Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Smelly Feet.

Feet smell because of the bacteria that feeds on sweat. Here are some ways as how you can avoid this embarrasing problem......

1) Dry your feet completly after having your bath or washing them.

2) Use foot powder and antiperspirant sprays.

3) If you wear sneakers regularly, alternate between two pairs, to make them dry.

4) Wear cotton socks instead of synthetic socks. Cotton socks should be made from absorbent material.

5) To get rid of bad odour, rub you feet with turnip, raddish, or ginger juice.

6) Wash your feet with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. This will lesen foot odour. 

7) Soak your feet in tea water. It also helps getting rid of smelly feet.

Treating Colds and Flus Naturally

As I was picking up my dearest Mom, who is 80 yrs young, from a visit with her friend last night, she told me that she is getting sick… VERY sick.

She had a headache, her nose was running, she was sneezing—the whole shebang. She the proceeded to say: “I thought ‘I am going to ask Elena about those dark drops to help me.’”

What did she exactly mean? I bet you want to know by now…

I have a very purposeful tactic to staying well, especially during the “flu and cold” season.

First and foremost—clean, vegan diet, high in greens and raw foods. Secondly, I stock upon certain items, such as: ginger, garlic, wheatgrass, oregano oil, olive leaf and oregano oils mixture, and such.

If anyone in our family gets even close to showing any signs of getting sick—Elena’s to the rescue!

In the beginning [we moved to WA only 2 years ago] my Mom was very skeptical about my techniques. However, I was able to get her feeling well in a day a couple of times, as long as she followed my protocol. The times when she was being cranky and did not listen to me were the times she stayed sick a bit longer. However, it sounds like my Mom is starting to trust me and my vegan way a little more ;).

So, what is my regiment and what are the secret “dark drops”?

The dark drops are the oils of Olive leaf and Oregano mixed together. The mixture is VERY potent. I buy the highest quality of these drops available though our local [one and only] nutrition store—Country Village. Quality costs money, but it is money well spent. The oils can be bought separately, or there are brands that come mixed together. I buy the latter, and also keep an extra bottle of oregano oil on hand.

Here are some of the properties of the two oils:

Oregano essential oil has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and antiseptic properties. When I initially did my research on the oil a couple of years ago, one of my siblings had an infection and her doctor prescribed antibiotics to her. As we all well know that antibiotics, although sometimes helpful, can be very harmful in a long run as they damage friendly bacteria in our gut. Instead of going on an antibiotic my sister had requested my help. We did some looking around and found the oil of oregano as our solution. In the process, in addition to the qualities listed above, I also learned that it kills bacteria on contact! Woot! [If you ever had to take it you would know why :)].

Olive Leaf Oil is an antiseptic astringent that lowers fever and blood pressure, improves kidney function and has a calming effect. Olive leaf has antioxidant properties that help protect the body from the continuous activity of free radicals. Some recent research on the olive leaf has shown its antioxidants to be effective in treating some tumors and cancers such as liver, prostate, and breast cancer.

Quite powerful, aren’t they?! They are my two trustworthy helpers!

So, my standing protocol for treating colds and flus is as follows [by the way, I do not use these oils if someone has sore throat! EVER! If these oils get on an open wound you might get an idea of what flames of hell must feel like… literally!]:

• 10 drops of oregano OR oregano and olive leaf oil 3 times a day until condition improves, then reduce to 5 drops 3 times a day until well
        ~ you can use just the oregano oil
       ~ I take my oils in a spoonful of water/soup, trying to never lick the spoon or get oils directly on my tongue or my lips. Try NOT to breath/inhale when you are downing these drops—you would not want to get them in you wind-pipe [comes from experience!]
       ~ Follow up with some water or liquids to quickly wash the drops down
• No animal foods [for non-vegans] until your body heals
• Mostly raw food intake, nothing fried or with heavy oils
• No simple/processed sugars
• No processed foods
• Light, GREEN smoothies, with little fruit
• Wheatgrass drink with ginger root [I use http://www.bestorganicwheatgrass.com/ wheatgrass powder—2 pouches—mixed with 8 oz of water and about .5-1 inch of ginger root—blend in a high speed blender (I use Blendtec) to make a drink]
• Raw soups with garlic and onion
• Chamomile tea with fresh lemon juice and raw honey
• 1 tsp of high quality Vitamin C

It is quite expected that myself or my “patients” feel well either the same or the following day. Sometimes, if the virus is a bit stronger, or if the protocol is not followed closely, it might take an extra day to get to feeling better. The longest I had to fight a virus during the last season was 2.5-3 days, while most people around me struggled for weeks and days on end.

So, going back to last night. My Momma dearest actually asked me to doctor her! Yeah!!! I got her loaded up with the drops, ginger/wheatgrass drink, some boiled potatoes with garlic [she was hungry]. She, against my instructions, had some of her dairy treats and white bread. I also made her chamomile tea and sent her off to bed.

This morning she woke up—no sneezing or runny nose!!! I served her with another 10 drops of our miracle oils and a green smoothie [recipe below]. I insisted that she did not go to her usual water-exercise class. Her body needs to focus on healing—that is where the energy should be concentrated. I am expecting that she will be good as new by tonight.

