get vaccinated.
  • Those individuals having mild illness could still take their HPV vaccine, however those individuals who are moderately to severely ill must wait till they have completely recovered.

Risks Associated With the HPV Vaccine

Although the HPV vaccine does not seem to lead to any grave side-effects, yet an inoculation alike any other medication could pose grave issues like acute allergic reactions.

Numerous mild-ranging issues could develop due to the HPV vaccine.

  • Pain felt at the jab location (nearly eight in ten people).
  • Reddishness or swelling in the jab spot (nearly one in four people).
  • Mild-ranging fever – one hundred degree Fahrenheit (nearly one in ten persons).
  • Itchiness at the jab location (nearly one in thirty people).
  • Moderate-ranging fever -102 degree Fahrenheit (nearly one in sixty-five persons).

Such signs generally last briefly and subside on their own.

Painful Breasts

Painful Breasts During Lactation – Prudent Guide to Natural Remedies

Painful breasts & nipples are among the highly pervasive lactation-related issues encountered. Many a breastfeeding mom would require assistance for this matter on at least one instant. Breast & nipple soreness could dampen or thwart breastfeeding, leading to decreased milk flow & interfering with maternal-infant bonding.

Poultice & Soak Tips for Painful Breasts

The superlative first-aid for treating painful breasts is compress, soak & poultice. Poultices consist of freshly picked or post-cooking herb forms that are topically applied over the breast. Compresses are made by steeping washcloths & applying it. Soaks are basically soaks in warm water.

Searing water single-handedly has favourable effects on breast tenderness, irrespective of the reason. The heated water helps in stimulating blood supply & relieves strain in breast tissue having tautness & swelling. Herb infusion in water tends to enhance the efficacy of soaks or compresses.

One needs to bear in mind that during applications of such topical cures frequency, consistency & succinctness of use proffers greater benefits as compared to intermittent, drawn-out therapies, i.e., 6-7 therapies of 5 minutes each spreading out throughout the day would have greater efficacy as compared to a single therapy that lasts for half an hour. In case infection exists then throw away any plants matter & all the substances in the poultices be washed following every usage to avert spreading infection.

The breasts must be soaked in a basin filled with tepid water, filling the basin, leaning over & immersing one’s chest breast-deep into it. The milk could be massaged out when one soaks for additionally relieving any engorged feeling & allaying pains.

Placing a fistful of freshly picked or desiccated parsley foliage into a diaper & tying it shut using rubber-bands and then put in a vessel full of water & simmering for ten to fifteen minutes. Applying the searing (freshly picked) parsley as poultices or using the arid herb yet bundled together into the diaper as compresses for easing swelling & pains in breasts.

Preparing freshly selected or dry comfrey foliage in the analogous manner alike parsley. Heated poultices or compresses made by using comfrey helps in soothing nipple soreness, softening tissue engorgement, allays pains due to swelling in breasts & aids in unblocking any milk duct or tube. Usually, it could be safely used in case of external application, however breastfeeding moms might be justifiably distrustful of using them due to concerns about it harming their baby’s liver.

A cooled poultice comprising of raw potatoes post-grating could help in mopping up heat due to inflamed condition, localizing infections & unblocks any clogging in milk ducts. Direct application of the potato grate is to be done on the breast & then a cleansed washcloth placed over it. Once dried, remove & replace it with freshly prepared batch of potato grate.

The root part of marshmallow is a potent soak which allays tenderness in tissue & nipple soreness, de-clogging ducts, strongly drawing out infections & diminishing pains arising from breast engorgement & inflammation. Duo oz. of dry marshmallow roots is to be steeped through the night in ½ gallon water after boiling it. The feel of the final concoction must be slithery & slime-like. Heating as per requirement and then pour the searing fluid inside a washbasin & then soaking your painful breasts in it.

Herb infusion oil varieties like ones prepared from blossoms of elder,
calendula or dandelion or optionally by using the root part of yellow dock could allay pains arising from sore breast & nipple areas. They could be procured readily in the market or try D.I.Y. recipe – In a gentle manner warming a fistful of desiccated or freshly collected flowers to be placed in olive oil just sufficient for covering them, keeping warmed for twenty minutes, straining, cooling it & then rubbing it on the breast & nipple areas when pains or sensitiveness arises.

Best Green Tea

Locating the Best Green Tea to Drink
Today probably the most popular beverages in America is fast-becoming green tea and for good factors. Green tea is known for its flavor as well as many benefits far and wide, including weight loss help, reducing most cancers dangers as well as adding anti-oxidants to your diet plan. It is something of a challenge to select the best green tea, especially if you tend to be a new comer to the actual green tea world. A few of the best green tea examples available on the market these days are found below. There are also some excellent methods to enhance the actual wonderful flavor via making.

