Stress Anxiety Treatment

Stress is a natural reaction to changes in your life both happy and sad. Going on an exciting first date or getting rejected both create stress. Stress is normal and can even motivate you, e.g., when you are stressed the week before a test and you study hard. However, too much stress can cause DISTRESS. Faced with too much stress over long periods of time, the body can become exhausted and you can become ill. Some illnesses associated with prolonged stress are high blood pressure, heart disease, migraines, allergies, etc.

Anxiety is a feeling of unease. Everybody experiences it when faced with a stressful situation, for example before an exam or an interview, or during a worrying time such as illness. It's normal to feel anxious when facing something difficult or dangerous, and mild anxiety can be a positive and useful experience. However, for one in 10 people in the UK, anxiety interferes with normal life. Excessive anxiety is often associated with other mental health problems, such as depression. Anxiety is only considered to be a mental health problem when it is prolonged, severe and is interfering with everyday activities.

Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder often involves psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Where necessary, one of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors will be introduced to improve symptoms including avoidance behaviour where people try not to remind themselves of the event. It's also important to recognize that people who've developed posttraumatic stress disorder often have other types of problems, including substance abuse and other anxiety and mood disorders. When present, treatment of these so-called "comorbid" disorders can improve the outlook for people with posttraumatic stress disorder.

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