Quick Recovery Green Smoothie
Makes 60 oz
• 5 cups water
• 8 oz lambsquarters
• 2 bananas
• 2 cups raspberries
• 6 dates
• 3 tbs maca powder
• 1.5 tsp Spirulina
• 2 tbs wheatgrass powder

Tell me, what do you do to stay well [naturally] to keep colds and flus away? [No, vaccinations do not count--if you've read this blog long enough you know how I feel about vaccinations! Only NATURAL remedies. ;)]

Vegan Macaroni and Cheese {SOY FREE, GLUTEN-FREE OPTION}

I recently started a new category here: Veganize It.  I take someone's non-vegan favorite dish and try to veganize it, in hopes of recreating my challenger's favorite tastes and memories.
Betsy was my first challenger.  Since she and part of her family quit dairy they had missed Mac & Cheese.  I tinkered around in my kitchen a couple of nights ago and made two different vegan, soy-free, Mac & Cheese recipes.  This one came the closest to what I remember that dish to be.  It is by no means the "real" deal, but it does make me think of it.  In the future I might adjust the recipe a little bit more, but for now, since I am hearing that there are at least 3 great kiddos [and other people] salivating while waiting for this recipe, here it is.

Vegan Recipe: Macaroni and Cheese
Soy-Free! To make it Gluten Free use Gluten Free Noodles!!!
  • 2 cups almond milk*
  • 3/4 cup nutritional yeast [if you are new to nutritional yeas you might want to try 1/2 c less to start]
  • 3 tablespoons corn or potato starch [I used corn starch]
  • 3 tbs lemon juice, fresh
  • 2 tsp sea or Himalayan salt [or to taste]
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic
  • 1/4 yellow onion
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tbs dry mustard
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • pepper to taste
  • 3 tbs tahini paste
  • any other seasoning you might like
  • 16 oz of your favorite vegan pasta [I prefer whole grain]
  • Prepare pasta according to instructions and set aside
  • While pasta is cooking blend remaining ingredients in a blender [I used my trustworthy total-Blendtec!]
  • Strain pasta and transfer back to the pot, pour sauce over it and keep cooking on medium-low-medium heat
  • Stir constantly while sauce is thickening
  • If you desire more flavor add more mustard and onion/garlic powder and/or turmeric
  • Serve hot--I sauted 1 chopped onion in 2 tbs of olive oil and mixed into the pasta
*To make almond milk [yes, I do make my own], take
  • 1 cup pre-soaked almonds [they can be dehydrated, if still wet, make sure to rinse off soaking water]
  • 3 cups water
  • Blend in a blender for 1-2 minutes until almonds are broken and milky consistency is achieved
  • Strain milk through milk bag or wine bag [I got mine for $1 at Michael's craft store!]
  • If you don't use all of the milk, flavor remaining milk with a pinch of salt and a tad of raw honey
The dish can be made creamier by adding Earth Balance butter. However, I do prefer to exclude concentrated fats as much as possible--we don't need them.
Serve with a huge GREEN salad!

You can use almond pulp to make various dishes, such as raw cookies, which I am not going to cover now.

PS: My hubby tried Mac and Cheese... and liked it! Even asked for seconds. So, it looks like you are safe to make and eat it :) [Mac and Cheese used to be one of his favorite dishes :)]

STAMP: Demetrye Approved :)

PS2: The dish actually tasted pretty good when I tried it the day after making it [I had to give my tastebuds a chance to rest overnight ;)].

Next Veganize-It recipe-Lemon Bars [Melanie's challenge].

Winner[s] of Best Organic Wheatgrass Powder Announced!

Good morning, luvs!

I hope your day is bright and shiny and filled with amazing healthful foods and loving people.

It is time to announce the winner of the Best Organic Wheatgrass drawing giveaway!

[Remember, I did tell you that there is a surprise and EVERYONE who entered this drawing will walk away having won something? To find out what I meant, stick through the whole post—the announcement will be toward the end of this post.]

I can tell you that the decision of who should get this amazing gift was not easy to make. There were many entries that touched my heart. So many that I did not want to make that decision myself. I had to recruit the help of my husband AND my sister to help me.

After reading EVERY single entry and deliberating we reached the decision that the recipient of the Best Organic Wheatgrass powder should be… Shannon M!

Shannon wrote:

“I would really like to win this product because I am a desperate woman!! I need to make major changes in my health, but feel overwhelmed and under motivated. Believe me, if this helped kick start my journey into health; I could be the poster child for turning your health around. Additionally, I would like to have my eldest son (9 years old) take this with me, as he needs some serious detox after having 3 open heart surgeries and more medications that I can list. When we came home from his last 2 open heart surgeries, for the following week when I would go into his room in the morning to get him up, I would panic because his room stunk so bad - I thought it was the smell of death. But God has other plans for him and he's pulled through, but the horrible smell, I believe, was his body sweating out toxins from the hospital. Who knows how many more nasties are still in there! He's so adventurous at trying his mommy's various concoctions :) Please, please, pick us!”