Sencha green tea is one of the most widely used kinds of green tea. Being an introduction to the green tea family this is perhaps the actual best green tea since it is very economical and it has probably the most recognizable flavor of all green tea available.

Kabusecha is yet another choice and it regarded as among the best green teas today. This remains a popular along with clients throughout the world since it is obtained from the foremost and best harvest. It has a signature scent that’s a grassy aroma linked to the best green tea.

A Japoneses green tea choices Myou-Kou which is a green tea that is deep steamed. This tea includes a thicker, the much more bold taste when compared to lighter green tea and is regarded as the most unique and best green tea available.

Making Your Mug of Green Tea

How green tea is made is actually half the actual satisfaction every enthusiast associated with green tea will explain. In contrast to your normal oolong as well as dark teas it is unfermented therefore the brewing method is a little various for green tea.

When making the actual best green tea the one thing you need to remember is that the tea simply leaves need room to expand as well as add their own health advantages towards the drinking water that they’re implanted in. To the flavor from the resulting tea can be hindered by tea totes or tea golf balls. Permitting the tea simply leaves to sit losing in the water as well as high for a few moments is the best way to brew green tea after which is should be strained if preferred.

Dependent on flavor as well as choice is the best way to find the actual best green tea. Try a a few different types to see which is your favorite green tea.


Fasting with Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Detox

What is Fasting?

A fast is the act of reducing or eliminating all or certain foods from your diet. Many detox diets contain a fasting component where foods high in fats, chemicals and toxins are eliminated for a specified period of time. This fasting period of a detox diet serves the purpose reducing burden to the body and allowing the body’s natural detox organs time to recover. Generally, these fasts do not require complete abstinence from food and includes recipes for fruit and vegetable juices as a supplement to the fasting.

fasting for detox

Fasting is practiced not only by detox enthusiasts but also by numerous religions for its spiritual aspect. This is because in the early stages of a fast, the body burns off excess calories and you may feel healthier, more energized and have a clearer state of mind. It is also this reaction that lead many to think fasting is an excellent way to lose weight. As good as this may sound, it is not the case. The body burns excess stored fat when it consumes less calorie than it spends, so it is natural for weight loss to occur during the fast. However, a fast does not increase our metabolism so right after our fast ends, our body will absorb extra nutrients to make up for lost time. You can learn more about detoxand weight loss in our article How Detox Affects Weight Loss.

Does this mean there is no reason for fasting? The answer lies in the purpose of fasting during a detox. During the fast, the body burns stored body fat due to the reduced calorie consumption. It is also within these fat cells that toxins and unprocessed chemicals are stored. Therefore, it is during the fasting component of a detox that the body extracts and expels the built up toxins. This process of eliminating toxins and reducing future toxinsfrom entering our body is known as detox. By clearing our body of built up toxins, we are giving it a new start. In, this way, you can think of fasting as a spring cleaning for our body; although the direct benefits of the fast is a clean and healthy body, we still need to continue taking care of it after the fast or we will go right back to where we found it.

How Often and How Long You Should Fast

How often and how long you fast are generally dictated by your health status, age and purpose for fasting. Most detox programs calls for fasts in the following ranges. Please consult your health care provider for more details on fasting and what your specific physical limitations are.

  • Once a week for 1 day (24 Hours)
  • Once a month for 3 days
  • Four times a year for 1 week (experienced fasters only)

Who Should Not Fast

Fasting is highly not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers. Others individuals that should not fast or should only fast under strict monitoring by their primary health provider are: underweight, low immunity, poor heart health, low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, are in a pre- or postsurgery period, cancer patients, peptic ulcers or those with nutritional deficiencies. Remember, although fasting is important, it is possible to replace the fasting component of a detox with long-term healthy eating habits. You may also refer to our guide Who Should Detox for more on information on detox limitations.

Fruit Juice Fasting

vegetable and fruit juices for fasting

A general rule is that using fruit juices as a supplement for detoxfasting speeds up the cleaning reactions. This is especially useful if the purpose for the fast is a quick cleanse for yourdetox. The cons for using a fruit fast is that by speeding up the detoxing reactions, you are also releasing toxins at a quicker rate into your body. Therefore, we only recommend fruit juice fasting if you are already in moderate to good health. Below are some excellent fruits and their function for fasting.

Apple Juice – Good for constipation, cleansing the gall bladder and kidneys, reduces inflammation in the body, lowers cholesterol.

Cranberry Juice – Excellent for bladder infections, cleansing to the kidneys, controls diabetes by lowering blood sugar, some report that it is helpful for some cancers.

Grape Juice – Good for edema (swelling), detoxifying toxins from the body and blood, an overall blood cleanser, also helpful for cancer.

Papaya Juice – Great for digestive disorders, ulcers and heartburn; treats inflammation and may reduce back pain.

