Morning Ritual For Weight Loss

Today I want to talk with you about the importance of having a morning ritual to start your day with. This is something I’ve been doing for a few months now and I am amazed at the way it has totally transformed my day. My goal, when I first started doing my morning ritual I was to improve my energy and focus throughout the day, to be able to get more things done and to be more productive. This has worked beyond my expectations.

On days in which I do my morning ritual, I find that I have more energy, focus, that I’m less hungry, and I just feel better. It has also helped me to drop some stubborn fat and to tone up nicely.

I truly believe that the way you begin your day affects the rest of your day as well. This is why I highly recommend that you take the time to create your own morning ritual and do it every day you can with as little excuses as possible.

Allow me to share with you my morning ritual. You don’t have to do exactly what I do, just make up your own thing and stick to it.

My Morning Ritual
When I get out of bed, the first thing I do are some stretches. I often find that my body is a bit tight when I wake up and I want to loosen it up a bit. I do a variety of stretches for my whole body, making sure that I really let out all the tightness that has set in during the night after lying in practically the same position for hours. My favorite stretch, which you can see modeled in the picture above, is the lower back stretch.

Stretching after I wake up immediately banishes the drowsy feeling I often wake up with. I’m ready to continue with my morning routine.

The next thing I do is hydrate myself. I drink one or two tall glasses of water. This is critical, my friend. Your body has not had any fluids for the entire night. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, trust me, your body is. Give your body some water as quickly as possible. Don’t settle for a sip. A glass or two is what I recommend.

After I’ve had my water, I do a little exercise. I love to do a short morning workout. I find that it boosts my energy and sets me up nicely for the rest of the day. This is actually a pretty good way to motivate yourself to lose weight as you won’t want to ruin the effect of your morning workout by eating bad stuff later in the day.

Because I live on the 1oth floor at this time, my own workout routine is to climb the ten flights of stairs to my level 2 – 4 times. I take the elevator down to the basement floor and climb up all the way. This is not so easy as climbing stairs challenges your body pretty nicely (especially your thighs), but it doesn’t take long and it doesn’t make you feel exhausted. You can get on with your day.

You can make up your own workout. It’s really up to you and what you like to do. I recommend dedicating at least 10 minutes to your morning workout to make it effective.

Once I finish my workout I have some breakfast. I make sure to include a good dose of protein and fiber in my breakfast as these are both excellent ways to curb your appetite for hours afterwards. Protein also helps you to boost your metabolism a bit (something that I learned from Jon Benson in the Every Other Day Diet and was later confirmed by Josh Bezoni’s 7 Day Belly Blast Diet).

A good breakfast is crucial for weight loss or maintenance and I find that when I eat well in the morning, I don’t crave food as much later on, I eat less calories throughout the day, and it just gets easier to tone up.