Workout Green Smoothie and Mr. Eggplant Head

Good Afternoon, Loves!  Hope you are having a FABULOUS day!  I can tell you that I am!  Hubby is off today, so we did 50 mins power yoga, then downed a green smoothie and headed off to the gym for some more beating workout :)  

My workout: 
Power Yoga--50 mins
Elliptical--1.1 mile
Back, abs, triceps and biceps--40 mins
Treadmill--1 mile

Food Intake:
An apple before yoga
Green Smoothie before gym
Lots of water
Green Smoothie after gym
Couple of slices of vegan pizza

Workout Green Smoothie Recipe
3-4 servings
I use all ORGANIC ingredients and filtered water
  • 2-3 cups water
  • 4 leaves colored greens
  • large handful parsley [I used curly parsley]
  • 1/2 tbs blue green algae [I use HealthForce Nutritionals brand]
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 plums
  • 1 tbs raw cacao nibs

Blend in a high speed blender [VitaMix 5200 or Blendtec Total Blender] for best results. 


I have to share this little cutie with you--Mr. Eggplant Head: 
I was at a Farmer's Market last week and scored a few eggplants.  When I saw this one I had to get it.  It immediately made me think of a  very quirky guy with a french accent.  I had to get it!  So, a couple of days ago, before cooking it, I brought him to life first :)  Isn't he cute?  It is unfortunate, but Mr. Eggplant Head was cooked and tasted even better than he looked :)

In the next couple of days I will post a recipe for the Creamed Mushroom Polenta. 
For today, enjoy your life!

PS: If you are in the Columbus OH metropolitan area and are looking to learn how to cook for health, weight loss and well-being, make sure to register for the upcoming plant-based cooking class, held by yours truly :)