Lemon Juice – Fantastic overall body cleanser, purifies the blood, cleanses the digestive track of mucus, stimulates production of liver enzymes, supports the liver in its detoxifying functions, restores pH in the colon.

Watermelon – A natural diuretic and great blood cleanser; reduces inflammation and good for canker sores. Many nutritionists like to juice the rind as well.

Vegetable Fasting

Vegetable juices as a supplement for detox fasting slows down cleansing reactions. This is effective if your goal is a slow and long-term cleanse. You can juice your vegetables in a blender and adding water as needed. Below are some vegetables commonly used duringdetox fasts and their function.

Carrots – Carrots are, perhaps, the most valuable vegetable for juicing because of their healing properties. It is the usual base to which other juices are added. Although it has a high sugar content, the blend of ingredients in carrot juice cannot be excelled for balanced nutrition.

Celery – Celery is high in minerals and is a significant source for magnesium. It does not stand alone as a palatable juice for drinking, but it is an excellent flavor enhancer for other juices. Chopping the celery stalks into short pieces will help to prevent the long celery strings from clogging the juicer. Be sure to juice the leaves as well.

Cucumber – Cucumbers are an excellent addition to a mix of vegetables for juicing. They are high in potassium and contain other minerals as well.

Parsley – Parsley an excellent source of chlorophyll. Juice it with other vegetables in order to prevent clogging the juicer with the dense pulp that forms when it is juiced alone.

Spinach – Spinach juice is very mellowing to a strong flavored mix of vegetable juices. It is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Important Information for Your Fast

You don’t have to use just vegetable or fruit juice for fasting. In fact, it is usually beneficial to use a mix of vegetables and fruits for your fasting juice. You can refer to your specificdetox program for more information on what mix of fruits and vegetables are best for your specific needs.

One thing you will need during the fasting component of your detox is time to rest. Don’t plan a lot of activities for when you will be fasting. Doing otherwise is missing the point. The idea is to give your entire body time to catch up on its cleansing activities. If you’re running around, or under pressure, then you are creating extra stress and you are better off with a transitional diet that mixes healthy eating with reduced meals for the detox.

There are a lot of written articles and resources on fasting and fasting for a detox in particular. However, a fast is something you must experience for yourself as it is a different experience for everyone. We hope this article has provided you the resource to start a safe fast for your detox.

Juice Fasting to Lose Weight

Some Tips on Juice Fasting to Lose Weight
If you are planning on juice fasting to lose weight then reading this will benefit you. There are some things that you will need to be prepared for if you decide to go on a juice fasting diet, and the more that you know, the better your chances will be of succeeding. Follow along and write down some of these tips because I guarantee that they will help you out.

Give yourself a variety of different juices. If you are going to be using juice fasting to lose weight then it will be quite easy to get bored of using the same flavor. Give yourself some time before you set a date to start your fast, and write down and record some of your favorite flavors. Variety will make it much easier to stay on the diet, and therefore will improve your chances of success. If you are planning on making your own juices then browse and explore some recipes. There are so many different options that are available to you, so do yourself a favour and explore them all. After all, if you don't like a certain juice then it will be very hard to keep drinking it.

Before the date that you start juice fasting to lose weight, try to not overindulge on solids. Some people will cram foods into their mouths before they start their diets thinking that it will somehow hold off their cravings, but I can tell you that the opposite is actually true. Instead try to wean yourself off of solid foods. As the date approaches closer try to cut down on the amount of solid foods that you are consuming. This will help you to better adjust to your fasting lifestyle. So instead of going crazy as the date is getting closer, try to adjust your body and prepare it for the date. Positive thinking is your friend when you are starting a new diet and this is especially true when you are juice fasting to lose weight. A juice fasting diet can be a different lifestyle for you and it will be hard if it is the first time that you have tried it. Use positive thinking during the process, and before you have started the diet try imagining yourself doing it. The mind is a powerful tool in helping us to succeed and diets as we all know can be very hard to stick to.

Many everyday people have had success by juice fasting and it can help you too. The hardest thing about fasting to lose weight is getting used to not consuming solid foods.

Eat to Diet

When you are served with a seemingly delectable meal, what do you do? Would you immediately experience the food or do you stop and start counting the calories of each of the ingredients? Dissecting the food before devouring it can make you end up having no appetite for it, especially when you realize that its calorie content is more than you are allowed to have. This is such a pity; to have something you really want at your midst yet you cannot have it because you want to lose weight.

Then again, the situation should not be like that. There is a way that you can eat to diet in such a way that you will lose weight even when you have luscious dishes generously every meal time. This is not to pull your leg, this is a fact that many people tend to ignore because they cannot see the sense. How can eating make you lose weight? Well, it is not plainly eating but it is eating the right stuff that makes this possible.

What are the things that you should avoid when you eat to diet?

