Delays and News

Good Day, Loves!

Just wanted to post a quick note and apologize for a delay in the long promised e-cookbook [first edition: Desserts].

I plan a lot of things, but life happens and sometimes encroaches on my perfect plans, as this is the case in this situation.  With weather semi-cooperating in Washington we are taking advantage of it and working hard to finish remodeling [among other big projects], which leaves very little time for cooking or creativity ;)  In the next 2-4 weeks all things will be finished, though, and life will be back to normal.  I will once again be spending time in the kitchen and working hard on releasing Dessert e-book, followed by Main Dish e-book.  Both Vegan.  Desserts will have raw and gluten free recipes AND will have a couple of my SECRET recipes, so it will be worth the wait ;)

Meanwhile, crazy me is working on another huge project!  I am starting my certification process to become a group fitness instructor :)!  Yes, you heard it right--a FITNESS instructor.  Today I will be taking my CPR certification class and will start studying for the certification exam with AFAA, which will take place in less than a month.  I can hardly believe this is happening but I am super excited. 

I am currently talking to a couple of gyms that are interested in bringing me on to teach Power Yoga/Pilates class.  Once the selection is final I will let you know WHERE and WHEN you can find me.

As for now, here are a couple of my favorite workout videos.

Mandy Ingber's Yogalosophy Workout DVDYogalosophy [be ready to walk funny for the first few days after your first workout, because it will WORK YOU!]

Kristin McGee Power YogaKristin McGee Power Yoga DVD is another favorite of mine.  Almost no fluff [I am no fluff kind of girl ;)] and works every muscle in your body.

Yet, on another note, my hubby and I will be in Columbus OH area next month and I will offer a plant-based [vegan] cooking class there.  If you are in the area [Columbus, Westerville, Worthington, Bexley, Pickerington, Gahanna, Hilliard, Canal Winchester, OH or surrounding areas] and are interested in coming out to the class, let me know and I will send you all details.  I will also follow up with another post next week with the menu and everything you need to know to register. 

If you have friends/family in Columbus, OH area who would love to come to the class, send them my way :).  We will make delicious meals, talk nutrition, weight loss, and how to stay youthful and vibrant.


Today I enjoyed a delicious green smoothie.  Here is the recipe.

~3 cups water

~2 peaches [hopefully ripe]

~3 cups cantaloupe

~large handful of lambsquarters

~large handful of kale

~3 tbs dulse

~2 tbs maca powder

~3 tbs hemp seeds

~2 tbs cacao nibs

Until next time, loves, have a great, healthful life!