Simple And Easy To Do Home Remedies For Hair Care.

First of all, I would apologize my visitors for not posting anything new from the past few days. I was actually on a long vacaion, but now I am back and assure you will get to know something new everyday. So lets start with our todays post, which deals with your hairs.In todays busy world our schedules are so hectic that we hardly can spare any time on our hairs. But today I will discuss some very easy and very simple ways and tips to take care of your hair. You dont need to shed lots of money as you all know, I always suggest home remedies rather than any chemical and expensive treatment.

1) The very easy and effective one is applying egg yolk to your scalp and hairs half an hour prior to your head wash. You can also add some honey to it. Egg yolk and honey gives a natural shine to your hairs and at the same time also reduces hair fall as egg yolk provides direct protein to hairs.

2) Same as egg yolk, apply curd half an hour prior to your head wash. It also reduces hair fall and gives a natural shine to the hair.
3) If you are tired of dandruff, then take some coconut oil and add few camphor tablets to it. Dissolve it completly and then apply the oil to your scalp and massage it well. Leave it for a night and wash it off the next morning.
4) Apply carrot juice to hairs. Wash it off after 15 minutes and feel the difference.
5) You can also apply a paste of banana and honey for half an hour. It also adds shine and nourishes your hair.
6) If you go to gym regularly, you have to clean your scalp well after your workout. This is one thing most of the people ignore.
7) Take a balanced diet and sleep for atleast 7 to 8 hours, which is very necessary.

I would also like to share my own experience. Few months back I was also suffering from severe hair loss. Then I used a homeopathic hair oil which is made of Arnica, Jaborandi and Calendula. I applied it twice a week at night and washed it off the other morning applying egg yolk half an half prior as mentioned above. It really helped and now my hairs are back to the same volume.

If you have any querries regarding skin care, hair care or your whole body care, feel free to contact me. If you want me to discuss about any other home remedy please write to me. I would be glad to help you out.