Shannon, e-mail me with your complete mailing address and kind folks at Best Organic Wheatgrass will send you your prize!

Now, don’t click off yet, my assistant judges and I also determined that to make sure wheatgrass is not the only thing you start doing to help yourself and your son, and to get you motivated toward better health, AND to make you the “poster child” for turning one’s health around [that’s what you wanted, right?] I am also giving you 1-month access to Back to Eden Vegan Forum!!!

Our community will help you get started and keep you motivated, as long as you are willing. Head on over to Back to Eden, click on Sign Up and complete your information. Once that is done you will be approved to become a member of our community [B2E]!

[Shannon, you have 2 days to respond. If I do not hear from you by tomorrow night the prize will be given to someone else.]

For the rest of you lovely people, who entered this drawing, you all also are winners! Head on over to this page http://www.bestorganicwheatgrass.com//, fill out your information and you will receive 7 day supply of Best Organic Wheatgrass Powder! Enjoy it and let me know how you liked it! [you can do that by coming back and leaving a comment under this post].

But… hold on also, I don’t want to leave the rest of you out either. EVERYONE who entered the drawing get 1-week free membership to Back to Eden! All you have to do is head on over to Back to Eden and sign up! You then will be approved for membership and will have one [1] week to enjoy information we have in the B2E community! 

[If you are not sure what Back to Eden is, read HERE.]

I hope you all will have an amazing green day! I hope that “your healing shall spring forth speedily” and “the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.” [Is. 58:8]

Make an Almond Natural Cleanser At Home To Clean Your Skin Deeply.

The ingredients that you need are: 2 tsp. almond meal
5 fl. oz. water.

Mix the above ingredients in a bowl. If you have a blender you can blend it. After properly blending the mixture strain it through a satin cloth.

This will make the mixture more smooth and perfect to apply. Put in in a clean bottle and store it in a cool place.
Clean your face with this cleanser everyday, whenever you come back home and also before going to bed. This almond home made cleanser cleans the pores of the skin deeply and also gives a glowing effect to the skin.

Green Smoothie Vegan Recipes: Swampa-Palooza

Good morning, loves!
I am currently working on a wonderful topic for you. I will be teaching you one more way to help your body detox nasties out and off you. I hope you are as excited as I am!
Meanwhile here are a couple of Green Smoothie recipes to help you detox from inside out and to nourish your body at the same time.
Basil Special
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 full stems of basil [leaves and stems included]
  • 2 apples
  • 3-5 dates for sweetness
  • 4 oz spinach
[totally made up word, but it best describes this wondrous drink]
Makes 60+ oz
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 cups raspberries
  • 3 tbs raw honey for sweetness
  • 4-6 oz lambsquarters
  • 10 beet stems
Extra Oomph
  • 3 tbs raw cacao
  • 3 tbs dulse flakes
Extra-Extra Oomph
  • 2 tbs maca powder
  • 2 tbs wheatgrass powder
  • 1.5 tbs Spirulina
Base+Extra Oomph+Extra-Extra Oomph went into my personal 25 oz of Swampa-Palooza, while BASE+ Extra-Oomph was served to my family. It has now been over 3 hours since my breakfast and I am still very satisfied and full of raw energy.
What did you have this morning to give your body a little Extra Oomph?!
PS: don’t forget to enter the amazing BESTORGANICWHEATGRASS wheatgrass giveaway!
I had also started a new category on my blog VEGANIZE-IT and have already been charged to Veganize a couple of not-so-vegan recipes. Watch me do it!


Good morning loves!

In the last couple of weeks I had barely any time to spend in the kitchen. My meals are now simple [that is how I really like them] and very nutritious. However, I think I should try to get back in the kitchen and get things a-cooking!

I thought it would be fun to do something different, though. Many times I have people telling me how much they miss/would miss their FAVORITE non-vegan dishes or desserts, sometimes I feel like they are mourning the loss altogether :). My husband, for example, has a thing for desserts. When we became vegan I looked for ways to satisfy his cravings without compromising his health. I have become quite skilled at it through the last few years.
This is one of the VEGANIZE IT examples

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

As for me—I like things simple… However, if you are like my husband, and struggle with even the thought of not having your favorite meal in the vegan repertoire, today is your chance to test me and see if we can migrate your favorite meal with you into your new and improved diet. So, I am introducing a new category on this blog: VEGANIZE IT!

Here is how it will work: if you have a favorite dish that is non-vegan, but you REALLY like it and will MISS it a lot and REALLY would like to bring it over with you to the HEALTHY side of things... go ahead, give me the recipe [leave it as a comment on this post] and I will do my best to HEALTHY-fy and VEGANIZE it for you! When leaving the recipe tell me what you enjoy about it the most: taste, texture, seasoning, etc. Be VERY specific!

How does that sound? It can be any dish [save meat, of course]. Now, there is a possibility I won’t be able to accomplish the task, and I will be honest with you about it. But there is also a possibility we can make something fun and delicious out of this experiment.