  1. Sugar - this translates to fat when the body turns on to insulin as a defense mechanism against starvation.
  2. Bad Carbs - bad carbs can turn to unwanted fats that accumulates in the body
  3. Bad Fats - just like carbs, bad fats are stored in the body and are not easily burnt. When you often have it, you will end up bulky
  4. Processed Foods - the chemical contents found in these foods make the liver function less efficiently. Thus, instead of having more time to burn fat, it will focus on filtering harmful substances.

When you refrain from the above and when you learn which the good stuffs are, you can stop counting calories and start enjoying generous servings of sumptuous, healthy meals all the time.

Atkins Bars

One of the most popular and successful diets on the market today is the Atkins Diet. Atkins Bars make the diet portable, offering "fast food" that fits the nutritional demands of the Atkins diet. The Atkins Bar helps people deal with lunch at work, and with mid-morning or mid-afternoon "snacks attacks". Some people, however, find themselves making simple mistakes that interfere with their weight loss efforts. Even when they stay on the diet, and think they're eating all the right foods, they stop losing weight. What could cause this?

Probably the most overlooked aid to dieting is not at all what you eat. It's what you drink. Or, rather, what you don't drink. You may not be drinking enough water. Every time you eat an Atkins bar, you should drink a glass of water. Drink a glass of water with every meal, too, and with each snack. You need 64 ounces of water every day. That's a half gallon of water! Your body needs this much fluid to maintain proper digestive function and absorb nutrients into the bloodstream. It needs water to build blood cells. The fact is, your body may be dehydrated, and the brain registers that as hunger. So, if you're dehydrated, you will not only be able to process and flush foods through your system, you'll be tempted to yield to cravings that defeat your diet.

Yes, you must eat. So many dieters don't eat regularly. There are many reasons for this: decision to cut back, don't enjoy eating on a diet, or just not hungry. But whatever the reason, it interferes with your diet success. Don't go more than 5 waking hours without eating. When you skip a meal, your body reads that as a starvation mode, and immediately shuts down the metabolism. By doing this, your body is saving all the fat cells you're trying so hard to get rid of. Your body thinks that, since you did not put food in it, there must be a shortage of food. So, eat small, regular meals. It will keep your blood sugar levels steady, as well, reducing cravings. The Atkins bars help with the need for small regular meals.

Actually, on the Atkins diet, the things you need to avoid are very quiet, subtle items. They are caffeine and aspartame. They are also sneaky, because you don't know how many places these two ingredients hide. They are in many drinks and foods that you would never drink or eat in order to get these ingredients. But, they can affect your blood sugar.

With aspartame, your body reads the chemical as a dose of sugar, and reacts accordingly. So, insulin levels are affected, therefore, affecting your metabolism. Caffeine has similar effects, and should be avoided.

You can follow the Atkins books and diet plans closely. But, if you don't drink enough water, eat regularly, and avoid caffeine and aspartame, you'll find your efforts thwarted. Remember, the Atkins bar and a glass of water may be your best friends in your dieting efforts.

Raw Foods

Raw Foods and Weight Loss
Why do diets fail? Why has every single diet you've been on before never given you the permanent results you longed for?

Because underneath every diet is a hidden fact. They are all the same.

Sure they may seem different on the surface, but when you dig deeper you'll see that they all revolve around the same kind of food.

They are basically recycled versions of each other.

So if you want to lose weight, where should you turn?

The key to experiencing fast and permanent weight loss is through changing the kind of food you eat. More specifically, lowering your consumption of cooked foods, and increasing your consumption of raw food.

And there is a specific reason for this.

Natural foods like raw vegetables and fruits contain active enzymes that improve your overall health and aid in weight loss.

It's the reason fresh food ripens and cooked food decays.

The cooking process of every foods will kill the active enzymes, a large amount of vital vitamins, and destroy the structure of protein. In essence you ruin many of the things in fresh food that are good for you.

These same properties make these naturally fat burning foods. Most people eat too many cooked, heavy foods so their thyroid and adrenal glands are blocked and slow down fat loss.

By eating more raw foods you'll see your fat loss exponentially increase the more you continue the diet.

Ideas on How to Add Raw Foods

Simply eating a fruit or raw vegetables before, after or during a meal is a good start. Also if you have a juicer or a blender, having a morning smoothie made from fresh fruits will kick start your day.

Skyrocket Your Energy

Don't think that fat loss is the only thing these foods can provide you. Because of the natural enzymes and the abundance of vitamins and minerals, you will start feeling a dramatic increase in energy. Suddenly you'll feel like you have more energy to do all your favorite things. Which in turn will help you get out and exercise.

No matter how you look at it, raw foods is a great means to lose weight. If you've tried everything to lose weight, and didn't succeed, this is your answer. Some people say they lost up to 10 pounds their first week by switching to raw foods. How much will you lose? To find a diet plan right for you, you need to see Atkins Diet blog site.