BOOK REVIEW: Healing Cancer from Inside Out

Not too long ago I posted a review of a video with the same title. I later found out that there is a companion book to go with it that contains not only research but a practical HOW-TO guide about what to do if you are fighting cancer naturally. As you can imagine I had to get it. Personally I would like to have multiple resources available if I am to help someone overcome an ailment or a disease. There is wisdom in a multitude of reliable sources. Proverbs 11:14 says: “…in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” No one has all the answers, although we all try to, so my goal is to collect the most comprehensive reliable information from TRUSTED multiple sources and make it available to anyone seeking help, so they can in turn make educated decisions. For that reason I devour information constantly. My education never stops. I found these statistics:

• 1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
• 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college.
• 80 percent of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.
• 70 percent of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
(Source: Jerold Jenkins,

Fortunately for me, and for those who ask for my advice, that has never been a problem. I read on average 1-2 books a month and follow multiple on-line writings of respected scientists, researchers and leaders in natural health movement. The decision making process for me on whether the information is valid, useful and reliable is based on several criteria:

1. Common sense (that’s a big one! If someone tells me that taking medication long-term is good for me, but then I read a host of side effects that the medication will/might cause, it certainly would violate this criteria and be discarded.
2. Long-term research and practice of presented opinions/findings. (Gardisil vaccine has not been properly researched or tested long or short term, so the side-effects, immediate or long-term, were not knowing before it was released and imposed on millions of young woman and girl. It violates common sense and is not backed up by research, but only but multi-billion Big Pharma companies.)
3. Credentials; although there are many instances, more than not, when this means little. Anyone can go to college and get a degree, but have only book knowledge.
4. History of success of stated practices and opinions. (If someone is going to give me a suggestion to do something that has no recorded proof, I will discard it).

I can go on with my list, but this post is about a book review, so I will stick to the task at hand.

Overall I was very impressed with the level of research put in the book. The writer and filmmaker, Mike Anderson, used to be a corporate executive who designed software, held jobs in the solar energy industry as well as an executive position in a non-profit school serving autistic and emotionally disturbed children and young adults. After getting tired of his career he retired and, through reading, came across information connecting diet and diseases. After researching the topic for over a year he came out with his first documentary: Eating, and the rest is history…

Mike Anderson did his homework and I agree with over 90% of what he had to say in the book. I know that my opinion might not matter in the larger scheme of things, but I have been researching and studying the subject for over 3 years now. In the first year alone I had learned enough to reverse Demetrye’s chest pains, lower his (and, I am certain, mine) cholesterol, lose weight without dieting, and get rid of multiple other problems. So, I think that I am somewhat qualified to make a judgment.

What I did not agree with were following topics:
1. Mike thinks that microwaving food is not as bad as some make it out to be. I have to fully disagree. Enzymes die once fresh foods have been heated over 117-118 F. Microwave zaps them at 1400+ F. Use your imagination on what happens at those levels of heat, and… radiation. Mike argues that we are exposed to radiation through the use of cell phones, computers and other technology, which I agree with, but it does not mean that eating radiated foods that goes into our bodies is OK.
2. Mike states that at least 50% of our diet should be raw. I agree that in an average person’s diet it might be OK. However, for someone who is battling a terminal case of cancer, the intake of raw foods should be increased to maximum, until the disease has been terminated, and then, if they cannot remain on all raw diet, reintroduce cooked foods at a very slow rate, and try to maintain at least 60/40 of raw to cooked food ratio. Although I believe that 80/20 ratio is optimal and desirable for most of us.
3. There were a couple of more minor points, but my best advice is that if you get this book, follow Mike’s most conservative, not liberal advice and you should truly succeed.

Mike, after reasoning on some of the topics I disagree with him, mostly did state that for maximum benefits people should stick to more conservative guidelines. For that reason, I can fully recommend this book to be used as a guide in a fight against not only cancer, but all other degenerative diseases. The book comes with a sizable section dedicated to recipes, so you truly get two things for the price of one.

If you are interested or intrigued, click on this link to get yourself a copy of the book, or get a great deal by ordering the book/video combo, as I did.

DISCOLOSURE: I believed in the value offered in Mike Anderson’s book and video so much that I signed up as his partner, and placed a link on my blog to his site, where you can order a copy of the book and/or video for yourself and your loved ones. I would, however, have stilled posted a review and a recommendation with a link on this blog, even if this program was not offered, because valid and useful information that could help save a life is the greatest reward I could get.

Until next time: EAT HEALTHY!!! LIVE HAPPY!!! And LIVE LONG!!!