Go ahead, CHALLENGE me!

PS: don’t forget to enter the amazing BESTORGANICWHEATGRASS wheatgrass giveaway!

Home Remedies To Make Your Dark Skin Look Fairer In Just Few Easy Steps.

Dark skin has higher quantity of skin pigment melanin, as compared to a fair skin. Due to this increased quantity of melanin it can cause the skin to look blemished and patchy. There are strategies for balancing out an uneven skin tone and to help fade dark patches of skin, which are mentioned below:

Make a paste of 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice and ½ tsp of almond oil and apply this on the face.

Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to make a paste, then gently rub the paste onto the dark patches. Rinse well with water.

Slice a potato and keep them over the face. This ligten the marks.

Soak 4 almonds overnight and grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning.

To reduce tan effectively take a little turmeric powder and add a few drops of lime juice. Apply this on the darkened area.

Grate a tomato and add 2-3 drops of lime to it. Apply this mixture on the face and keep it for 15 minutes. Repeat this two times a day.

Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water.

Dry some orange peels. Then, mix them to a bowl of curd. This would be beneficial in removing tan. Keep this for about 15 minutes and wash off with cold water.

Home Remedies For Treating Wart In Just Few Days.

A wart is a virus under the Human Papilloma Virus classification or HPVs. The virus that causes warts enters through a crack in the skin. Warts are usually skin colored and feel rough to the touch, but can be dark, flat or smooth.
Home made remedies for wart :
Apply undiluted tea tree oil with a cotton swan directly on the wart several times a day.

Rub the inside of a banana peel on your wart every night.

Add aloe vera to the wart or piece of cotton every few hours.

By leaving the cotton ball in place, change it daily, your wart will fall off in a few days or weeks.

One drop of Lemon oil applied directly to infected skin can help to eliminate most types of warts.

Warts sometimes disappear when rubbed with cut onions.
They are irritating to the skin and stimulate the circulation of the blood.

Take milky juice of fresh figs and apply on the warts several times a day for two weeks. It is effective in warts removal.

Mash the garlic and apply to the wart. Cover with a bandage. Remove it in 24 hours. A blister usually forms, and the wart should fall off in a week.

Take castor oil, rub or massage the area with your fingers. After doing this day and night for a number of weeks, your wart should disappear.

The white sap from milkweed is used to treat wart removal.

Marigold is another herb beneficial in the treatment of warts. The juice of the leaves, the sap from the stem of this plant can be applied beneficially over warts.

Apply the juice of cauliflower on the warts daily until it falls.

The oil extracted from the shell of the cashewnut is useful in warts as it is a strong irritant to the skin. It should be applied externally over the affected area.

Very Effective Home Remedies For Stretch Marks.

Punch a small hole on the Vitamin E capsule and rub on stretch marks. Give it a little time to absorb and start working on the affected area. Then wash or wipe off.
Applying Aloe Vera gel on the marks would initially lighten and finally, remove the marks from the body.

Ground coffee into a powder and just mix it with regular hand lotion. Rub this lotion into your skin for about 1 minute twice a day, wiping off the coffee grounds with a moist warm hand

One of the simple and good home remedies for stretch marks is applying lavender oil on the marks thrice a day will fade up the marks soon.

Put half cup virgin olive oil, quarter cup aloe vera gel, the liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin e and liquid from 4 capsules of Vitamin A (avoid if pregnant) into a blender and store mixture in fridge.Apply it on stretch marks.

Include lots of green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, liver and dairy products in your diet.

Rub the affected area with apricot scrub. This is likely to remove the stretch marks gradually.

Mix one ounce of carrier oil like avocado, sweet almond, jojoba, with seven drops of lavender and five drops of chamomile. This will help in reducing stretch marks.

Facial Suitable For All Skin Types AHA Facial.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids, or AHAs, also known as fruit acids or vitamin C peels. These alpha hydroxyl peels are best for treatment of superficial wrinkles or age spots of the face, neck, upper chest, arms, etc. These are known for their anti-aging effects. As naturally occurring chemicals, the AHA based treatments can be included in the category of natural skin care products.These facials use creams formulated with AHAs, which help the skin look smoother and healthier. They are also recommended for people who have pigmented skin, and are prone to wrinkling easily. The creams containing flower extracts are used, which improve action of the capillaries, skin texture and tighten pores - inducing relaxation and calming the mind.

Obtained from sugar cane, Glycolic Acid is the most popular and commonly used form of Alpha Hydroxy Acid based natural skin care available.AHAs loosen the inter-cellular substances that hold the surface skin cells to each other, therefore allowing the dead skin to peel off. Shedding of the old, sun-damaged surface of the skin helps to encourage new growth of the cells in the skin underneath. This results in a fresher, healthier look to the skin with even color and texture.With high concentration and long-term use, AHAs may also affect the deeper layers of the skin helping the collagen and elastin to regenerate helping the fine lines of aging to disappear.
These treatments are even useful for uneven pigmentation problems, enlarged facial pores and the superficial acne scars of the face. With time and sun exposure there is a gradual but slow-down in the rate at which old cells leave the surface of the skin and are replaced by newer cells. This results in a surface layer of dead skin cells that are responsible for the appearance of aged skin. AHAs loosen the glue-like substances that hold the surface skin cells to each other, therefore allowing the dead skin to peel off. The skin underneath has a fresher, healthier look with a more even colour and texture.

Rejuvenate Your Skin By A Bio Lift Facial.

A Bio-ultimate facelift is safe and effective for the following purposes: to improve facial and neck muscle tone, lift jowls and eyebrows, rejuvenate the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce puffiness and even out skin tone, improve facial circulation, skin exfoliation, lymphatic drainage, product penetration, sun damage treatment, and cellulite.
Biolaser face-lift treatments are time effective. They are performed generally within one day, often under a few hours.
Patients are asked to fast for six hours before treatment. Before the laser beam is applied, the face is thoroughly washed. Again, depending on the treatment, the actual operation may last a few minutes to one to two hours.
Biolaser face-lift treatment is a technique that uses a laser to remove the upper layers of the epidermis on the face. is performed by a qualified cosmetic surgery specialist. This specialist will use a two pronged cotton bud tipped instrument to gently deliver electrical stimulation in the muscles of the face. Approximately twelve Bio-ultimate facelift treatments are recommended to achieve the desired results. After this series of treatments, a maintenance follow-up program is recommended to sustain the Bio-ultimate facelift benefits.biolaser face-lift treatment is a technique that uses a laser to remove the upper layers of the epidermis on the face. Typically the laser destroys the surface layers of skin so that the lower dermis or skin is exposed. The strength of the laser is then reduced to allow a heating technique that stimulates the collagen in the skin. Once the treatment is completed, the stimulated skin creates a softer, less wrinkled layer of epidermis.

Learn How To Do Your Own Facial.

A facial simply gives your skin a deeper cleansing than what we simply do during a regular bath.Facials are deep skin treatments that cleanse, rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin, apart from minimizing skin blemishes, acne, dry skin and, of course, wrinkles. Ugly blackheads and whiteheads are cleared by gently steaming the face.Facials vary depending on your skin type, the kind of treatment you've chosen, the products used and the person's age. However, it is advisable to start having facials in your late 20's.
Facials involve a cleansing procedure, a massage and steam, and the application of a facemask. The difference between a normal facial and a clean up is that the skin is massaged for a slightly longer period of time.It removes the dead, dull outer layer of cells that make up the skin's surface or epidermis along with pollutants. The massage, which is an important part of a facial, helps blood circulation.The face is steamed during a facial for two main reasons. Firstly, steam helps the skin absorb cream better. Secondly, it helps in softening blackheads and whiteheads so that they can be removed easily. The application of a facemask in the end helps tone and clarifies the skin. Facemasks are also used to treat dry and acne-ridden skin. And yes, dont forget to apply ice to close the pores which open due to steaming.

Do Your Own Clean Up At Your Home In Just Few Steps.

A clean up is different from a facial only because a facial massage is not given around the face, neck and back region which is an integral part of a facial.If you do not have time to do a full facial, yes just a clean up will help you keep face fresh and good looking.

The skin is first cleansed under steam.

Very gently scrub granules are massaged over the skin.

Make a paste of oatmeal, honey and cleansing milk.

Apply the paste all over the face and do massage in circular movements.

Then wipe it off.

Steam the face and close the pores by applying ice.

Finally apply pack of fuller's earth, kaolin and rose water.

These are recommended for all skin types and can be done on people under the age of 25.

Home Remedies To Remove The Yellowness Of Your Teeth In Just Few Minutes.

Dazzling white teeth are every body's obsession but teeth begin to get darker after a certain age. some of us have lost the whiteness of our teeth by drinking sodas, teas, smoking etc.Following are a few tips that help keep your teeth sparkling clean and prevent tooth decay.

Mix salt with finely powdered rind of lime. Use this as toothpowder frequently.

Brush your teeth with soft bristled toothbrush with a proper technique that is brush firmly and not forcefully.

Massage the gums and teeth with a mixture of turmeric powder, salt and mustard oil and massage the gums and teeth. This will prevent all tooth problems.

Take 1 tbsp of baking soda and half tbsp of lemon juice. Use this mixture as a tooth paste to brush.

Floss regularly to remove the plaque and food debris stuck between the teeth.

Chewing on cardamon seeds is said to cleanse and sweeten the breath.

Rub teeth with the inner white part of an orange peel for a lovely white shine.

Eating tomatoes strengthens the teeth.

Mash some ripe strawberries and make them into a paste. Rub this mixture onto your teeth.

To use as mouthwash take ¼ cup of vinegar, ½ cup wine, ½ cup honey, and 1 teaspoon of powdered cloves and boil them. This works as an effective mouthwash.

Chew on 1 or 2 cloves to get rid of bad breath.

Rubbing the bark of walnut tree will also help to remove loves for yellow teeteeth stains.

Carrot juice if taken daily prevents the diseases of the teeth and gums. The roots of the teeth get strengthened.

Fenugreek can be made into a tea that can keep breath fresh.

Home Remedies To Make Your Lips Dazzle By Using Some Easy To Do Steps.

Lips are the most sensitive part of our body and therefore require constant care. Loss of moisture in lip skin causes chapped lips. The loss of natural oils happens due to exposure to sun, cold dry winds or even repeated licking.Read on to know ways to take care of your lips.

Hydrate your body by drinking plenty of water. Drink atleast 8 glasses every day.

To reduce discoloration caused by smoking or caffeinated drinks the first step is to reduce the intake of such habits.
Mix honey and sugar in equal parts and just exfoliate then rinse or simply lick your lips. It works great.
Avoid the urge to lick your lips when they are dry as saliva acts only as a temporary moisturizing solution but causes more harm as it causes dryness.
Creamy lipsticks can act like balms and prevent your lips from chapping. Avoid using lipsticks that can dry out your lips.

Clarified butter is also a very good home remedy. Apply a little every night to soothe lips.

Take a fresh lemon and cut it in half, then rub the lemon in sugar. Apply the lemon with the sugar on it to your lips in a circular motion. After this rinse your lips, with ice cold water. The results are amazing.

Apply chapstick or lip balm to keep lips feeling soft.At night, before you sleep apply two layers of creme or petroleum jelly such as Vaseline. Gently massage a layer in rotating motions and then apply a thicker layer on top. The second layer will be absorbed during the night and will help increase moisture content.

Use a soft toothbrush to softly buff your lips to remove the deposit of dead cells that causes more drying and flaking.

Women should wear lipstick with sunscreen, to prevent pigmentation from Ultra Violet radiation.

Mix 2 teaspoon coconut oil, lemon juice, 3 drops of lemon oil and 1 teaspoon bee wax and warm. When melted, pour into a glass jar. Use this solution to moisturize your lips.

Products, which include ingredients such as cocoa butter or Shea butter and vitamin E, are good sources of moisture.

Use Home Made Cosmetics To Keep Your Skin Safe From Chemicals.

Honey and almond cream requires 2 ounces of honey, 4 ounces of lanolin, and 2 ounces of almond oil. Melt the honey in a double boiler. Add the lanolin and mix thoroughly. Remove from heat and let cool. When cooled, add the almond oil, stirring well. Add perfume if desired.

Mouthwash: 1\2 cup (60g) of fine sea salt ,1\2 cup (150g) of Bicarbonate of soda, 8 drops of peppermint essential oil (100% pure), 5 drops of lemon essential oil ,2 drops of Myrrh. In a bowl blend the sea salt and the soda. Add the essential oils slowly - one drop at the time - then mix to prevent clumping. The mouth wash is ready to use.

Oat and honey skin clear up: Mix three tablespoons of roughly ground oats with two tablespoons of honey. Apply to your face, avoiding eye area and rest for 20 minutes. Rinse well, tone and moisturize.
Beet Red Lip Gloss:1/4 c. beeswax, 1/4 c. castor oil, 2 T. sesame oil, beet juice. Melt beeswax, remove from heat and add oils, add as much beet juice as desired for color. Store in jar.

Cleanser: 1) Application of coconut water on the skin cleanses it and makes it fair.
2) Take a teaspoon of cucumber juice, a tsp of milk and 1/4 tsp of lime juice, mix it and apply on the face for 15 minutes. It will open all pores on the skin which is necessary for cleanliness. It is a homemade cleanser.

Wrinkle Cream: To make a homemade wrinkle cream you need 1 tablespoon of lanolin, 2 teaspoons of sweet almond oil, 2 teaspoons of water and 2 teaspoons of cod liver oil. In a double boiler, melt the lanolin with the almond oil. Add the water, then remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool. Add the cod liver oil. Apply gently to the face.

Orange Tooth Powder: 2 T. dried lemon or orange, 1/4 c. baking soda,2 t. salt
Grind rinds in food processor, adding other ingredients and processing until fine powder. Store in an airtight container in bathroom. To use, pour a little into hand and rub moistened toothbrush into it, then brush.

Eye Makeup Remover: 1 tbsp castor oil, 1 tbsp light olive oil, 2 tsp. Canola oil. Blend the ingredients together. Apply with tissue or cottonball to remove makeup around the eyes.
Lemon Toner: 1/2 c. lemon juice, 1 c. distilled water, 2/3 c. witch hazel. Combine all ingredients. Pour into a clean bottle or container. Shake well before using. Apply with a clean cotton ball.
Hand lotion:1 ounce of soft soap, 4 fluid ounces of glycerin, 15 fluid ounces of rubbing alcohol (alcohol content must be at least 70%) and 15 fluid ounces of distilled water. Mix the water with the rubbing alcohol. Add the soft soap until it dissolves. Add glycerin and stir.

Safety Measures Before Using Any Cosmetics.

Allergic reactions to many types of cosmetics may occur when the skin is repeatedly exposed to small amounts of allergy causing ingredients. There are several steps you can take to try and avoid cosmetic allergy reactions, including the following.
Be sure to clean your hands and face before applying any cosmetics.
Applying too much cosmetics to your skin and using several new products simultaneously can be one reason of cosmetic allergy

Read the list of ingredients on all cosmetic products. If you find an ingredient that has caused a reaction in the past, don't use that product.
Tightly close the cosmetic containers closed tightly and free of dust and dirt.
Discard products if the color changes or they develop an odor.
Test before you apply any cosmetics to your skin. Pour a drop on the inner wrist than wait at least 24 hours to see whether it has any harmful effect on your organism.
Do not use eye make-up if you have an eye infection.
Never share make-up.
If you want to test a product in the store, wipe the opening of the tester with alcohol.
Keep cosmetics away from heat and out of direct sunlight.
If the consistency of a product changes, do not add water, instead, throw it out.
Clean cosmetic brushes and applicators frequently.
Always keep a check on the expiry dates of the cosmetics you are using and throw the cosmetics that have expired.

Orange Is A Home Remedy For Skin Problems Such As Acne,Skin Pigmentation,Scars,Blemishes And Wrinkles.

Orange is a good source of vitamin C. Orange peel has become a popular home remedy for curing acne. When oranges are in season, dry orange peels in shade. Powder finely in a grinder and sift it to make it a very fine powder. Store in an air tight bottle for future use. Make a paste of this orange peel powder and water. Apply this paste on affected areas. Regular application of this paste will cure the problem of acne completely.

The mild bleaching property of orange juice helps to reduce skin pigmentation. Make a paste with yellow lentils, dried orange peels and milk. Apply it on the face till dry. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Blanch and grind a couple of almonds to a paste and mix in two tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon each of carrot and orange juice. Apply thickly on face and neck and leave on for half an hour. Removes scars and blemishes from the face and makes it soft and smooth.

Orange also contains anti aging ingredients. Apply a paste of 2 tbsp of orange juice, 1 tsp honey, and 4 tbsp oatmeal on the skin. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off.

Wheatgrass-Benefits, Product Review and Giveaway-CLOSED

Good morning, loves!  I know I have been MIA for a few days.  After celebrating our 7th Wedding Anniversary I have been busy preparing not only a video for this post but also photographing and processing a couple of photo sessions [if you have been following my blog long enough you know that is my other passion in life].  After long weekend now I have stolen away a few moments to prepare this amazing post, to help make your Monday. 

When I first started on the Vegan Path I can honestly tell you that I knew little to nothing about wheatgrass as food.  I was totally ignorant of the benefits this super plant has to offer too.  To me it was just that-grass!  

As the time passed I had learned that it was oh, so much more.  I had tested different ways to drink wheatgrass juice.  My favorite was by juicing it with Grannie Smith apple and adding Ginger to it.  Mmmm... mmmm... GOOD!  However, I personally did not and still do not have a proper wheatgrass juicer. 

Since I did not have a juicer and still wanted to partake of what this miracle plant had to offer I tried blending it in my Vita-Mix, straining it and drinking it that way.  For some reason, and it might be because I diluted it with water and did not add enough of other more pleasant tasting ingredients to it, I did not like the way I felt after drinking it.  I also found it problematic to keep my grass from developing mold, since I have about a million other things on my plate every day.  

So, what a girl to do?  I still wanted wheat grass in my diet!!!

Why?  Check out these facts about wheat grass.
Wheatgrass contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino-acids (used to build proteins) and large amounts of chlorophyll.

Wheat grass consists of 70% chlorophyll. Why is this fact so amazing?  Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice) and hemoglobin (red blood cells) are molecularly similar. The only actual difference is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron, so chlorophyll has been shown to build red blood cells quickly after ingestion.

The high chlorophyll content of wheatgrass also acts as a powerful detoxifier cleansing the liver, cells, tissues and blood.

Wheatgrass contains vitamin A, vitamin C, B complex vitamins, vitamins E and K. Wheatgrass also contains over 90 minerals found in soil including calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus and Cobalt.

Wheatgrass is a complete protein and provides the following AMINO ACIDS.
Abensic- anti cancer agent
Alanine- blood builder
Arginine- seminal fluid
Aspartic acid- energy
Glutamic acid- mental alertness
Glycine- energy
Histidine- hearing and nerve function
Isoleucine- growth in infants
Loucine- energy and nerve stimulation
Lysine- anti aging
Methionine- kidney and liver cleanser
Phenylaianine thyroid function
Proline- Glutamic acid absorption
Serine- brain stimulation
Threonine- digestion and assimilation
Tryptophane- skin and hair growth
Valine- brain/muscle coordination

Amino acids are the building blocks the body uses to make proteins. Protein found in meat, fish, eggs etc needs breaking down into amino acids before being built into protein [and by the way, animal protein cannot be fully digested by human bodies!]. Wheatgrass provides the body with the protein building blocks so there is no need to expend energy on breaking the proteins down into amino acids. 

Wheatgrass is great for balancing hormones! [Sign me up for that!!!] 

Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows & bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.)  And, people, if wheatgrass is good for a cow and helps her, it is good for me too [no joking here!].

Want MORE facts about wheatgrass? OK.
  • Wheatgrass juice keeps the hair from graying.
  • By taking wheatgrass juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance and health.
  • Wheatgrass juice improves digestion.
  • Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.
  • Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition.
  • Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing & detoxifying the colon walls.
  • Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping bowels open. It is high in magnesium.
  • Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed on the lungs from breathing gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.
  • Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure and enhances the capillaries.
  • Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body.
  • Wheatgrass is an amazing CANCER FIGHTER because of all of the above listed qualities. 
I hope that by now you are convinced that WHEATGRASS IS GOOD FOR US!

To solve my wheatgrass problems I went to the next best thing after being able to make fresh wheatgrass juice--buying and making a drink from raw organic wheatgrass powders.  I found a couple of different brands and settled on one that I found most affordable at http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/ [I get no kickbacks for mentioning them here-they are not even aware of my existence (sadly :( )].   The powder is fine, but a bit grainy for my taste to drink it by itself, so I add it to mys smoothies.  Yeah for ingenuity!

Recently, however, my view on wheatgrass powder has been altered... in a positive way.  A couple of nice people left a comment on my blog.  Before approving the comment, to make sure it was not spam I headed over to their site [Best Organic Wheatgrass], to make sure it was legit, and to see what they are talking about.  After reading up on the information I wrote them to ask a few questions.  As you know, I would never put a stamp of approval on a product without knowing first hand that it is indeed good for my readers.  So, after a couple of e-mails Ken sent me a sample of their wheatgrass powder.  I was determined to go through the whole container and see how I feel consuming it before considering doing a review.  The product is called Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass.

I finally finished my sample last week and... well, I LOVED IT!  I am sad, however, that  ran out of it :(

It comes in a box in small packets that can be easily taken ANYWHERE with you.  All you have to have is a glass of water to dissolve it in and you have your wheatgrass for the day!  They offer two different flavors/combos: plain, with just wheatgrass and wheatgrass with honey. 

I also watched a video that was sent to me and checked out their fact.  I saw their organic certification {I am a stickler for ORGANIC!}

Here is the cool part about their wheatgrass: they use not only the green part of the plant but also the ROOT that has many additional vitamins and nutrients.  That's a bonus in my book!
The grass, after being grown for just the right number of days is harvested and freeze dried, which helps it keep more nutrients and insures that it stays RAW.  It is then ground to fine consistency... so fine, in fact, that when you dissolve it in water, you barely taste any grains at all [if any].  I found it easy, once again, not having to add my wheatgrass powder to smoothies, if I did not want to but simply dissolve it in a glass of water and drink it in the morning and before going to bed. 

But, you don't have to take my word for it... I recruited the finest tester of any product I know--my husband--to taste this wheatgrass powder.  Watch to see what he thought of it.
[If you are subscribing to this blog via e-mail and are not able to view the video, please click on this link.]

I personally enjoyed how I felt during the days I was drinking extra pleasant wheatgrass drinks.   Extra energy!

So, you are thinking: "Wonderful to know that you enjoyed it, but so what?!"  Am I right?  Don't despair--I have a treat for you!  Ken and Barb offered to give the two wheatgrass boxes [one is plain wheatgrass and the other one made with honey] to one lucky winner!  The two boxes combined are worth $60!!!

So, I am sure that now you want to know what you must do to be entered into the drawing.  It very simple, actually.

[You have to reside in the US to qualify!]

Please be kind and use at least your first name, so when I announce the winner I can sound nice too :)

1. Leave a comment under this post and tell me why you should win this product and how it would make a difference for you [if you think it will].  Be as creative as you want to be with your story--I read all of them.   This time around I WILL NOT be using a random number picker, so take your time and write something meaningful.  I and my hubby will pick a winner!  [It is much harder than trusting mr. random, but I think it is a great way to do it!]

2. To increase your chances of winning [and yes, it impresses me!] sign up for my Newsletter and leave an additional comment.  You can subscribe by visiting this page, or, if you are on my blog, you can do it by filling out the form at the top of the blog, on the right hand side.

However, and I am kindly requesting this, please do not sign up only to unsubscribe a day or two after the drawing.  When I send out Newsletters and spend extra time on researching and writing about any specific topic and I do it only for the benefit of my readers.  It makes me VERY happy to know that the Newsletters actually get read :)

It is that simple!

If you would like to spread the love and make this post viral, feel free to post about it on Twitter, Facebook, or blog about it, or link to it from your blog.  You will get a huge THANK YOU from me. 

The drawing will be open all this week and will close on Sunday, April 25th, at 10 pm PST.  The winner will be announced on Monday, April 26th.

See you at the winning line.

PS: Almost forgot to tell you, and this is a BIG surprise, don't lose heart if you don't win this amazing package... Ken and Barb have come up with a way to let EVERYONE who enters this giveaway feel like a winner.  That's all I am going to tell you.  You will have to come back NEXT MONDAY to find out what exactly I mean by that and how it is going to happen. :)

BestWheatGrass is also on Facebook, so if you are there, friend them up!